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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
舅舅[jiù jiu, ㄐㄧㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄡ˙,  ] (informal) mother's brother; maternal uncle #12,250 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I won't implicate you and Howard.[CN] 我不会牵连你和霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
"Help me, Uncle Howard. I need money. I'm in over my head.[CN] 帮帮我,霍华德舅舅 我需要钱,我晕头了 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
You're not my uncle![CN] 你不是我们的舅舅! Kitaro (2007)
- Can't Uncle Howard help?[CN] - 霍华德舅舅不能帮上什么忙么? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Uncle Howard, this is Kate.[CN] - 霍华德舅舅,这是凯特 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Do you remember when Mum took us to visit Uncle Howard in California?[CN] 你还记得老妈带我们 去加里福尼亚看望霍华德舅舅么? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
You're not my uncle! You're a liar![CN] 你不是我们的舅舅! Kitaro (2007)
Like... like my Uncle Yusef.[CN] 好比 我的舅舅约瑟夫 Rendition (2007)
Go and commit suicide, and leave Howard and me out of it.[CN] 去吧,让我和霍华德舅舅能够安心 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Although I did get the impression he's got mixed feelings about your uncle.[CN] 不过我觉得他对你舅舅的态度很复杂 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Uncle Howard bought us that boat in Ireland?[CN] - 霍华德舅舅在爱尔兰给我们买的那艘船? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
I've been up and down a dozen times thinkin' and... the conclusion I've come to is that we're gonna have to accommodate Uncle Howard.[CN] 我翻来覆去的就是睡不着 我的结论是... 我们不得不答应霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
No, we're gonna do it, Terry. Because Uncle Howard needs us to do this very badly.[CN] 不,我们要干,特瑞 因为霍华德舅舅非常需要我们帮忙 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Uncle Howard, he didn't mean to be rude.[CN] - 霍华德舅舅,他只是随口说说 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Don't you even care that you're gonna take Uncle Howard and me with you?[CN] 你就不在乎你会害了我和霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
They will, Uncle Howard. They will.[CN] 能的,霍华德舅舅,一定能的 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
I couldn't help myself, Uncle Howard.[CN] 我实在忍不住,霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- No, we decided. He was gonna speak to Uncle Howard about bankrolling it. He was very excited.[CN] 他打算让霍华德舅舅给他提供资金,他对此很兴奋 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Kenta, just give the Stone back to your uncle. Kenta.[CN] 健太 快把石头还给舅舅吧! Kitaro (2007)
The man who claims to be your uncle is actually a fox spirit.[CN] 你们的那个舅舅其实是狐妖装的 Kitaro (2007)
I've spoken to Uncle Howard and everything is right on track.[CN] 我已经和霍华德舅舅谈过了 一切都非常顺利 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
I'm Kishibe, their mother's brother.[CN] 我叫岸部 是他们的舅舅 Kitaro (2007)
I'm gonna ask my Uncle Howard if he can introduce you to some movers and shakers.[CN] 我会问问霍华德舅舅 看看他是不是能给你介绍一些大人物 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Your uncle.[CN] 舅舅 Rendition (2007)
Didn't he know your Uncle Howard?[CN] 他好像认识你的舅舅霍华德? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
I'm Uncle Goro from Brazil![CN] 我是巴西的五郎舅舅 Kitaro (2007)
Didn't he have some association with your uncle at one point?[CN] - 他是不是和你的舅舅还有合作? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
He never forgets, Howard, does he?[CN] 霍华德舅舅从来没忘记过你的生日,是么? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Are you... our uncle?[CN] 那个... 您是舅舅吗? Kitaro (2007)
We can swing it. Now your uncle's helped you out financially.[CN] 我们能应付得来,你舅舅现在还能在经济上帮你一把 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
You can count on us, Uncle Howard. You can. Yeah.[CN] 你可以信得过我们的,霍华德舅舅 你可以的 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Uncle Howard's coming. He'll be here tomorrow.[CN] 霍华德舅舅要来了,他明天就到 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
I mean, Uncle Howard said he would start you off. You'd be your own boss.[CN] 霍华德舅舅说过他会帮你 你可以成为自己的老板 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Yes.[CN] 舅舅? Kitaro (2007)
Your Uncle Howard's opening a clinic in China.[CN] 你们的霍华德舅舅要在中国开诊所了 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Mum, what did Uncle Howard get you? - Flowers.[CN] - 妈,霍华德舅舅送什么给你了 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
My uncle is learning Chinese at his age. It's brilliant.[CN] 舅舅这么大年纪了还在学中文 真了不起 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Uncle Howard's coming![CN] 霍华德舅舅要来了 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
This guy is just a total stranger to us who's doing a very bad thing to Uncle Howard.[CN] 这个家伙对于我们来说只是素不相识的陌生人 他对霍华德舅舅做了些非常不该做的事情 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Look, Uncle Howard, we're not questioning your ethics.[CN] 霍华德舅舅,我们并不是在质疑你的道德 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Jesus Christ, Uncle Howard![CN] - 天啊,霍华德舅舅! - 闭嘴! Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Name it, Uncle Howard.[CN] 现在我需要你们的帮助 - 尽管说吧,霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Uncle![CN] 舅舅... Protégé (2007)
His testimony was gonna put Uncle Howard in prison for the rest of his life.[CN] 他的证词会让霍华德舅舅进监狱,一辈子也别想出来 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
You told him Howard was our uncle?[CN] 你跟他说霍华德是我们舅舅了? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Remember when Uncle Howard bought me and Ian that boat when we were kids?[CN] 记得我们小的时候 霍华德舅舅买给我和伊恩的那艘船么? Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Uncle Jak came, too, and Aunt Maria.[CN] jak舅舅也来了,还有Maria阿姨 Silent Light (2007)
For Christ's sake, Terry, stop cryin'. Uncle Howard's not berating you.[CN] 天啊,特瑞,别哭了 霍华德舅舅又没有在训你 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Bet if Uncle Howard was here he'd loan it to us.[CN] 要是霍华德舅舅在的话 他一定会借给我们的 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
You can't do it. You'd be throwing your whole life away, and mine and Uncle Howard's.[CN] 你这么做会毁了你的人生,包括我和霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)


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