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葡萄牙人[Pú táo yá rén, ㄆㄨˊ ㄊㄠˊ ㄧㄚˊ ㄖㄣˊ,    ] Portuguese (person) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- No Portuguese.[CN] 不,葡萄牙人 Womanlight (1979)
They told you he is Portuguese, like you?[CN] 他们说过他和你一样也是葡萄牙人 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
- if there's one thing I've learned from all my relationships with Jewish men, Puerto Rican men, aborigines you can't have secrets in a relationship.[CN] 我是说Zohan 我学到的最重要的一点... ...以我应付各种男人的经验 犹太人 葡萄牙人 澳洲土著... You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)
He doesn't think you speak for God.He thinks you speak for the Portuguese.[CN] 他不认为你替上帝发言,他认为你替葡萄牙人发言 The Mission (1986)
My father mimics the Portuguese.[CN] 說我爸爸模仿葡萄牙人說話 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
Portuguese?[CN] 葡萄牙人? Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown (2008)
My Lusitanian blood, no doubt...[CN] 毫无疑问,因为我有着葡萄牙人的血统 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
It's too reminiscent of Portugal.[CN] 葡萄牙人的做法 Burn! (1969)
Not what. Who. Portuguese.[CN] 不是"什么",是"谁" 葡萄牙人 The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
You guys are always... It's Carlos![CN] 是加鲁斯, 那个葡萄牙人, 不会吧, 你们一直都... Poltergay (2006)
I am not Portuguese. I am a friend.[CN] 我不是葡萄牙人 Burn! (1969)
"Ay-yay-yay..." I love Latin people. Any Portuguese people here tonight?[CN] "哎呀呀..." 我很喜欢拉丁人 这里有葡萄牙人吗? Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown (2008)
I'm tired of getting all these Portuguese guys.[CN] 我受够这些葡萄牙人 District B13 (2004)
Good job, guys. Strong work. Good job.[CN] 它由葡萄牙人始建于500年前 以防止海港遭海盗的袭击 The Amazing Race (2001)
And the Indians are once more free to be enslaved by the Spanish and Portuguese settlers.[CN] 印地安人再度被西班牙人和葡萄牙人所奴役 The Mission (1986)
For the Indians we are all foreigners, whether we are Portuguese, Brazilian, [CN] 对原住民来说,我们都是外国人 管他是葡萄牙人、巴西人 Amazon Forever (2004)
The owner is Portuguese.[CN] 老板是葡萄牙人 I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano (1999)
A place you later leave to get a diploma as an honest man in Portugal.[CN] 当我离开那里,护照上只会 写着"一个诚实的葡萄牙人" Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
The Portuguese are ruthless! Can't you see that?[CN] 这个葡萄牙人很残忍,难道你不明白吗? The Mission (1986)
MARIKO: No Portuguese ship would fire on us.[CN] 葡萄牙人的船 是不会打我们的 Shogun (1980)
You see English, Portuguese, Koreans[CN] *你能见到英国人 葡萄牙人 韩国人 To Each His Own Cinema (2007)
You're not Portuguese, man![CN] 你不是葡萄牙人,老兄 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
- Will you get some?[CN] 你是葡萄牙人 Womanlight (1979)
I assure you, Madame, in Portugal there is little conversation..[CN] 放心吧,夫人,在葡萄牙人们说 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
They buy them from the Portuguese, amongst others.[CN] 他们从葡萄牙人手中购买奴隶 The Mission (1986)
Why the Portuguese doesn't help us?[CN] 为什么葡萄牙人不来帮我们? Balibo (2009)
But permit me to question you, in return, whether all the Portuguese are as you say...[CN] 不过我还是想问问你 是不是所有葡萄牙人 都像你说的那样 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
The Portuguese are less his friends than he may think.[CN] 葡萄牙人是最热心的朋友 Shogun (1980)
The Spaniards were bad enough, but now the Portuguese say Columbus was born in Portugal.[CN] 西班牙人很坏的, 但是现在葡萄牙人 发言权哥伦布在葡萄牙出生。 Come Undone (2010)
Are they Portuguese?[CN] 葡萄牙人吗? Red Eagle (2011)
I get really mad when dad tells jokes on Portuguese and says: "Ô Manuel!"[CN] 每次爸爸講有關葡萄牙人的笑話 說到"麥紐怎樣怎樣"時我特別生氣 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
You Portuguese are all half-Jews.[CN] 你们葡萄牙人 实际上一半是犹太人 Alatriste (2006)
Portuguese![CN] 你们是葡萄牙人啊! Coursier (2010)
Portugal, that's Fatima, the apparitions, the Virgin, the shepherds.[CN] 葡萄牙人 你说的是法迪玛 圣母和牧羊女 The Barbarian Invasions (2003)
Now the Portuguese, Majesty.[CN] 陛下,葡萄牙人要来了. Red Eagle (2011)
Mangaratiba ran over the Portuguese car in Rua da Chita crossing.[CN] 曼哥拉迪巴號在奇他街的十字路口 撞到那個葡萄牙人的車子了 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
At 7:10, the Portuguese stops his car at the corner.[CN] 然後七點一十,那個葡萄牙人會把車停在那個轉角 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
Turin saved, Arras relieved, and the Catalans and Portuguese should never have rebelled against their king.[CN] 都灵解放 阿拉斯获救 那些加泰罗尼亚人和葡萄牙人 永远也不应该被判他们的国王 Alatriste (2006)
Portuguese? Santa Maria Goretti![CN] 葡萄牙人,圣女玛莉亚? The Barbarian Invasions (2003)
She's Portuguese.[CN] 她是葡萄牙人 Love Actually (2003)
Portuguese, see if you can draw him out.[CN] 葡萄牙人 看看你能不能把他引出来 Alatriste (2006)
If the Jesuits resist the Portuguese then the Jesuit Order will be expelled from Portugal.[CN] 如果耶稣会反抗葡萄牙人 那么耶稣会将被逐出葡萄牙 The Mission (1986)
This revolution is Portuguese.[CN] 这场革命是葡萄牙人的。 This revolution is Portuguese. April Captains (2000)
That gold cost a lot.[CN] 葡萄牙人太残暴 Burn! (1969)
"C, " Silas. Come on, man. It's Portuguese.[CN] "C", 賽勒斯, 是葡萄牙人 How High (2001)
Well, Portuguese die, too.[CN] 好了这个葡萄牙人也死了 Burn! (1969)
This was the beginning of the Empire, because this is here where they first decided that they'll have a fort of their own.[CN] 荷兰人,丹麦人和葡萄牙人 都要对英法竟让叁分 Freedom (2007)
In the 1 6th century, the Spanish and Portuguese managed, without gas chambers or bombs, to slaughter 1 50 million Indians in Latin America.[CN] 十六世纪西班牙人和葡萄牙人 不用毒气和炸弹 就消灭了一亿五千万 南美印地安人 The Barbarian Invasions (2003)
Actually, I think she's Portuguese.[CN] 事实上我觉得她是葡萄牙人 Pledge This! (2006)
Because even then, it was the only way to conquer the resistance of the people... and after that, the Portuguese exploited the island in peace... for nearly 300 years.[CN] 那时候葡萄牙人占领了它 和平的统治了三百年 是的可我只是... Burn! (1969)


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