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出类拔萃[chū lèi bá cuì, ㄔㄨ ㄌㄟˋ ㄅㄚˊ ㄘㄨㄟˋ,     /    ] to excel the others (成语 saw); surpassing #32,044 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Every single thing about your mother was unique.[CN] 你母亲的一切都很出类拔萃 Tekken (2010)
I think it's horrifying, a distinguished citizen - if I may say so, an extremely distinguished British citizen - who's given his life's service to his country, finds these faceless bureaucrats have listened to his every word.[CN] 这太恐怖了 一名卓著的公民 I think it's horrifying, a distinguished citizen - 可以说 一名出类拔萃的英国公民 是哦 if I may say so, an extremely distinguished British citizen - 为祖国鞠躬尽瘁一辈子 who's given his life's service to his country, The Death List (1981)
I guess that made me think I was ahead of the game.[CN] 感觉自己已经出类拔萃 Bloodworth (2010)
My dear comrades, [CN] 同志们, 我有幸代表出类拔萃的军人 Sunshine (1999)
I have no doubt... that you will acquit yourselves honourably and... with distinction.[CN] 来自全球各地的文明国家 我知道各位一定能出类拔萃 Chariots of Fire (1981)
"an outstanding teacher, and a skilled clinical technician,[CN] 这位出类拔萃的教师, Something the Lord Made (2004)
Yeah. Just not a very good one, that's all.[CN] 是的,不过不是怎么出类拔萃就是了 In Good Company (2004)
'He was either going to become an enormously prominent man, at least, 'or go back to obscurity again if it failed.'[CN] 比赛顺利进行 他就是出类拔萃的推手 'He was either going to become an enormously prominent man, at least, 否则只能做无名小卒 'or go back to obscurity again if it failed. ' When We Were Kings (1996)
It said, "Class of '88 making a difference."[CN] 别针写着 "88年毕业生出类拔萃" Dead Man Walking (1995)
Is there anything that makes your squad stand out from the others?[CN] 是什么让你们队出类拔萃? Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006)
Only the most exceptional people become aware of the Matrix.[CN] 只有最出类拔萃的人 才会知道母体的存在 The Animatrix (2003)
There he would teach the world not only that he existed, that he was someone but that he was exceptional, [CN] 在那里 他不仅要告诉这世界他的存在 他还是非常重要并且出类拔萃 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)
♪ I was dancing when I was 1 2 ♪ they're all speeding up.[CN] 我们是出类拔萃的男孩子 感谢各位 欢迎大家来到《流行前线》 Velvet Goldmine (1998)
No, the Naomi Misora I knew was very strong-willed, an excellent FBI agent.[CN] 不, 我所认识的南空直美 是一位坚强 而且出类拔萃的FBI探员 Glare (2006)
# But cream of the crop Tip of the top[CN] 但最优秀最出类拔萃的是 Mary Poppins (1964)
I imagine you're an extraordinary person in whatever timeline you happen to be in.[CN] 看得出来 不管是在哪条时间线 你都非常出类拔萃 Stargate: Continuum (2008)
They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity but if someone is exceptional...[CN] 他们就会变着法为平庸歌功颂德 如果真有人出类拔萃, 他们就... The Incredibles (2004)
I knew I had to do something to set myself apart.[CN] 那时我就知道, 我必须做点事情, 令我显得出类拔萃 Down with Love (2003)
Smashley's dive was hall of fame.[CN] 阿什莉表现也出类拔萃 Whip It (2009)
Ladies and gentlemen, we consider you the best the elite the future of our profession.[CN] 出类拔萃,医学界明日之才 课程完结后差不多一半人 将取不到证书 Anatomy (2000)
you lack the motivation and talent come on.[CN] 尽管你们俩长相酷肖,但伊森 的主动性和天分让他出类拔萃 - 你的身上却没有这些忧点 - ... Eagle Eye (2008)
He could have become a remarkable man.[CN] 他也许会成为一个出类拔萃的人 一个为社会主义添砖加瓦的建设者 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
I think I'd be extraordinary in the role.[CN] 我觉得自己演得出类拔萃 Ramona and Beezus (2010)
You and Liddell. I'd heard you were both the best.[CN] 我是来看你和里德的 听说你们都是出类拔萃的好手 Chariots of Fire (1981)
Now we want to take you across and introduce you to a director ... who's a head above the rest[CN] 我们给你介绍一位出类拔萃的导演 Mulholland Dr. (2001)
Sir, here is newly come to court Laertes, who I believe be an absolute gentleman, full of the most excellent differences, of very soft society and great showing.[CN] 哎 殿下 莱阿替斯新近回到朝廷 请相信我他真是一位全才 他有种种出类拔萃的特长 态度文雅 举止大方 Hamlet (1948)
Lucinda here. Fairy par excellence.[CN] 出类拔萃的仙女露丝达在此 Ella Enchanted (2004)
They have an excellent selection.[CN] 她们都是出类拔萃 A Time to Kill (1996)
You know, someone who's absolutely at the top of their game.[CN] 在自己领域出类拔萃的人 The Yanks in the U.K.: Parts 1 and 2 (2008)
You're in your prime. Jaimie. am I right?[CN] 没有如果 你出类拔萃 杰米 我说得对吧? Poison Ivy: The New Seduction (1997)
This year the leader roles are to be held by the same individuals[CN] 希望今年的指挥者会是出类拔萃 Yamada: Samurai of Ayothaya (2010)
When there was a particular student who can make a difference....[CN] 当有某个学生可出类拔萃... The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
Because all the guys are good, but he could be great.[CN] 我认为我们该联手 他们都不错 但他注定出类拔萃 Almost Famous (2000)
My five-year-old daughter could do that, and let me tell you, she's not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed.[CN] 连我五岁的女儿 都能做得到 我还要告诉你 她还不是出类拔萃的那种小孩 Juno (2007)
I can be extraordinary.[CN] 我可以出类拔萃 Ramona and Beezus (2010)
Let's talk about the real world where you're not some wonderful lone wolf hero, but you're part of a team.[CN] 让我们谈些实际的问题... 你不是出类拔萃的英雄, 你只是团队的一员 Mercury Rising (1998)
Here filming was only possible with the help of an extraordinary range of people and organisations.[CN] 如果没有一群出类拔萃的 人员和团体伸出援手 在这里拍摄 绝对是不可能的任务 Challenges of Life (2009)
It's one of a kind.[CN] -出类拔萃 Van Helsing (2004)
Extraordinary.[CN] 出类拔萃 就是说把平凡的事情 Ramona and Beezus (2010)
I think it means "outstanding".[CN] 我想是"出类拔萃"的意思 I think it means "outstanding". The Death List (1981)
So don't waste your time trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome.[CN] 所以 不要再浪费你的时间了 空有热诚想 创造点出类拔萃的东西 School of Rock (2003)
Maybe even in Stone's league.[CN] 在Stone的团队里也是出类拔萃 The Con Is On (2004)
This noble conflict you're about to enter is the kind of adventure that can set one above the herd.[CN] 你要参与的这场崇高的斗争 是一次能让你出类拔萃的冒险 Flyboys (2006)
Gwen was a real class act. She had a good attitude.[CN] 格文是个出类拔萃的人,总是热情待客 The Good Girl (2002)
Sober, reliable, the best men.[CN] 沉着,可靠,出类拔萃 The Arrival (1961)
They're all supposed to, but they don't.[CN] 他们均该出类拔萃的但却不是 The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
I still show her, though. She's very competitive in her category.[CN] 尽管如此 我仍然带她参展 她在同类中出类拔萃 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
Yes. Mr. Meek is the most remarkable medium.[CN] 没错 米克先生是最出类拔萃的灵媒 Curse of the Demon (1957)
Harville's sister was a very superior woman, and Benwick's attachment to her was, indeed, profound.[CN] 哈维尔的妹妹是位出类拔萃的女性 本威克对她的爱恋 也是毋庸置疑的 Persuasion (2007)
I know he's crude, quarrelsome, and excitable... but inside that tormented head of his there's something wonderful.[CN] 我知道他粗鲁,喜欢争吵,容易激动... 但是,在他苦苦挣扎的内心深处 有某种出类拔萃的东西 Lust for Life (1956)


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