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水灾[shuǐ zāi, ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄗㄞ,   /  ] flood; flood damage #24,438 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Floods, terrorism, wars, famine, innocent martyrs.[CN] 火灾, 恐怖分子, 战争, 水灾 L'amour braque (1985)
Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, we'll throw Brick right in the middle of it.[CN] 龙卷风、地震、水灾 叫布瑞克实地播报 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
We're expecting flash flooding after the levee break.[CN] 我们预计会发生水灾 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
Um, what happened? - Flood. - Flood?[CN] 水灾 水灾 Just My Luck (2006)
They met in 1910 during the floods, saving a lady's life.[CN] 1910年巴黎大水灾 救了个有钱太太,因此相识 A Very Long Engagement (2004)
What if there are floodings in other parts of China?[CN] 如果将来华北、华南、华西水灾 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }What if there are floodings in other parts of China? How will you handle it? Biao jie, ni hao ye! III zhi da ren jia dao (1993)
You think that floods wouldn't have happened, that... that homes wouldn't have burned down, that people wouldn't have died?[CN] 水灾就不会发生? 房子就不会被烧掉? 人就不会死吗? Numbers (2005)
Global warming, paradoxically, causes not only more flooding, but also more drought.[CN] 毗邻水灾地区的省份常闹旱灾 它们与邻区的水灾同步出现 An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Maybe a flood like in the Bible.[CN] 或者一次大水灾,就像《圣经》里面的那样。 The Crow (1994)
"Flooded Farmer":[CN] "洪水灾民": Come Play with Me (1968)
Gentlemen. In a matter of hours a meteor will crash into Earth causing a global flood.[CN] 先生们, 几小时内, 慧星会撞上北极, 全球会有大水灾 Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Water damage, huh?[CN] 导致一场水灾 对吧? Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage (2008)
By far, the largest downpour that any city in India has ever received.[CN] 中国亦经常犯水灾 诡异地,暖化不单令泛滥增加 An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Just listen. To stop the flooding.[CN] 是为了阻挡水灾,你了解吗? Proof of Life (2000)
He comes to me and buys whole life, term, uniflex... fire, theft, auto, dental, health... with the optional death and dismemberment plan, water damage.[CN] 他跟我买了所有的保险 终身险、单一险 火险、窃盗险、汽车险 牙齿险、健康险 加上意外死亡、解雇险和水灾 Groundhog Day (1993)
After the flood came the plague.[CN] 又是水灾 又是瘟疫的 Detective Dee: The Mystery of the Phantom Flame (2010)
And by "doing" the bathrooms do you mean flooding them, and by "ideal type," do you mean unconscious?[CN] 你说的"弄"就是让卫生间发水灾? 你说的"理想"类型就是指不省人事? And the Blind Spot (2012)
Many families were homeless due to flooding... and acts of arson in the ghettos.[CN] 许多家庭毁于水灾... 和贫民区常见的纵火案 City of God (2002)
Reading this kind of magazine when there is a huge flooding in China.[CN] 现在华东水灾,还看这种杂志 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }Reading this kind of magazine when there is a huge flooding in China. Biao jie, ni hao ye! III zhi da ren jia dao (1993)
It's difficult for people to visualize the future impacts of global warming.[CN] 因此某地出现干旱 另一地则有水灾 甚至在同一地区接连发生 旱灾和洪水 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
And after the horrible events of 9/11, we said, "Never again."[CN] 水灾可令曼哈顿变成这样 科学家可准确预测 An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
There had been floods and droughts.[CN] 不是水灾就是旱灾 The Enigmatic Case (1980)
I didn't know they had enough beer in Maine for a flood.[CN] 我不知道缅因州有那么多啤酒 居然可以造成水灾 Dreamcatcher (2003)
With all the cracks to the concrete, all the bullets, water damage, fires L.A. would be better off if this guy would leave and let us get on with our jobs.[CN] 水泥路损坏、子弹乱飞加上水灾火灾 要是没有这家伙给我们添乱 (新闻: 汉考克余波) Hancock (2008)
There's fooding in the country.[CN] 乡下水灾 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }There's fooding in the country. Wu tai jie mei (1990)
The cemetery.[CN] 在那次水灾之后 Rings (2017)
What do you mean there was water damage?[CN] 你说有什么水灾 Evan Almighty (2007)
Thanks for the donation, Your Excellency.[CN] 海宁有水灾 我帮你账灾 Iron Monkey (1993)
In other news tonight, a massive relief effort is... underway to help the victims of new flooding in Bangladesh.[CN] 今晚的另一条新闻,政府正在采取大型的措施 来帮助孟加拉国遭受洪水灾害的人们 Money for Nothing (1993)
Our troops have suffered tremendous casualties. Our people are hungry[CN] 战事刚完,水灾当前 An Empress and the Warriors (2008)
Things that no one should have to imagine.[CN] 那场水灾 Rings (2017)
Mumbai Floods, 26th July.[CN] 7月26日 孟买水灾 Chashme Baddoor (2013)
There have been many floods.[CN] 别提了 这两年来常常闹水灾 The Big Boss (1971)
It was 1937. There was a flood.[CN] 那是1937年,有一场水灾 Walk the Line (2005)
You met him during the flood in Firenze. Remember?[CN] 你在水灾期间见过他,记得吗? The Best of Youth (2003)
All kinds of unusual catastrophes, like a nature hike through the Book of Revelations.[CN] 亚洲水灾 去年7月印度孟买 An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Some have been walking for three days.[CN] 那里又水灾又瘟疫 Iron Monkey (1993)


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