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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
冬天[dōng tiān, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄧㄢ,  ] winter #2,131 [Add to Longdo]
冬天[hé dōng tiān, ㄏㄜˊ ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄧㄢ,   ] nuclear winter #157,470 [Add to Longdo]

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Winter's coming. High tide.[CN] 冬天就要来临了 潮水会涨得很高 Exposé (2007)
- Yeah.[CN] 现在是冬天,天气很冷 Two Lovers (2008)
Oh, winter's for losers.[CN] 哦,失败者才有冬天 Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare. Act one, scene one.[CN] 莎士比亚 冬天的故事 第一场第一幕 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008)
- With what he puts in his nose, he won't go far...[CN] 拍好这个,会一直放到冬天 99 francs (2007)
Hobdon suggests we grow a white cabbage called Holland Late during the winter.[CN] 霍得建议我们冬天晚些时候 可以种一些荷兰卷心菜 My Boy Jack (2007)
Guys, we're gonna have food all winter, so if you start storing it it's gonna get gross and we're gonna have rodent....[CN] 我们冬天都会有食物的,如果现在开始储备 它就会腐烂,就会招来耗... Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
Just like storing nuts for the winter.[CN] 就像为冬天储备坚果 Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
Kids usually wear pajamas in winter.[CN] 冬天時通常穿兒童睡衣 Room of Death (2007)
They say yellow butterflies like that are white ones that survive the winter and come back yellow the next year.[CN] 人家说黄色的蝴蝶 本来是白色的,但活过了冬天 第二年就成了黄色的了 Still Walking (2008)
Yeah, well, sometimes a mistake is like wearing white after Labor Day, and sometimes, a mistake is invading Russia in winter.[CN] 嗯,不过 有时错误只是在劳工节后穿白衣服 而有时候,错误的是在冬天侵略俄国 Nothing But the Truth (2008)
suddenly, they had all these free food available to them.[CN] 很有可能就熬不过头一个冬天 幸运的是人类为其提供了大量的食物 Life After People (2008)


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