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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
留守中[るすちゅう, rusuchuu] (n) during absence from home [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
A man who wanted to see you came while you were out.あなたに会いたいと言う人が、あなたの留守中に来ました。
I'll look after your child while you are away.あなたの留守中は、私がお子さんの世話をします。
I will look after your cat while you are away.留守中あなたの猫を世話して上げましょう。
A gentleman called in your absence, sir.留守中に男の方がお見えになった。
While they are away, let's take care of their cat.留守中の猫の世話をして上げましょう。
Should anyone call on me in my absence, tell him that I will be back soon.ひょっとして私の留守中にだれかが私を訪ねて来たら、すぐもどって来ると伝えてください。
If anyone in my absence, tell him that I won't come back till evening.もし留守中に誰かが来たら、私は夕方まで帰らないと言ってくれ。
Meg called you during your absence.君の留守中にメグから電話があった。 [ M ]
A Mr Sato called in your absence.佐藤さんという方があなたの留守中にお見えになりました。
Was it Mr Yamada that came to see me during my absence yesterday?昨日私の留守中に見えたのは山田さんですか。
A burglar broke into my house while I was away on a trip.私が旅行で留守中に泥棒が入った。
A thief broke into the house while we were away.私たちの留守中、泥棒が家に押し入った。
Would you care for my plants while I'm away?私の留守中、植木の世話をしてくれる?
Will you take care of my dog while I am away?私の留守中この犬の世話をしてくれませんか。
My house was robbed while I was away.私の留守中に家に泥棒に入られた。
Please take care of my dog while I am away.私の留守中に犬の世話をして下さい。
Did anyone call me while I was out?私の留守中に誰かから電話がありませんでしたか。
It seems someone called on me in my absence.私の留守中に誰かが訪ねてきたらしい。
Did anyone visit me during my absence?私の留守中に誰か訪ねてきましたか。
Did anyone come in my absence?私の留守中に誰か来ましたか。
My house was robbed while I was away.私の留守中に泥棒に入られた。
Please keep me informed of whatever happens in my absence.私の留守中の出来事はすべてわたしに知らせて下さい。
Please take care of my baby while I am out.私の留守中赤ちゃんの面倒を見て下さい。
The foreign minister will act for the Prime Minister in his absence.首相の留守中は外務大臣が代理を務める。
A terrible accident happened in his absence.彼の留守中に恐ろしい事故が起こった。
He came upon his employee who'd been looking after the place in his absence.彼は、自分の留守中にその場所を管理していた従業員に出会った。
He came to see me during my absence.彼は私の留守中に会いに来た。
Who will look after the baby while they're out?彼らの留守中はだれが赤ん坊の世話をするのだろう?
She asked me to look after her baby in her absence.彼女は留守中、私に赤ちゃんの世話をするよう頼んだ。
If anyone calls me up while I'm away tell them I'll be back by five.僕の留守中に誰かから電話があったら、5時までには帰ると伝えておいてくれ。 [ M ]
Please put my room in order while I am out.僕の留守中に部屋を掃除しておいて下さい。 [ M ]
Should he call me in my absence, please tell him that I will call him back.万一私の留守中に彼が電話をかけてきたら、折り返し私の方から電話をかける。
Behave yourself during my absence.留守中いい子でいるんですよ。
A Mr Smith came while you were out.留守中スミスさんという方が来ました。
Was anybody here while I was out?留守中どなたか見えましたか。
A Mr West called in your absence.留守中にウェストという人から電話があったよ。
A Mr Brown came to see you when you were out.留守中にブラウンさんとおっしゃる方が来られましたよ。
If he should come in my absence, please ask him to wait until I come back.留守中にもし彼がきたら、私が帰るまで待つように言ってください。
Please keep me informed of whatever happens in my absence.留守中の出来事はすべて私に知らせておいてください。
Mr Brown came to see you were out.留守中ブラウンさんとおっしゃる方がこられましたよ。
Please take care of our dog while we're away.留守中犬を世話して下さい。
I'll take care of the dog while you are out.留守中犬を預かりましょう。
I will care for your kitten during your absence.留守中子猫の世話は任せてください。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If he was lying, would he let me crash on his boat while he's away?[JP] 嘘だったら ボートを壊すわ 留守中にね Ricochet Rabbit (2011)
What the hell do you think you're doing, man, at my house when I'm not here?[JP] 何のつもりだ? 俺の留守中に... The Locked Room (2014)
Did Mr Healy not come by to take care of the apiary whilst I was gone?[JP] 私の留守中、ヒーリは養蜂場の 手入れをしなかたのか? Mr. Holmes (2015)
I told you. Mia's on a field trip...[JP] ミアの留守中・・・ Vampire Academy (2014)
Have 'em send a couple deputies to watch over things while I'm gone.[JP] 数人の代理保安官を 送るように 留守中に監視して欲しい Bone Tomahawk (2015)
I don't want it tampered with while we're gone.[JP] 留守中に弄られたくないからな Murphy's Law (2014)
Who's been in charge in my absence?[JP] 留守中のリーダーは? A Test of Time (2012)
But whatever may happen to you when I'm not here...[JP] 留守中何があっても War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
Claire, will you please man the cameras in my absence?[JP] クレア 留守中カメラを頼む Subject 9 (2011)
In your absence... as you like to call it, which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart...[JP] 貴方の留守中... と言えるだろうけど つまり超丁寧すぎる 言い方をすれば Fruit of the Poisoned Tree (2013)
Whenever my dad leaves, my mom and I stay up late and watch movies.[JP] パパの留守中は ママと映画ばっかり見てるから Lost & Found (2007)
Our cottage burned down while he was gone and my mother with it.[JP] 私達の家は父の留守中に焼かれたの 母も一緒にね Breaker of Chains (2014)
You just be careful and don't get hurt while I'm gone.[JP] - 留守中にケガなんかするなよ Volcanalis (2013)
You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable toward you in my absence.[JP] どうだろうか 弟妹達が 私の留守中 温かく君を 迎えていたと思いたいが Fruit of the Poisoned Tree (2013)
So...did anything happen during my absence?[JP] それで 私の留守中 どうでした? Episode #1.6 (2012)
While I'm away... behave yourself, Haiji.[JP] (金太郎) パパの留守中 ちゃんとしてろよ ハイジ Fantastipo (2005)
He calls when he knows they won't be there.[JP] 留守中にウォーカーが 電話をかけてくる 何の為に Achilles Heel (2011)
Captain Harden will take over while I'm away.[JP] ハーデン警部が 留守中代行する Stories We Tell Our Young (2013)
You and Garsiv can handle father in my absence.[JP] 留守中、ガーシムと二人で姫の相手を頼む Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
You won't want to touch any of this while I'm gone.[JP] 僕の留守中 何にも触れないように All in the Family (2014)
Protect your mama while I'm gone, okay?[JP] 留守中 ママを頼むぞ OK? Monsters: Dark Continent (2014)
In my absence you did what you thought was best.[JP] 君は私の留守中 最高の働きをしてくれた A Test of Time (2012)


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