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磨砂[mó shā, ㄇㄛˊ ㄕㄚ,  ] frosted (e.g. glass) [Add to Longdo]

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It's used as an insecticide, filtering agent, cleaning abrasive, ceramics.[CN] 一直被用作杀虫剂 过滤剂, 打磨砂石以及制作陶器 Pilot (2005)
For your type of skin, I would recommend our facial scrub.[CN] 你的皮肤类型,我会 建议我们的面部磨砂膏。 Vice Versa (1988)
Also, I used the rest of the peppermint body scrub.[CN] 並且 我用了剩下的薄荷磨砂 Personal Effects (2012)
Oh. Apricot scrub?[CN] - 杏仁磨砂膏? Judge and Jury (2014)
4 shampoos, 2 scrubs and a baby cream.[CN] 他们给我带了4瓶香波 2瓶磨砂膏和婴儿润肤乳 Metro (2013)
I frosted some dicks and butts on it in your honor.[CN] 磨砂一些迪克斯和 在你的荣誉就可以了烟头。 Date and Switch (2014)
Provided that the glass is frosted.[CN] 而且必须是磨砂玻璃 Hitchcock (2012)
You frosted veins on this one's shaft.[CN] 你在这一个的轴磨砂静脉。 Date and Switch (2014)
And the extremity of her position... she was yelling at me.[CN] 我给了孩子们 一些什么磨砂迷你小麦。 Captain Fantastic (2016)
It's like soft and nubby and it had this edge that I'd like... rub, and it relaxed me when things were crappy, which was all the time.[CN] 它既软又有磨砂质感 然后我还喜欢... 用手摩它的尖角 这能令我在心里不爽的时候放松 而我心里一直都不爽 And the Piece of Sheet (2013)
They seem to be looking at me through a frosted window.[CN] 他们似乎是在透过一扇磨砂玻璃窗观看着我 The Koumiko Mystery (1965)
Because when you have That kind of grit, I like when it's contained A little bit more.[CN] 磨砂嗓要收放自如 Blind Auditions, Part 5 (2013)
The shadows line up, there's no ghosting, no matte lines.[CN] 的阴影线, 有没有磨砂行。 Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002)
Now you could pass it up, club with the scrubs if you want, but if you're trying to kick it with me afterwards, you can't come without her and she damn sure can't come without you.[CN] 现在,你可以通过它, 俱乐部与磨砂,如果你想要的, 但如果你想踢它 我算账, 你不能没有她,她 该死的肯定不能没有你。 The Coalition (2012)
♪ It's love[CN] 磨砂玻璃 La La Land (2016)
June, can you bring me a scrub?[CN] 君君 帮我拿支磨砂膏来 行啦 你们接着聊 Mei lai muk ling (2010)
Your scrub.[CN] 你的磨砂 Mei lai muk ling (2010)
Sand baths are really rejuvenating for the skin. Exfoliates.[CN] 磨砂浴可以去除角质 使肌肤充满活力 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone And lend me a more seductive tone[CN] 拿起你的润发油和磨砂石 为我增添一份诱惑的魅力 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
A fuckin' fruitcake.[CN] 该死的磨砂 Tales from the Hood (1995)


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