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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
冬天[dōng tiān, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄧㄢ,  ] winter #2,131 [Add to Longdo]
冬天[hé dōng tiān, ㄏㄜˊ ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄧㄢ,   ] nuclear winter #157,470 [Add to Longdo]

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"UCLA did not make the Rose Bowl this winter.[CN] UCLA这个冬天没有打进玫瑰杯赛事 (UCLA: 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校) The Breaking Point (2001)
The Dauby family: 2 kids, mid-winter[CN] 比如: 兩個孩子的家庭在冬天停電 It All Starts Today (1999)
For now it's but a naturalist's winter dream.[CN] 一个厌烦冬天的标本制作匠的梦想 Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)
In '98, in France, they can't deprive people of heat and power in winter![CN] 在法國,1998年頒布的法律, 不能剝奪人民冬天取暖和用電的權力! It All Starts Today (1999)
- With the pigs inside in winter?[CN] -在冬天里跟猪共处一室 A Knight's Tale (2001)
Last winter, on Boulevard St. Germain, a well-dressed man was about to give me 20 francs...[CN] 去年冬天 在圣德门大道 一个穿得很讲究的先生要给我20法郎 Code Unknown (2000)
And at night it's freezing.[CN] 没有任何的遮挡或者其它什么东西 到了晚上就跟冬天一样冷 What to Do in Case of Fire (2001)
She combs the snow like winter.[CN] 她像冬天一樣玩雪 It All Starts Today (1999)
In Alaska, they wear little light hats so they don't get depressed.[CN] 陽光對身體好,東尼 阿拉斯加的人在冬天戴光帽 心情才不會沮喪 Isabella (1999)
I don't know. I just got tired of winter.[CN] 我不知道,我只是厌倦冬天 Witness Protection (1999)
chuckles oh, how about this winter weather, eh?[CN] 冬天气如何? Lucky Numbers (2000)
Mom has a cough every winter.[CN] 妈一到冬天就咳嗽 Postmen in the Mountains (1999)
Now it's winter, but just wait till the sun comes out...[CN] 现在是冬天 但是... 只要看到第一眼你就会发热 Mortal Transfer (2001)
And in winter ice forms on these hairs between her pads.[CN] 到了冬天她的脚趾上的毛会结冰. Dark Blue World (2001)
The Finnish are crazy... because of the endless winters and the aurora borealis.[CN] 芬蘭人很瘋狂 是因為無盡的冬天和北極光 Moloch (1999)
Like the change from this to the winter freeze.[CN] 就像现在变成冬天的微风 Lost and Delirious (2001)
A third winter would be spent under its reign.[CN] 这是在它统治下的第三个冬天 Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)
In the fall or winter of 1 940, ...[CN] 在1940年的秋天和冬天, ... The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Agnis tells me we got to move for the winter.[CN] 艾格尼斯告诉我冬天要搬家 The Shipping News (2001)
I don't like to in the winter, because it's uncomfortable.[CN] 冬天不喜歡, 不舒服 Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000)
I haven't been under a quilt all winter[CN] 我这一冬天连被都没盖过! Devils on the Doorstep (2000)
Winter to spring[CN] 冬天到春天 Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Fall and winter for you. Spring and summer for me.[CN] "秋天和冬天你来住 春天和夏天我来住" Intacto (2001)
It was winter.[CN] 那是个冬天 Himitsu (1999)
Stefan, you're on that team.[CN] -Stefan, 你去那个组 你疯了吗,现在是冬天 Together (2000)
When I was young, I woke up one winter morning, in my mother's arms.[CN] 我小的时候 有一个冬天的早上我醒来的时候 发觉我妈妈抱着我不放... The Avenging Fist (2001)
we like skiing. - Yeah![CN] 冬天时爱滑雪 The Beach (2000)
Well, let's just say... it's gonna be quite a long, cold winter.[CN] 那么,怎么说... 那会是个又冷又长的冬天. Coyote Ugly (2000)
Winter was winter in Moscow.[CN] 莫斯科的冬天才是冬天 The Man Who Cried (2000)
Yes.[CN] 是啊 冬天就快来了 Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
All winter, watching your kids freeze![CN] 整個冬天,看著你的孩子挨凍! It All Starts Today (1999)
To welcome you in winter[CN] 冬天欢迎你归来 Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure (2001)
How do you keep the place warm in the winter?[CN] 冬天你是怎么让这里保持暖和的? Friends and Family (2001)
And then one winter...[CN] 有一个冬天... Joe Dirt (2001)
While he hired and fired generals and the winter grew colder 15 of his officials were ordered from their commands and ministries to meet in a quiet lakeside residence in Wannsee, in Bertin tar from the crisis at the front.[CN] 当他频繁更迭将领之时 冬天越来越冷了 15名军政要员奉他之命由各自的机关前往 Conspiracy (2001)
Winter to spring[CN] 冬天到春天 Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Have a great winter![CN] 有一个伟大的冬天 Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
Now that it is run by Germans, you should be spared those Polish winters.[CN] 现在是德国人做主 波兰的冬天应该奈何不了你了 Conspiracy (2001)
To warm you in the winter[CN] 冬天永远有温暖 Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure (2001)
In Germany there's lots of snow in the winter, you see?[CN] 德国冬天会下好多雪 Nowhere in Africa (2001)
I guess in the winter, it doesn't show.[CN] 我以為是冬天看不出來 Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000)
Shabu shabu's perfect for winter.[CN] 冬天吃火锅不是正合适吗? My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
Can hear me all winter long on Jewish Day School Radio 89.9 F.M...[CN] 能听到我漫长的冬天犹太天 学校广播89.9 F. M. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
I don't do good in winter on account I'm so cold-blooded, just like my mother.[CN] 冬天过得不好,因为我很怕冷 就像我母亲一样 Urbania (2000)
"It's so hard in Russia in winter that we have to eat each other.[CN] 饿罗斯的冬天太难熬了我们不得不被此互相吃 Birthday Girl (2001)
- Wearing them![CN] 冬天谁不穿裤子呢 Platform (2000)
IN WINTER, ALICE GOES SKIING, [CN] 冬天,Alice去滑雪, Dancing at the Blue Iguana (2000)
yeah. is it always this sticky in harrisburg in the winter?[CN] 哈利斯堡冬天总是如此潮湿 Lucky Numbers (2000)
What's in the theater this winter?[CN] 这个冬天有什么戏码? Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)
in the winterof'88, i was the luckiest man alive.[CN] 88年冬天,我是世上最幸运的人 Lucky Numbers (2000)


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