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舞剧[wǔ jù, ㄨˇ ㄐㄩˋ,   /  ] dance drama; ballet #23,138 [Add to Longdo]

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He's doing some kind of yoga Fosse thing.[CN] 像在排什么瑜伽歌舞剧 High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)
Show me the greatest tragic actor... or the lowest red-nosed comic in burlesque... and I'll show you an entertainer.[CN] 给我最棒的悲剧演员 或粗俗歌舞剧里的丑角 我就给你艺人,我们都是 The Band Wagon (1953)
I don't know. I've never performed in a belly-dancing troupe.[CN] 我不知道 我从未在肚皮舞剧团里表演过 Bernard and Doris (2006)
Tonight is the premier of 'Lola'.[CN] 晚上是我们舞剧《罗拉》的首场演出 Curse of Lola (2005)
So when George White's Scandals opened, she packed me off to Florida.[CN] 所以今年乔治怀特歌舞剧 开演时她就送我到佛州来 Some Like It Hot (1959)
June Allyson, MGM's most popular musical sweetheart in Rodgers and Hart's Words and Music.[CN] June Allyson, MGM's most popular musical sweetheart... 琼・阿利森,米高梅最受欢迎的歌舞剧甜心 ...in Rodgers and Hart's Words and Music. That's Entertainment! (1974)
Perhaps you've seen her in theatre.[CN] 或许你在剧院见过她 她是轻歌舞剧的风云人物 The Big Gundown (1966)
Tonight is the first night of Cupid and Psyche, a new opera by a young British composer, Julian Craster, whose only well-known work until now... has been the score for the ballet The Red Shoes.[CN] 今晚是歌剧邱比和赛吉的首演 是青年作曲家朱利安·克拉斯特的最新歌剧作品 迄今之前 他最为人所熟知的作品是芭蕾舞剧红菱艳 The Red Shoes (1948)
My son, Billy, got the lead in the high school musical.[CN] 大块头,听到消息吗? 我儿子比利 担任高中歌舞剧主角 Me, Myself & Irene (2000)
There are also ballerinas because in the ballet when a soldier dies from his body emerges his soul, his ghost, and that's a ballerina.[CN] 还是有很多女舞者 舞剧中,士兵死后 从身体升出了灵魂、鬼魂 Talk to Her (2002)
I'm in the spring musical.[CN] 我在参加一个青春歌舞剧 Prom (2011)
Plus I really wanted my own awesome musical number for no apparent reason.[CN] 加上我真的很想自己演出 一场精彩的歌舞剧 原因不明 Easy A (2010)
Opera tonight. The Damnation of Faust.[CN] 今晚有舞剧,浮士德的诅咒 Layer Cake (2004)
Daddy? I got the lead in Italian Symphony.[CN] 爸爸,我主演意大利的芭蕾舞剧 Center Stage (2000)
I'm so sorry. I like show tunes.[CN] 对不起, 我喜欢歌舞剧的曲子 American Dreamz (2006)
- It's just a vaudeville. - No, no! It's a sublime piece.[CN] 这只是歌舞剧 不,这是杰作 Amadeus (1984)
Are you going to put it in the new show you're working on?[CN] 你要把它放进你新的歌舞剧里? De-Lovely (2004)
I'm playing the role of "Angel" in Broadway Cruise's Polynesian tour of "Rent,"[CN] 我会参与歌舞剧"租金"的演出 Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
I started going to the ballet on my days off.[CN] 休假时,我开始去看芭蕾舞剧 Talk to Her (2002)
- Like the musical.[CN] -就像那出歌舞剧 Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl... (2000)
Make them some tea.[CN] 马林斯基剧院 曾经的国家歌剧和芭蕾舞艺术院即基洛夫剧院 是位于圣彼得堡的歌剧和芭蕾舞剧 Russian Dolls (2005)
Peg used to be in the Dog and Pony Follies.[CN] 佩姬以前在歌舞剧团表演 Lady and the Tramp (1955)
This is the famous one, Ballet Arts, where she choreographed Oklahoma.[CN] 是最著名一个芭蕾舞团 她编排了俄克拉何马州的芭蕾舞剧 Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)
A rare ballet of ice and history.[CN] 真是罕见的冰上历史舞剧 Blades of Glory (2007)
If our ballet is harmonious, we shall survive[CN] 如果我们的芭蕾舞剧团很调和, 我们就会生活在一起 March of the Penguins (2005)
I heard you two talking about the Likae Opera.[CN] 你们刚刚在谈传统舞剧 The Victim (2006)
Or go back into vaudeville.[CN] 或是回到轻歌舞剧 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
LASSETER:[CN] 我们不想做一部歌舞剧 The Pixar Story (2007)
I think Meen wouldn't ever seen the Likae Opera.[CN] 明对传统舞剧一窃不通 The Victim (2006)
You know what's ridiculous? Your libretto! Oh![CN] 你知道什么才荒谬 你们的歌舞剧 Amadeus (1984)
-Make a musical.[CN] -演一出歌舞剧 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
You sneeze like it's a big Broadway musical finale.[CN] 你打喷嚏就像百老汇的歌舞剧终场 The Sigh (2002)
We're gonna see an authentic Indonesian dance troupe.[CN] 我们要去看一个真正的印尼舞剧 Joe Somebody (2001)
She will be giving her farewell performance as Melpomene, the role she originated in my first ballet.[CN] 她将在告别演出中 饰演波墨涅 (哀曲女神 希腊神话文艺九女神之一) 这也是我的第一支芭蕾舞剧 Black Swan (2010)
But, in Geneva, they've offered me a creation, a choreography, and that thrills me, I've got an old idea for a ballet.[CN] 日内瓦要我去弄个新制作 设计个芭蕾舞剧! 我好兴奋 Talk to Her (2002)
Sure. Make a musical.[CN] 没错 演一出歌舞剧 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Have any of you been to the panto at the Gaiety?[CN] 你们听过舞剧《欢乐》吗? The Dead (1987)
"They'll see the modern revolutionary opera..." "... Red Detachment of Women"[CN] 观看了革命现代舞剧<红色娘子军> Electric Shadows (2004)
How you made her a Likae actress?[CN] 你干嘛把她塑造成舞剧演员? The Victim (2006)
Vaudeville?[CN] 唱歌舞剧吗? Son of the Mask (2005)
And Irving has assured the producer... that I'm the only one with the suitable sophistication... to do the show.[CN] 而且欧文已经让制作人相信 我是制作这部歌舞剧的... 唯一合适人选 De-Lovely (2004)
- Of the new Broadway musical.[CN] -这个新的百老汇歌舞剧 Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011)
A George and Ira Gershwin revue... - with very few costumes, one set... - Much cheaper than...[CN] 舞剧"葛希文兄弟" 独幕剧 戏服又简单 Mr. Holland's Opus (1995)
- Well, I've done quite a bit of theater.[CN] -我演过歌舞剧 Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011)
Genpachi's strip joint is in the third.[CN] 源八经营的脱衣舞剧 Tekkonkinkreet (2006)
It's like ballet. Did you see that?[CN] 象芭蕾舞剧 Man on the Moon (1999)
-A musical?[CN] -歌舞剧 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
For ballet? An opera?[CN] 是芭蕾舞剧或是歌剧 Five Easy Pieces (1970)
You know, I must dance political ballet in China, but I dance better here.[CN] 我在中国必须表演样板戏芭蕾舞剧 可在这里我跳得更好 Mao's Last Dancer (2009)
I was dancing the White Swan.[CN] 我扮演着"白天鹅" (芭蕾舞剧"天鹅湖"中的角色) Black Swan (2010)


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