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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
水渠[shuǐ qú, ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄑㄩˊ,  ] a water pipe; a drain #35,149 [Add to Longdo]
水渠[wěi shuǐ qú dào, ㄨㄟˇ ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄑㄩˊ ㄉㄠˋ,    ] outflow channel [Add to Longdo]
水渠[pái shuǐ qú, ㄆㄞˊ ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄑㄩˊ,   ] drainage [Add to Longdo]

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Look, it's really sweet that you are calling in to check in on us but Collin already checked the drains and, we're gonna be fine.[CN] 瞧 这真是甜蜜 中呼叫检查 但科林已检查 水渠 我们会没事的 他们清除出去 Sharknado (2013)
Any faster, we'd fall into the water.[CN] 还要快? 再快我跌下水渠 The Midnight After (2014)
Like little rats, they run up and down the sewers, stealing food from the kitchens.[CN] 他们在水渠里走来走去 到厨房偷食物 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
Not to talk about telephone, electricity and broadband wires[CN] 铺设电线、电话线、水渠、光纤 Aberdeen (2014)
No one claimed the body, so it went from a ditch to potter's field.[CN] 無人認領屍體, 因此她從水渠被運到制陶場 Vagabond (1985)
- How many manholes are we talking?[CN] -一共有多少个水渠口? S.W.A.T. (2003)
And then follow the canal?[CN] 顺着水渠 Torn Curtain (1966)
When the two villages fought over a drain, my husband broke his leg fighting.[CN] 二年前,两个村子争水渠,打起来了 我男人断了一条腿 The Sword Identity (2011)
Yeah, I'll grant you, the aqueduct and sanitation are two things the Romans have done.[CN] 是的,我同意你, 水渠和卫生设施是罗马人做过的两件事情。 Life of Brian (1979)
Rue de l'Aqueduc.[CN] 水渠街。 What the Day Owes the Night (2012)
Vroom, like a rat out of an aqueduct! The bastard![CN] 他就呼消失了,象水渠里的一只老鼠! Life of Brian (1979)
The strong waters, sources of enormous energies, ... ..are running now into the channels made by men, ... ..towards the new, great basin.[CN] 强烈的水流 巨大能量的源泉 现在流入人们建造的水渠 流向新的大盆地 Europe '51 (1952)
- Irrigation ditches.[CN] 灌溉水渠 Coldwater (2013)
A woman in the ditch.[CN] 水渠裏的女人 Vagabond (1985)
Open the manhole cover![CN] 打开水渠盖呀! New Police Story (2004)
From working as a servant at the bathhouses to scrubbing the boards covering the town sewers, in short, I have done everything, other than sell my body to women.[CN] 我由清理浴池到通水渠也要做 除了卖自己去青楼,什么都做过了 The Lady Shogun and Her Men (2010)
The origins of both political centralization and collectivism lie in the historical need to build and maintain the network of dams and channels, so precious, yet so vulnerable.[CN] 国家的集中管理或集体化 就是出自建设和维修 这些水渠和水坝网的需要 它们是如此珍贵 又如此脆弱 Chung Kuo - Cina (1972)
The dam, the diversion canal and the reservoir were then constructed.[CN] 建造了水坝、引水渠和水库 Chung Kuo - Cina (1972)
in some places in europe, ancient roman aqueducts are still in use.[CN] 欧洲罗马时代的大水渠现仍在使用 Life After People (2008)
Irrigation ditches.[CN] 灌溉水渠 Coldwater (2013)
-ln the ditch.[CN] - 在水渠 Vagabond (1985)
It's all underground stream here and you're injured[CN] 这里四周都是通往梁城的地下水渠 水流很急 Battle of the Warriors (2006)
A fat woman fell into water ditch? What is so funny?[CN] 肥婆掉进水渠里有什么好笑的? Forbidden City Cop (1996)
Today, there are kilometers of channels, where animals and fish can be raised.[CN] 现在则有长长的水渠 可饲养牲口和养鱼 Chung Kuo - Cina (1972)
Undergound waterways seemed to have caused it.[CN] 可能是由于地下水渠遭破坏 Godzilla vs. Megaguirus (2000)
Water ditch![CN] 水渠 Forbidden City Cop (1996)
And he threw her in the canal.[CN] 把她扔在水渠里。 The Mortician (2011)
Now, that looks like an overflow drain deep in the woods, so we should be able to slip into the compound[CN] 那里看起来像是一个树林深处的排水渠 Now, that looks like an overflow drain deep in the woods. 我们应该可以从那里溜进去 So we should be able to slip into the compound Maveth (2015)
I never thought I'd be so happy to be back in a sewer.[CN] 没想过回到水渠来 会这么开心的 Species (1995)
The aqueduct.[CN] 水渠 Life of Brian (1979)
Bringing up my dad's new wife drains me of my Christmas spirit.[CN] 造就了我父亲的新妻子 水渠我我的圣诞精神。 I'll Be Home for Christmas (1998)
Why don't you two go together, and I can get on with the gutters?[CN] 你俩去 , 我修理水渠 Hilary and Jackie (1998)
A grey, boring Monday! Dull as ditch water[CN] 灰色, 无聊的星期一, 如水渠般沉闷 The Substitute (2007)
The sewer was blown, you intended to take advantage...[CN] 当年爆水渠,你趁机揩油... I Love Hong Kong (2011)
The odd stray. They breed in the drains.[CN] 是走散的,在水渠那产仔 Arthur Christmas (2011)
"excluding those concerned with drainage, medicine, roads, housing,[CN] "不管他们给了多少水渠,医药,道路,房屋, Life of Brian (1979)
- Who won the sixth race at Aqueduct? - Your horse came in seventh.[CN] - "水渠马场"的第六场比赛哪一匹马赢了? The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001)
They must be beneath the police station.[CN] 他们一定在水渠 Black Mask (1996)
But apart from the sanitation, the aqueduct and the roads lrrigation.[CN] 但是除了水渠, 卫生设施和道路以外 灌溉。 Life of Brian (1979)
This morning I saw a fat woman fall into water ditch[CN] 早上看到一个肥婆掉进水渠 Forbidden City Cop (1996)
Are we going down through the gutter?[CN] 我们在水渠里爬下去 Black Mask (1996)
They could pop out of any manhole in a five-mile radius.[CN] 他们能从5英里内 任何一个水渠口出来 S.W.A.T. (2003)


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