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臭烘烘[chòu hōng hōng, ㄔㄡˋ ㄏㄨㄥ ㄏㄨㄥ,   ] stinking #90,924 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But skipping a shower, take a bath[CN] 澡不洗呢, 会臭烘烘 Ngo ga yau yat chek hiu dung see (2002)
What would the director think if he got into that gas chamber on wheels?[CN] 当董事长进入这辆臭烘烘的车子时 他会做何感想呢? Fermat's Room (2007)
Yet you waltz into my party smelling like dirty socks... take me away from Senator Rosales... who heads the Senate Arms Services subcommittee in charge of our budget![CN] 浑身臭烘烘地闯进我的宴会厅 把我从罗塞尔参议员身边拉开 他是分管我们年度预算的人 Outbreak (1995)
You devil, you hypocritical bitch, you stinking tart, you dirty, poor, darling, sweet, saintly Hanni.[CN] 魔鬼虚伪的荡妇 臭烘烘的野鸡 肮脏的 可怜的亲受的 可受的圣洁的汉妮 The Stationmaster's Wife (1977)
My God, it stinks in here![CN] 天啊,这里臭烘烘的! Underground (1995)
In this musty room...[CN] 这种臭烘烘的地方 Tomie: Replay (2000)
The stinking train is late. So I gotta get into the stinking crowd.[CN] 臭烘烘的列车 迟到了,于是我只好跟一群臭烘烘的人挤在一起 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers.[CN] 能躲開那群臭烘烘的吸血惡魔, 我很開心 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
I don't want a stinky shirt.[CN] 我可不能穿件臭烘烘的T恤 I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)
I'll just change my shirt. This one is stinking[CN] 我要换一下我的衬衫, 这个人臭烘烘的! Garam Masala (2005)
But my stinking sister, she's still in the bathroom, so I can't get in.[CN] 但我那臭烘烘的妹妹一直呆在 厕所,所以我无法进去 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Man, you just love doing that, don't you?[CN] 你觉得我会 跟这些臭烘烘的农民浪费时间吗 Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe (2011)
Oh, honey.[CN] 它应该臭烘烘的? The Toaster (1998)
Well, there's a reason "poodle" starts with the word "poo"![CN] 说我们臭烘烘, 是吧? Well, there's a reason "poodle" starts with the word "poo"! Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (2011)
Not until I met the king of the grim, bearded, stinking barbarians.[CN] 直到我遇到了残酷无情 满脸胡须,臭烘烘的野蛮人国王 Dark Wings, Dark Words (2013)
- So then I go down the stinking street with my stinking books, and then I meet this stink-face.[CN] - 然后我走上臭烘烘的街道... ...带着我那些臭烘烘的书,然后 我看到一张臭烘烘的脸,他说: Blackboard Jungle (1955)
with Prohibition repealed, you'll see our streets full of nasty old drunks like that.[CN] 酒禁撤销了以后 你会看到满大街的臭烘烘的 喝醉的老家伙,像她那样 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
It smells in here. What would that be?[CN] 这里臭烘烘的 是什么? Giving Back (2008)
And I bet for sure it comes with stinky armpits.[CN] 我敢打赌那味道绝对是来自于某个臭烘烘的腋窝 And the Pop-Up Sale (2011)
Where are you, you wee, smelly beast?[CN] 你在哪里? 你这臭烘烘的小东西 The Water Horse (2007)
I've been known to cut the odd fart... but they've never stunk.[CN] 都知道我从来有屁就放 可从未臭烘烘 Complications (2005)
So we walked to the stinking EI, and we wait for the stinking train.[CN] 我们去了臭烘烘的就业保险那儿, 然后等那臭烘烘的列车 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Idiots![CN] 上当了。 臭烘烘的洪水。 These Final Hours (2013)
I don't know.[CN] 什么味啊? 臭烘烘 Ocean Heaven (2010)
Everything stank: her sleeping bag, her pack...[CN] 所有東西都臭烘烘的: 睡袋、背包... ... Vagabond (1985)
And now I have to carry the sloppy, gloppy, stinky stew down in the damp, dark, dingy...[CN] 现在我还要把这粘乎乎、脏兮兮、臭烘烘的饭 送到潮湿、黑暗、肮脏... The Tale of Despereaux (2008)
You're all stinky from artifact hunting.[CN] 為了找藝術品 搞得臭烘烘 Merge with Caution (2010)
Stinking Depression.[CN] 臭烘烘的大蕭條。 The Ultimate Life (2013)
Come out of that stinking toilet.[CN] 还不快离开这臭烘烘的厕所. Enlightenment Guaranteed (1999)
- Then I ate some stinking sausages.[CN] - 然后我吃了点臭烘烘的香肠 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Your breath![CN] 臭烘烘的! Space Jam (1996)
Grim, bearded, stinking barbarians that would row across the Narrow Sea and steal us from our beds.[CN] 残酷无情,满脸胡须,臭烘烘的野蛮人 会跨过狭海,把我们从床上抢走 Dark Wings, Dark Words (2013)
Oh, man, that nasty Vita-mina-stink-a-bunch.[CN] 维他命 - 矿物 - 臭烘烘的一大堆 Planes (2013)
Why don't you sleep with the pigs, Cinder-Soot if you insist on smelling like one?[CN] 如果你老是这样臭烘烘的 灰姑娘,你就去和猪一起睡吧 Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
I don't want your stinking free ride, buddy![CN] 我不希望你的臭烘烘的自由驰骋,哥们! Trojan War (1997)
My lord, how she stank![CN] 我的天哪, 她臭烘烘的! Vagabond (1985)
And that's why I'm stinking late to school, teach.[CN] 这就是为什么我臭烘烘地迟到了 老师 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
They were gross, and they smelled like a couple of unwiped assholes.[CN] 他俩贼邋遢,臭烘烘的像没擦过屁股一样 Charlie Got Molested (2005)
200 stinking Ukrainians will have you one after another for a week, and if your whore carcass can survive all of this, you will be taken to the little fortress and shot.[CN] 里面有两百个臭烘烘的乌克兰人 整整一个星期时间 他们会一个接一个玩儿你 要是经过了这些 Part IX (1989)
And Jenny's just a filthy, stinking piece of crap...[CN] 和珍妮只是一个肮脏的, 臭烘烘的一块废话... Revenge for Jolly! (2012)
My price for leaving stinking towns is 11, 500...[CN] 我的价格离开 臭烘烘的城镇是11, 500 ... Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
Finish this with me... if you can sit beside someone and not stink or fart.[CN] 一起喝完吧... 如果你能坐旁边 不臭烘烘的放屁 Complications (2005)
Did you have a meeting?[CN] 臭烘烘的,去聚会了? Larks on a String (1990)
So then I go to the stinking bathroom. I wash my stinking face.[CN] 然后我就进了那臭烘烘的厕所, 洗我那臭烘烘的脸 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Beware of the Jubjub bird, my son The frumnious Bandersnatch![CN] "当心炸脖龙我的儿 还有臭烘烘的班德尔" Alice in Wonderland (2010)
Why don't you try kicking the smell of cigars out of the yard?[CN] 你为什么不把这个臭烘烘的家伙踢出院子? Why don't you try kicking the smell of cigars out of the yard? In the Electric Mist (2009)
Well, since you think that smelly larva is cute, you're gonna carry it.[CN] 既然你觉得这个臭烘烘的小东西很可爱 就由你来抱他吧 Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Stinking little garbage heap.[CN] 这个臭烘烘的小垃圾堆 Pork Chop Hill (1959)
They scream, they're grimy, they... smell like poop, and the house smells like poop.[CN] 小孩子會哭鬧 會髒兮兮 會... 臭烘烘 把房子也搞得臭烘烘 Hook, Line and Sinner (2010)
Tell me all about your stinking sister.[CN] 说说关于你那个臭烘烘的妹妹的事 Blackboard Jungle (1955)


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