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丝绒[sī róng, ㄙ ㄖㄨㄥˊ,   /  ] velvet #40,672 [Add to Longdo]

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Your mouth suggests to me burgundy velvet.[CN] 以共鸣论结识他们可会有用 你的嘴巴令我想起酒红色的丝绒 Funny Face (1957)
In it were two centuries of ghosts, all the Presidents and First Ladies before them.[CN] 这是一片布置精致的无人之地 丝绒地毯和高悬的天花板隔开了两间卧房 Chapter 47 (2016)
I asked him about one of his most controversial reviews for Blue Velvet, and his moral indignation at director David Lynch.[CN] 我问起他最有争议的一篇影评之一 是写《蓝丝绒》的 里面他对导演大卫林奇 进行了道德职责 Life Itself (2014)
♪ now she lies in a plush, velvet bed ♪[CN] # 她躺在天鹅丝绒床上 # Vamp U (2011)
- It's on the house.[CN] 一杯丝绒奶咖 Nosedive (2016)
You remember Lou Reed at the Free Trade Hall?[CN] 记得卢・里德(地下丝绒乐队主唱) 在自由商业大厅(位于曼彻斯特)的那次吗? Control (2007)
You...[CN] 你――你给我一个穿着丝绒裤子的... Two Rode Together (1961)
So, it turns out that velvet is impervious to magnets, but it IS pervious to dynamite.[CN] 结论就是,丝绒对于电磁铁完全免疫 So, it turns out that velvet is impervious to magnets, 不过对炸药却无能为力 but it IS pervious to dynamite. Episode #21.1 (2014)
Granny's red velvet cake.[CN] 外婆的红丝绒蛋糕 Breaking Brig (2014)
They've totally underestimated the price point on those red velvet cupcakes.[CN] 那些红丝绒纸杯蛋糕 定价低得离谱 Pilot (2011)
Jeremy then put on the yobbo outfit and lined up his velvet Golf on the start line.[CN] Jeremy穿上了小混混的装扮 Jeremy then put on the yobbo outfit 然后钻进了丝绒高尔夫准备出发 and lined up his velvet Golf on the start line. Episode #21.1 (2014)
It's ready, so I'll put it here.[CN] 丝绒 Urite to kaite (2015)
I, uh... hope you like red velvet.[CN] 我 呃... 希望你喜欢红丝绒口味 Scared and Running (2013)
Italian tile, Dutch velvet- Spare no expense.[CN] 意大利瓷砖, 荷兰丝绒... 总之不惜代价 Quills (2000)
Figured you'd be at a, uh, hotel patio bar by now, boobs-deep in a red velvet Margarita, talking to your girlfriends about[CN] 我以为你现在该在酒店露台酒吧 浸在及胸高的红丝绒玛格丽特里 跟你的好姐妹们聊着 P&P Romance Factory (2012)
Hey! You might have everyone else fooled with your whistle and your unusually silky coat, but I'm on to you, Buster![CN] 你的口哨和那身丝绒般的皮毛 也许能迷惑别人, Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta! (2012)
There's this book I read about this, "The velvet rage."[CN] 我读了一本书 叫"丝绒之怒" Let's Get to Scooping (2014)
All I had to do was to get up there in front of the targets, pick you up from the partners' waiting area with its blue velvet, and show off a few rounds of relaxed hip shooting.[CN] 我只需要站到射击区 把你从铺著蓝丝绒的等候区拿起 轻鬆秀上几枪不瞄準射击 Dear Wendy (2005)
See that velour from lyons. It's completely worn out.[CN] 看那块里昂产的丝绒, 它已经被完全腐蚀了 Russian Ark (2002)
Shut up, shut up. "White Light/White Heat," Velvet Underground.[CN] - 由地下丝绒乐队主唱的"白光/白热" High Fidelity (2000)
Help him up.[CN] 除了独树一帜的设计风格 我们的内饰也会确保你有舒适的驾车体验 混合使用丝绒、皮革 The Nice Guys (2016)
Red velvet.[CN] 丝绒 The Invitation (2015)
Velvet[CN] 丝绒的光芒也消失 Blue Velvet (1986)
Baby wants blue velvet.[CN] 宝宝想要蓝丝绒 Blue Velvet (1986)
When you left my house, I was thirsting for that dope-ass smoking jacket you had on, and since I'm going to Royal Ascot, and apparently you need one of these penguin suits... here I am.[CN] 你离开我家的时候 我等不及就想买一套你穿的高冷丝绒外套 When you left my house, I was thirsting for that dope -ass smoking jacket you had on, 而且反正我要去参加皇家赛马会 and since I'm going to Royal Ascot, Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
No, Mikey, there's steel wool on one side.[CN] 需要一些钢丝绒 Movie 43 (2013)
Of[CN] 丝绒的光芒也消失 Blue Velvet (1986)
Oh, and that the general is sending up a casket, silk-lined, with six handles on it.[CN] 还有将军送来了一具棺材 里面有丝绒衬里还有六个把手 The Big Red One (1980)
Blue[CN] 丝绒的光芒也消失 Blue Velvet (1986)
I don't know if you're him, but if you lived on Spruce Street and if your favorite shirt is a gray velour one, I need to speak to you.[CN] 我不知道你是不是我要找的 不过如果你曾经住在斯普鲁斯街 你最喜欢的衬衫是一件灰丝绒的 那我现在就想要和你谈谈,求你了 13 Going on 30 (2004)
Bought the velvet for the seats.[CN] 椅子的丝绒是他出的钱 Victor Frankenstein (2015)
It should be of velvet, blue velvet.[CN] 最好是丝绒的 蓝丝绒 Bright Star (2009)
I mean, you don't give your girlfriend of two years a little velvet box for her birthday and not have it be an engagement ring![CN] 他送了一个丝绒小盒子给他 谈了两年的女朋友 作为生日礼物, 但里面却不是一枚订婚戒指! What's with Robert? (2000)
Look. This is velvet plush.[CN] 你看,这是丝绒做的 Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)
I'm wearing a long velvet cape with fur on the collar.[CN] 我披着有毛领的紫色丝绒披肩 A Little Princess (1995)
Lined with blue velvet.[CN] 内衬着蓝丝绒 Lined with blue velvet. Episode #1.3 (2012)
- Three words. The Velvet Pussycat.[CN] 三个字 丝绒 Cuban Fury (2014)
I like to sing "Blue Velvet."[CN] 我喜欢唱"蓝丝绒" Blue Velvet (1986)
They call him the velvet shiv.[CN] 人称 丝绒 Fixed (2009)
Blue velvet[CN] 丝绒 Blue Velvet (1986)
I made your favorite, red velvet.[CN] 做了你最喜欢的红丝绒蛋糕 Pilot (2011)
Tell you what, velvet's good, you get better traction.[CN] 我跟你说,丝绒其实真的不错,你会得到更大的摩擦力 Tell you what, velvet's good, you get better traction. Episode #21.1 (2014)
You know-- when he asked me why I threw the velvet box at his head.[CN] 就在他问我为什么要把丝绒小盒子 扔到他的头上的时候 What's with Robert? (2000)
She wore blue velvet[CN] 她穿着蓝丝绒 Blue Velvet (1986)
I think it's just the name... red velvet... it just makes it so desirable.[CN] 我 我只是... 我想只是名字 红丝绒 让这个变得令人喜爱 Executive Order 13224 (2011)
What you're looking at here is velvet.[CN] -你看我的贴膜是丝绒材质的 -为什你不开车出来而非得推出来? What you're looking at here is velvet. Episode #21.1 (2014)
IIMAGINETHEREWAS , LIKE, A LIBERATION FOR YOU, THEN, [CN] (使导演可以用新的方式与演员沟通) 大卫·林奇 导演 (蓝丝绒/象人/穆赫兰道) 我想 对你来说 Side by Side (2012)
He's a few weeks old, got a velvet shawl?[CN] 只有几周大 裹着丝绒围巾? Parent Hood (2006)
I could wear that white, antique velvet dress that I have.[CN] 所以他可以证婚 我可以穿那件 白色丝绒古典洋装 More American Graffiti (1979)


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