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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
中情局[Zhōng Qíng Jú, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄑㄧㄥˊ ㄐㄩˊ,   ] Central Intelligence Agency (abbr.) #19,796 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And the CIA sets up its first little spy apparatus in Europe... by putting a bunch of Gestapo guys on the payroll.[CN] 中情局藉著將一些 納粹秘密警察 列入支薪名單建立 首批歐洲間諜 Music Box (1989)
Central Intelligence Agency.[CN] 中央情報局簡稱中情局 Charade (1963)
How would you know?[CN] 你怎么会知道? 你不是中情局的人吧? The Dogs of War (1980)
Plus, he's kicking money back into the CIA-[CN] 此外,他还给中情局不少好处费的 Air America (1990)
Apart from those present in this room, the information resides only with the CIA and British Intelligence.[CN] 除了这里的人 就只有中情局和英国特工处知道 Never Say Never Again (1983)
To be more specific, Mrs. Lampert, your husband was wanted by this agency.[CN] 講詳細點是中情局要抓你先生 Charade (1963)
The ClA's been after one of those for years.[CN] 中情局多年前已想取得 From Russia with Love (1963)
CIA sent me to ride shotgun with you.[CN] -中情局派我支援你 Never Say Never Again (1983)
Did you not work for the CIA in "I" Corps?[CN] 你在情報一處 不是為中情局效力嗎? Apocalypse Now (1979)
I worked with a group called "Air America." CIA front.[CN] 我跟名为空中美国的组织合作 他们是中情局的幌子 Lethal Weapon (1987)
If the CIA made me an offer, I'd be off like a shot.[CN] 要是中情局挖角,我会马上过去 Never Say Never Again (1983)
- CIA?[CN] 还是中情局 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
I've worked for ClA here for some time now.[CN] 我在这替中情局工作有段时间了 Live and Let Die (1973)
A-OK, Sir James. CIC at CIA.[CN] 好说好说,詹姆斯阁下 中情局的最高司令官 Casino Royale (1967)
The CIA flies drugs for him.[CN] 中情局在为他贩运毒品 Air America (1990)
On behalf of the CIA, welcome to America.[CN] 谨代表中情局欢迎你来美国 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Or he'll set Milan, Rome, the priests, the CIA and God knows who on our backs.[CN] 否则他会找米兰的 罗马的 教会的 中情局的 天知道什么人找我们麻烦 The Suspicious Death of a Minor (1975)
The CIA.[CN] 中情局... Phase One (2003)
I'm gonna get the FBI on your ass, the CIA.[CN] 我叫联邦调查局 和中情局教训你们 The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
You'll work with NATO CIA and all allied intelligence units.[CN] 你们将和北约组织,中情局 以及所有盟国情治单位一起合作 Thunderball (1965)
Who does she think I am, the C.I.A.?[CN] 她以為我是中情局的人嗎? Charade (1963)
Standard cia issue.[CN] 标准中情局配备 Live and Let Die (1973)
- He's clean. And where do I find him?[CN] 中情局认为他没有问题 Goldfinger (1964)
- Yeah. No, only one of them was admitted CIA, and the CIA won't confirm that.[CN] 不 其中有一个说自己是中情局干员 All the President's Men (1976)
Kashmir. Got a code tip from the bureau chief this morning.[CN] 克什米尔 今天早上从中情局得来的消息 Rear Window (1954)
CIA?[CN] 中情局 The Blob (1988)
Consult our allies! Top brass![CN] 得问盟国 军方高层 中情局 北约 东盟 莫斯科 Consult our allies! The Skeleton in the Cupboard (1982)
Ransome, CIA, Sir James.[CN] 詹姆斯阁下,我是中情局的蓝森 Casino Royale (1967)
CIA, Justice.[CN] 中情局 司法部 All the President's Men (1976)
Yes, sir. JCC, class G, SIC to SCCT. CIA, Washington DC.[CN] 是,阁下,联合通信中心,7级技术职称 中情局,华盛顿特区 Casino Royale (1967)
Right, Lins? No, no, really. It could be NTls.[CN] 说真的,有可能是外星人 中情局早就知道有外星人了 The Abyss (1989)
The CIA are interested...the Mafia's interested... and the Chinese are keen.[CN] 中情局有兴趣 黑手党有兴趣 中国人也非常想要 Bomb (1982)
It's all run by ex-CIA.[CN] 全都由前中情局人员操作 Lethal Weapon (1987)
Those who aren't with the CIA, that is.[CN] 如果不是中情局间谍的话 Those who aren't with the CIA, that is. One of Us (1986)
You are, aren't you?[CN] 你他妈的就是 中情局的人, 对不对? The Dogs of War (1980)
The fbi and the CIA and J. Edgar Hoover, the oil companies... the Pentagon, the men's-room attendant at the White House?[CN] 调查局,中情局和胡佛 石油公司... 五角大厦,白宫男厕清洁员 Annie Hall (1977)
And the CIA. Don't underestimate the Pope.[CN] 还有中情局,不要小看了罗马教皇 The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
He used to be with the Contras before they kicked him out.[CN] 在被踢出来之前 也是中情局约雇人员 Licence to Kill (1989)
And the CIA.[CN] 还有中情局 All the President's Men (1976)
Yeah, Barker. And all four of them were involved in CIA activities...[CN] 对 巴克 这四个人都跟中情局有关系 All the President's Men (1976)
They have proof he's contacted Radio Free Europe, the CIA...[CN] 他們有證據表明他與中情局,自由歐洲電台有聯繫... Man of Iron (1981)
Harold Strutter, cia. Where were you when I didn't need you?[CN] 哈洛史特劳,中情局 我不需要你时,你在哪? Live and Let Die (1973)
When the gap gets too large between what the FBI can handle effectively and what the CIA doesn't wanna deal with, we step in.[CN] 分歧连联邦调查局都应付不了 中情局又不想理时, 我们便插手 Marathon Man (1976)
The ClA have been informed, and they're helping with the surveillance.[CN] 已经通知中情局 他们答应协助监视 Live and Let Die (1973)
Now, once we get a composite of the man we can find a match by patching into the photographic files of the Surete, interpol, CIA, the Mossad.[CN] 一旦有目标的特征素描 就能从国际刑警,中情局 或法国警察处的 照片资料库中找出对比 ... For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Hunt worked for the CIA till 1970.[CN] 杭特在中情局工作到1970年 All the President's Men (1976)
If you're conducting that kind of investigation... then certainly it comes as no surprise to you that Howard was with the CIA.[CN] 如果你在做相关调查的话 应该不难发现霍华是中情局一员 All the President's Men (1976)
C.I.A.?[CN] 中情局的人? One, Two, Three (1961)
The CIA used to hire mercs. They used the exact same setup.[CN] 以前中情局会雇用佣兵 他们都用这样的装置 Lethal Weapon (1987)
That's a fine way to treat the CIA.[CN] 这样对待中情局真不赖 Thunderball (1965)


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