“Demure” : The word redefines elegance and confidence in 2024 (เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ in English) “Demure” เป็นคำศัพท์ที่ได้รับความสนใจจากโซเชียลมีเดียโดยเฉพาะ Tiktok ซึ่งสะท้อนถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางวัฒนธรรมที่หันมาให้ความสำคัญกับความเรียบง่าย ความมั่นใจ และความใส่ใจในรายละเอียดทั้งในรูปลักษณ์และพฤติกรรม โดยคำนี้ได้รับการนิยามใหม่จากความหมายดั้งเดิมที่เกี่ยวกับความสุภาพถ่อมตัวและความสงวนท่าที ให้กลายเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของความสง่างามที่มาพร้อมความมั่นใจอย่างมีชั้นเชิงในโลกที่เต็มไปด้วยความโดดเด่นฉูดฉาด การเปลี่ยนแปลงนี้ซึ่งได้รับอิทธิพลอย่างมากจากเทรนด์ในโซเชียลมีเดียและทัศนคติของสังคมที่พัฒนาไป ชี้ให้เห็นถึงการยอมรับในรูปแบบการแสดงตัวตนที่แฝงด้วยความลึกซึ้งและงดงามในปัจจุบัน The word “demure” was selected as Dictionary.com’s 2024 Word of...


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大范围[dà fàn wéi, ㄉㄚˋ ㄈㄢˋ ㄨㄟˊ,    /   ] large-scale [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Let's get a sweep moving southeast on Toulouse.[CN] 让我们大范围移动到图卢兹 12 Rounds (2009)
That is the enormous, gigantic American corporations coming in, making investments and taking control, to a certain extent, of the economy.[CN] 已经移入南美 这是全面的大范围的 美国公司的进入 进行调查和控制 From War to Peace: Professor Stephen Ambrose (2001)
But pull back even more, and we see that these superclusters are connected into structures called filaments.[CN] 再扩大范围就会见到这些超星系团 互相连结成丝状结构 Galaxies (2010)
It looks like they're running a wide-area jammer along with a press blackout.[CN] 除了报道管制之外好像还 启动了大范围干扰电波 Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)
At this time of year, they travel far and wide to find grazing for their animals.[CN] 每年的这个时候 他们千里迢迢大范围移居 为他们的羊群寻找青草 The Jewel of Arabia (2013)
We'll position it near the tree line for maximum range.[CN] 我们将附近的位置就 树线的最大范围 Operation Rogue (2014)
At the southern end of our planet, the Antarctic sea ice is still at its greatest extent.[CN] 在我们星球的南端 南极的海冰仍处于最大范围 Spring (2011)
Widespread anti-American protests over the release of shocking video.[CN] 引发了大范围的反美示威游行 Dark Matter (2010)
It was a military state, to a large degree.[CN] 大范围内都是军事戒严状态 Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
We don't want widespread panic.[CN] 我们可不想制造大范围恐慌 Transcendence (2014)
Search every pipe, every hole, every crack we know. Sweep as wide as possible as fast as possible.[CN] 仔细查看每一个管道、窟窿和裂口 大范围搜索... The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
You have a reputation for a wide range of experimental dishes.[CN] 你会挣得一个用大范围使用实验盘子的名誉 The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
Online awareness, outreach, TV ads, and so forth.[CN] 线上曝光、扩大范围、电视广告等 Our Brand Is Crisis (2015)
It expands the reach.[CN] 能扩大范围 The Mystery of the Dead Date (2014)
The shouts of "Massacre the massacrers" are directed against the generals involved, but there's also anger at a much wider corruption in public life.[CN] 他们在喊:"血债血偿",他们矛头直指那些卷入此事的将军。 但同时对于社会生活中大范围的腐败,人们也十分愤怒。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
If it is not stopped before that, it will feed and then multiply exponentially until Ghotas consume all life on this planet.[CN] 如果我们没有在此之前阻止它 它就会觅食,然后大范围繁殖 最终哥特将毁灭这个星球上所有的生命体 Alien Trespass (2009)
The early universe was a wild-and-crazy place where huge regions of mass were collapsing catastrophically, producing black holes.[CN] 早期宇宙是个野蛮疯狂的地方 大范围的物质土崩瓦解 从而制造出黑洞 Black Holes (2010)
Well, widen the circle. Keep at it.[CN] 好 扩大范围 继续查 A Blueprint for Murder (1953)
Very rapidly, at a great range.[CN] 大范围的液体转化为冰 Making Friends and Influencing People (2014)
And all that energy will be directed toward an area the size of a pinhead.[CN] 所有能量给导往一个针头般大范围 Stars (2010)
I heard that it is a serial murder in a wide range.[CN] 听说是大范围的连续杀人啊 Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser (2009)
Yeah, in 1977, during a blackout.[CN] 有... 过,1977年,在大停电期间。 【那年7月13至14日,纽约市 发生过一次大范围的停电事故】 Fading Gigolo (2013)
In 1896, there were widespread reports of strange airships hovering over various locations in the American West.[CN] 1896年 出现大范围的关于奇怪的飞船 在美国西部数个地点盘旋的报道 Closer Encounters (2010)
What science has now shown is that regardless of material wealth the stress of simply living in a stratified society leads to a vast spectrum of public health problems and the greater the inequality, the worse they become.[CN] 有科学表明 不论物质财富如何 在一个阶层分裂严重的社会的压力 会导致大范围的公共健康问题 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
and we don't play well with others.[CN] 我们合作的话可以调查更大范围 The Magnificent Seven (2007)
We made contact through an extension in the west conference center.[CN] -我们是对西侧会议中心 进行的大范围拨叫 Joe Day Afternoon (2007)
- a far-ranging... platform.[CN] - 这个大范围的普及 Rocket Science (2007)
Despite its daring choices, the film prompted the biggest debate in the history of the franchise.[CN] 除了这些抉择,电影引起了 历史上最大范围的剧烈争论 Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010)
Wild routing through a series of numbers.[CN] 一组电话号码大范围漫游 Achilles Heel (2011)
Next year, in my opinion, we'll see widespread depression and unemployment.[CN] 明年,我们就会看到大范围的 萧条和失业。 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Enough nerves die, he dies.[CN] 大范围神经轴突死亡 Honeymoon (2005)
...followed by a massive secondary explosion.[CN] 在利雅得附近的美国建筑 紧接着第二个大范围的爆炸 The Kingdom (2007)
A major attack in Europe would restore his prestige after he was shut out of the London and Madrid bombings.[CN] 他未能参与伦敦和穆德里爆炸袭击 一次针对欧洲的大范围袭击将令其重塑威信 Secrets of State (2008)
In a broad sort of way different large societies could be termed as individualistic or collectivist and you get very different people and different mindsets and I suspect different brains coming along with that.[CN] 大范围的社会里的不同的简短方式 可被称为个人主义 或者是集体主义 有不同的人和思维方式 我猜其他人也大致这么认为 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
- You're going out of the max range.[CN] - 你会出的最大范围 Amber Alert (2012)
You see it on a small scale in animals.[CN] 自然过程导致大范围的"图式形成" 你在动物身上看到小范围现象 The Mission (2010)
"Theatrewide biotoxic and chemical warfare."[CN] "大范围的生物及化学战。" WarGames (1983)
Camera one's a wide shot of the road so we can monitor everyone coming in and out of the property.[CN] 摄像头1是一个大范围的道路镜头 所以我们可以监控进出牧场的人 Skinwalker Ranch (2013)
Airborne troops will be placed behind the front.[CN] 我们完全有能力压制他们 不需要大范围的调整兵力 Rommel (2012)
An explosion that big with a nuclear warhead...[CN] 那么大范围的爆炸 里面还有颗核弹头 Vengeance: Part 9 (2012)
lncrease the radius.[CN] 要扩大范围 As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (2001)
State of high alertness, beta waves range max at 40 hertz.[CN] 高警觉性,β状态 波最大范围在40赫兹。 Banshee Chapter (2013)
We start here, then widen the perimeter.[CN] 找找这 没有就扩大范围找到这 Montage (2013)
Basically, we're just dialing extensions until somebody picks up.[CN] 基本上 我们采取大范围拨叫 直到有人接听 Joe Day Afternoon (2007)
maximum scan.[CN] 备好导弹 打开雷达 最大范围搜索 The End of Time: Part Two (2010)
Since I'm gonna have to lay off most of my company anyway, you're fired, Hal.[CN] 反正我得大范围裁员 哈尔 你被解雇了 Green Lantern (2011)
"The search is covering a wide area..."[CN] "搜寻大范围展开..." Don't Torture a Duckling (1972)
I know this seems - rather high but in addition to the rather - extensive cosmetic renovation by way of - plastic surgery for you, CPS has to provide - a fresh corpse that perfectly matches your - physical dimensions and medical specifications.[CN] - 但是除了通过整形手术 - 来进行大范围的外形修整之外 - CPS还要给你准备 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
It's just a massive infection.[CN] 大范围的感染 Dolphin Tale (2011)
Cataclysmic interference.[CN] 大范围干涉 Watchmen (2009)


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