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不可知论[bù kě zhī lùn, ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄜˇ ㄓ ㄌㄨㄣˋ,     /    ] agnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that some questions about the universe are in principle unanswerable #377,320 [Add to Longdo]

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Marxist-Lenin philosophy denies the idea of God, as the idea based on the impossibility of cognizing the world that surrounds a human...[CN] 马克思列宁哲学否定了有神论, 而围绕着人类的不可知论... ... Cargo 200 (2007)
You see, Alexey, I am an agnostic.[CN] 你看,Alexey,我是不可知论 Cargo 200 (2007)
An agnostic is someone... who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny a possibility that God exists.[CN] 不可知论者就是 认为世界上没有显示 神之存在的证据的人 但他们不否认神存在的可能性 Donnie Darko (2001)
Including agnostics, atheists, heathens.. ?[CN] 也包括不可知论者 无神论者 和异教徒? The Dead (1987)
Well, theology is a device for enabling agnostics to stay within the Church.[CN] So? 神学是把不可知论者 Well, theology is a device for enabling agnostics 留在教会内的手段 to stay within the Church. The Bishops Gambit (1986)
You're an agnostic.[CN] 你是不可知论者啊 Donnie Darko (2001)
In short, each of the thinkers I named took the strong position that there is no God, as opposed to the weak position of agnosticism.[CN] 总之,每一个我命名的思想家 采取了强势地位,有没有神, 作为反对不可知论的弱势地位。 God's Not Dead (2014)
- I'm agnostic.[CN] - 我是不可知论 Runaway Jury (2003)
And once you start to question the traditional images, caricatures of God... people feel you are an agnostic or an atheist... or a subverter of the social order.[CN] 一旦你开始质疑那些传统的上帝图像 人们会认为你是 一个不可知论者或一个无神论者 或社会秩序的反叛者 What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? (2004)
- yöu're an agnostic?[CN] - 你是不可知论者吗? Hot Fuzz (2007)
- Oh, no! Don't look at me, I'm an agnostic![CN] 别看我,尼尔,我是不可知论者! Interesting (1982)
But among us, there's also a Buddhist, agnostic, we have a Baptist, and we have a I-Don't-Know, which seems to be the fastest growing religion in the world.[CN] 我们之中,有佛教徒,不可知论者,浸信会教徒 But among us, there's also a Buddhist, agnostic, we have a Baptist, 我们也有「我不知道」教,似乎是世界上成长最快的宗教 and we have a I -Don't St. Vincent (2014)
Turned her into a giant block of ice.[CN] 我自己也是不可知论者 Yes, I'm an agnostic myself, 我也向上帝祈求过很多次 but I have prayed, many times, to God, 把我老婆变成一根盐柱子 to turn my wife into a pillar of salt. The Convergence Convergence (2016)
Is that related to "agnosticism"?[CN] 这个和 "不可知论"有关吗? Blindness (2008)
I was raised, more or less, by agnostic parents.[CN] 呃 我的父母都是持不可知论的态度 或多或少我是被他们影响了 Countdown (2003)
No coal, no dole.[CN] 我比较支持不可知论 T2 Trainspotting (2017)
Just say you're an agnostic who's struggling.[CN] 说你是不可知论者 对宗教有自己的疑虑 Oppo Research (2014)
You're not even a little agnostic? Is it supposed to smell funny?[CN] 你不是也有点是个不可知论者吗 这里的味道真的好奇怪? Damned If You Do (2004)
You know, "Agnosia", "Agnosticism".[CN] 你知道 "失认症" "不可知论" Blindness (2008)
What'd she say? She an agnostic?[CN] 她是怎么说的 她是个不可知论者吗 The Seven Day Rule (2013)


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