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汉密尔顿[Hàn mì ěr dùn, ㄏㄢˋ ㄇㄧˋ ㄦˇ ㄉㄨㄣˋ,     /    ] Hamilton (name) #22,068 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Why don't we continue this on our way to the meeting with Joe Hamilton?[CN] 为何我们不边走边谈呢 在去见 乔·汉密尔顿的路上 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Look at this. Here.[CN] 看这个,汉密尔顿总裁的签名 King of the Hill (1993)
- Mr. Hamilton?[CN] - 汉密尔顿先生 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Rach, I'm opening up a new art gallery and I could sure use the portraits of Lincoln and Hamilton.[CN] 瑞秋, 我准备开一个画廊 我肯定可以用林肯和汉密尔顿的肖像 The One with All the Poker (1995)
- Excuse me, Mr. Hamilton.[CN] - 打扰一下 汉密尔顿先生 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Hamilton Grain, for the building fire.[CN] 汉密尔顿谷仓, 大楼着火 Ladder 49 (2004)
Charge him with the aggravated assault of Sinead Hamilton.[CN] 以故意伤害辛妮・汉密尔顿的罪名起诉他 When the Sky Falls (2000)
- Sinead Hamilton...[CN] - 辛妮・汉密尔顿... When the Sky Falls (2000)
And I know, because I'm Joe Hamilton... and I care about the things you care about.[CN] 我知道因为我是乔·汉密尔顿 我关系你们关心的事情 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Hamilton Realty. Hi, Amy.[CN] 汉密尔顿房地产 嗨 艾米 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Hamilton![CN] 汉密尔顿 Mallrats (1995)
Drugs done that to Dublin, Mrs. Hamilton.[CN] 这就是毒品泛滥的都柏林,汉密尔顿夫人 When the Sky Falls (2000)
All right, Hamilton.[CN] 好了,汉密尔顿 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Hamilton and Cal came to my office with a lawyer.[CN] 汉密尔顿和卡尔带律师去我办公室 Wild River (1960)
A vicious double homicide has been discovered near Grant River and Hamilton Avenues.[CN] 恶性 双重杀人罪已被发现 附近格兰特河和汉密尔顿大道。 Gridlock'd (1997)
I'll tell you something, Mrs. Hamilton, take a look down there at that pool of shite.[CN] 我跟你说,汉密尔顿夫人 看看下面的芸芸众生吧 When the Sky Falls (2000)
My name is Hamilton Starr, two "R's", but prophetic nonetheless.[CN] 我叫汉密尔顿·斯塔尔(Starr) 两个"R" 未卜先知 What's the Matter with Helen? (1971)
George Hamilton, and I it is like that.[CN] 乔治・汉密尔顿和我 它就是这样。 Permanent Midnight (1998)
Hamilton, come over here.[CN] 汉密尔顿,到这个来一下 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
- Welcome aboard, Mr. Hamilton.[CN] 欢迎登机,汉密尔顿先生 再见 Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (2004)
Oh, Mike, you don't know Stacy Hamilton.[CN] 哦,迈克,我介绍一下 这位是斯泰西 汉密尔顿 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
My name is alexander hamilton.[CN] 我是亚历山大•汉密尔顿 Big Daddy (1999)
Hamilton, I'll take over the fryer for a while.[CN] 汉密尔顿,我来照看一下油炸食品 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.[CN] (汉密尔顿郡法庭 俄亥俄州 辛辛那提 1977年) 女士们先生们 早上好 The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996)
Ladies and gentlemen, a generous round of applause for Ms. Sinead Hamilton, crime reporter of The Sunday Globe.[CN] 女士们先生们 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎辛妮・汉密尔顿夫人 环球周报犯罪专栏的记者 When the Sky Falls (2000)
I know, but look. "Martin Weir's house across from George Hamilton."[CN] 我知道,但是你看: "马丁・威尔的房子在乔治汉密尔顿对面。" Get Shorty (1995)
Hamilton himself could have already have composed the message that embraced...[CN] 汉密尔顿自己已经写了那条消息 - -- Dangerous Minds (1995)
- Joe Hamilton.[CN] - 乔·汉密尔顿 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Sinead Hamilton has been selected to be honored.[CN] 辛妮・汉密尔顿是其中的一位 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Let me borrow the Shannon Hamilton tape.[CN] - 把香农·汉密尔顿影带借给我 - 为什么? Mallrats (1995)
Remember that party with the Hamilton-Wainwrights? It was so boring. Oh, yes.[CN] 还记得那次我们和汉密尔顿・温赖特 一起参加的那个晚会吗,极其无聊? Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
Miss Hamilton.[CN] 汉密尔顿小姐 When the Sky Falls (2000)
You know that guy?[CN] - 香农·汉密尔顿 Mallrats (1995)
Uncle Hamilton and Uncle Cal are in the slough.[CN] 汉密尔顿叔叔和卡尔叔叔在河边 Wild River (1960)
Sinead Hamilton, Sunday Globe.[CN] 辛妮・汉密尔顿,环球周报 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Mr. Hamilton, did you threaten this customer or use profanity in any way?[CN] 汉密尔顿先生,你有没有威胁过这个顾客 或者辱骂过他? Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
What about Sinead Hamilton's rights?[CN] 那辛妮・汉密尔顿的权利呢? When the Sky Falls (2000)
Joe Hamilton's tearin' down everything.[CN] 乔·汉密尔顿把什么都拆了 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Is Mr. Hamilton inside?[CN] 汉密尔顿先生在么 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Now, the Hamiltonian shows us that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field.[CN] 汉密尔顿函数告诉我们的就是 能级是由能量场所决定的 Spider-Man (2002)
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, [CN] 詹姆斯・麦迪逊、亚历山大・汉密尔顿 Amistad (1997)
I'm Sinead Hamilton, Sunday Globe.[CN] 我是辛妮・汉密尔顿,环球周报的记者 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Mrs. Hamilton, Detective Sergeant Mackey, [CN] 汉密尔顿夫人, 我是麦基探长 When the Sky Falls (2000)
A bullet has been removed from Sinead Hamilton's thigh.[CN] 子弹刚从辛妮・汉密尔顿的大腿里取出来 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Hey, how about Joey Heatherton?[CN] 嗨, 乔伊. 汉密尔顿 The One with the Fake Monica (1995)
We are proud to inform you that Ms. Hamilton is the first woman to ever receive this international award."[CN] 我们十分荣幸地通知你,汉密尔顿夫人 你是第一位接受此殊荣的女记者 When the Sky Falls (2000)
- You fit, Mrs. Hamilton?[CN] -汉密尔顿夫人,你还好吗? When the Sky Falls (2000)
L... I've decided to accept Joe Hamilton's offer.[CN] 我决定接受乔·汉密尔顿的提议 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
He knows Sid Goodman is going to give me the Hamilton Watch line.[CN] 他知道席德古德曼会把汉密尔顿钟表的业务给我的 King of the Hill (1993)
My client had nothing to do with Sinead Hamilton.[CN] 我的当事人和辛妮・汉密尔顿毫无关系 When the Sky Falls (2000)


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