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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
観察力[かんさつりょく, kansatsuryoku] (n) powers of observation [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
He has sharp powers of observation.彼は観察力が鋭い。
She's a good photographer because she's so observant.彼女は観察力が鋭いので写真家として優れている。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Very impressive. Just one thing.[JP] するどい観察力だが ひとつだけ ... Furious 7 (2015)
Jane's just good at reading people, among other things.[JP] ジェーンには 鋭い観察力がある Nothing But Blue Skies (2014)
A useful device for people with no memory or powers of observation. Hey. You okay?[JP] 観察力の足りない人が 後で使うものだわ どうしたの? The Corpse at the Convention (2014)
The psychologist thinks that Sookie just reads our body language and is highly observant, that's all.[JP] 心理学者が スーキーは観察力が鋭くて 身振りで人の心がわかると The First Taste (2008)
As you so keenly observed.[JP] 鋭い観察力 Winter's Tale (2014)
Very astute.[JP] すごい観察力 Surf N Turf (2016)
Excellent observation, Mr. Bray.[JP] すばらしい観察力だわ Big in the Philippines (2014)
Observant.[JP] 観察力が鋭いわ Second Listen (2013)
He'd have to be observant to do that; brilliant.[JP] 観察力が鋭くなくちゃ無理よね すごいわ A Landmark Story (2013)
...by referencing studies showing that gut instincts are merely highly-developed observational powers.[JP] 正直なところ 観察力があるのかどうか 証明のしようがない The Nail in the Coffin (2014)
Oh, yes, Bernard, master of observation.[JP] さすが バーナード 凄い観察力 Dissonance Theory (2016)
Yeah, your "powers of observation" thing, whatever you call it.[JP] 観察力だか何だかで Diamonds Are Forever (2015)
You are becoming an observant young lady.[JP] 観察力が鋭くなりましたな The House of Black and White (2015)
Boxes which our accommodating, but unobservant, driver has since delivered.[JP] その上に落ちた そして 親切だが 観察力の鈍い運転手が Blood Is Thicker (2013)
- Thank you. You were very observant. - Observant?[JP] "さすが観察力が鋭いのね" "観察力?" A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
- You're observant.[JP] - 観察力が鋭い Beasts of Prey (2015)
It's not every day I come across a man, albeit one suffering from such grotesque deformity who is so clearly talented, observant, and resourceful and in possession of the most gifted pair of hands[JP] 私が君みたいな男に 出くわすのは毎日ではない。 グロテスクな奇形で 苦しんでるにもかかわらず... ...とても優秀で、観察力があり 臨機応変で... Victor Frankenstein (2015)
And yet your legendary powers of observation are screaming that I'm telling the truth right now.[JP] 私が今話してるのは 真実だと あなたの有名な観察力が 叫んでるはずよ The Woman (2013)
Well, not everyone is as observant as you and I.[JP] 誰もが君と僕ほど 観察力が鋭いわけじゃない Blood Is Thicker (2013)
Nice observational skills, Billy.[JP] なかなかの観察力だね ビリー His Last Vow (2014)
- You're very observant.[JP] - 観察力が鋭いのね The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
You're very observant, Mr. Jane.[JP] 実に観察力が鋭いね ジェーンさん Silver Wings of Time (2014)


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