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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
练习[liàn xí, ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄧˊ,   /  ] exercise; drill; practice #4,515 [Add to Longdo]
练习场[liàn xí chǎng, ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄧˊ ㄔㄤˇ,    /   ] driving range (golf); practice court; practice ground #36,576 [Add to Longdo]
练习本[liàn xí běn, ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄧˊ ㄅㄣˇ,    /   ] exercise book; workbook #88,288 [Add to Longdo]
练习册[liàn xí cè, ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄧˊ ㄘㄜˋ,    /   ] exercise booklet [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
練習[れんしゅう, renshuu] ฝึกฝน, ฝึก
練習[れんしゅう, renshuu] ฝึกฝน, ฝึก

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
練習[れんしゅう, renshuu] (n, vs) practice; practise; (P) #2,495 [Add to Longdo]
タイプ練習[タイプれんしゅう, taipu renshuu] (n) typing practice [Add to Longdo]
演奏練習[えんそうれんしゅう, ensourenshuu] (n) musical rehearsal [Add to Longdo]
公開練習[こうかいれんしゅう, koukairenshuu] (n) public workout [Add to Longdo]
自主練習[じしゅうれんしゅう, jishuurenshuu] (n) voluntary training; voluntary practise; free practise [Add to Longdo]
打撃練習[だげきれんしゅう, dagekirenshuu] (n) batting practice (baseball) [Add to Longdo]
発声練習[はっせいれんしゅう, hasseirenshuu] (n) voice training; vocal exercises [Add to Longdo]
反復練習[はんぷくれんしゅう, hanpukurenshuu] (n, adj-no) practice by repetition; learning by rote [Add to Longdo]
練習[もうれんしゅう, mourenshuu] (n) hard training [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうき, renshuuki] (n) trainer; training plane [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうきょく, renshuukyoku] (n) etude [Add to Longdo]
練習試合[れんしゅうじあい, renshuujiai] (n) (See スクリメージ) practice game; practise game; practice match; practise match; scrimmage; workout [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうじょ, renshuujo] (n) training school or institute [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうじょう, renshuujou] (n) practice ground; practise ground [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうせい, renshuusei] (n) student; trainee [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうせん, renshuusen] (n) school or training ship [Add to Longdo]
練習相手[れんしゅうあいて, renshuuaite] (n) sparring partner [Add to Longdo]
練習[れんしゅうちょう, renshuuchou] (n) exercise book; workbook [Add to Longdo]
練習不足[れんしゅうぶそく, renshuubusoku] (n, adj-no) lack of training [Add to Longdo]
練習問題[れんしゅうもんだい, renshuumondai] (n) exercises; practice problem; practise problem [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
When do you practice the piano?あなたはいつピアノの練習をしますか。
You have only to practice everyday.あなたは毎日練習しさえすればよい。
Every opportunity is used, and you should do English practice.あらゆる機会を利用して英語の練習をすべきである。
Andy must have practiced very hard.アンディは、猛練習したにちがいない。
Whoo! Today's practice is tough - much harder than usual.ウーッ、今日の練習はいつになくハードで辛い。
After you've had some tea, carry on practising.お茶を飲んだ後は練習を続けなさい。
My time for these exercise and reading was at night, after work or before it began in the morning, or on Sundays.こういう練習や読書のための私の時間は、夜、仕事の後、朝、仕事が始まる前、日曜である。
This exercise is easy enough for me to do without help.この練習問題は、私がひとりでできるくらいやさしい。
I'm afraid you can't. I have tennis practice later.ごめん、だめなのだ。後でテニスの練習があるんだよ。
Mr Smith drilled them in English pronunciation.スミス先生は彼らに英語の発音の反復練習をさせた。
Do keep practicing!ぜひ練習を続けなさい。
Yes, you need to practice every day.そうですね。毎日練習する事が必要ですよ。
The girl exercised on the parallel bars.その少女は平行棒の練習をした。
In most sports the team that practice hardest usually brings home the bacon.たいていのスポーツの場合、最も厳しい練習をするチームがふつう勝利を収める。
How is cheerleading practice?チアリーダーの練習はどうなの。
Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.トムは練習中に左のひざを痛めてしまったので、ジョンがかわりに試合に出なければならなかった。
No matter how hard I practiced, I wasn't able to do the backstroke.どんなに練習しても、私は背泳ぎができませんでした。
Playing the violin requires much practice.バイオリンを演奏するには、多くの練習が必要だ。
It takes years of practice to play the piano well.ピアノを上手に弾くには長年の練習が必要だ。
Mike doesn't practice basketball on Monday.マイクは月曜日にはバスケットボールの練習をしない。
Mike didn't join the practice yesterday.マイクは昨日練習に参加しなかった。
Let's begin practicing voice projection.まず発声練習から始めましょう。
Writing good English needs a lot of practice.よい英語を書くためには、たくさん練習しなければならない。
Listening practice tends to be monotonous.リスニングの練習は単調になってしまうことがある。
Roy practiced very hard to get his ski instructor's license.ロイはスキーの指導員の免許をとるためにとても一生懸命に練習しました。
You'll be able to speak English better if you practice hard.一生懸命練習すれば英語がもっとうまく話せるようになるだろう。
After a year's practice, she plays the piano after a fashion.一年練習して、彼女はどうにかピアノを弾いている。
If it rains, we will put off our practice match.雨が降ったら、練習試合は延期にするつもりだ。
If you'd like to continue to improve your swimming, just keep on practicing every day.泳ぎがどんどん上達したいならば、毎日練習を続けることです。
Do a composition exercise, please.英作文の練習問題をしなさい。
Everything eventually gets easier with practice.何事も練習すれば簡単になる。
We need a great deal of practice to master a foreign language.外国語を習得するには多量の練習が必要である。
You should practice playing the piano regularly.規則正しくピアノを練習すべきです。
Each chapter in the textbook is followed by about a dozen comprehension questions.教科書の各章に約12もの練習問題がついている。
You must practice it at regular intervals.君はそれを一定の間隔を置いて練習すべきだ。 [ M ]
You should practice playing the violin every day.君はバイオリンを毎日練習するべきだ。 [ M ]
You must have a drill in grammar.君は文法の練習をしなければならない。 [ M ]
In the long run, you will have to practise more.結局のところ、あなたはもっと練習しなければならないだろう。
Although she practised every afternoon, her tennis didn't improve at all.午後は毎日練習したけれども、彼女のテニスは少しも上達しなかった。
I have tennis practice later.後でテニスの練習があるんだよ。
One must practice every day in order to become a world-class athlete.国際レベルの運動選手になるためには、毎日練習しなければならない。
Did you practice the piano this morning?今朝ピアノの練習をしました。
Did you practice the piano this morning?今朝ピアノの練習をしましたか。
Did you practice the piano this morning?今朝ピアノ練習をしましたか。
Have you practiced any today?今日は少しでも練習しましたか。
We were made to practice three hours a day by the manager.私たちは監督によって1日3時間練習させられた。
We trained hard for the game at first.私たちは最初は試合に備えて熱心に練習した。
I have practiced piano every day for fifteen years.私は15年間毎日ピアノを練習しています。
I am training hard so that I may win the race.私はそのレースに勝つために懸命に練習している。
I have tennis practice.私はテニスの練習があります。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I want to go in![CN] - 他在練習 288) }我想進去! Run, Waiter, Run! (1981)
Come on, let's work.[CN] 來吧, 我們來練習 The Moment of Truth (1965)
Diana and I am the prince and princess, who We must take an oath of love.[CN] 狄安娜 練習一下結婚儀式吧 The Sisters (1969)
Now let's practice a bit more on the Rio-São Paulo road.[CN] 我們再去裏約 - -聖保羅路上練習會兒過馬路 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
Remember when I took drama lessons?[JP] 僕が喜劇の練習をしていたのを見たでしょ? The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
Hark! How did that sound? I'm practicing my line for the Christmas play.[JP] ねえ練習してるんだけど 今のどうかしら It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown (1992)
Now, if you'd spend as much time with your hands on them strings as you do on this girl's ass, you might get somewhere.[JP] お前がこの子といちゃついてる暇に... 練習してれば何かを掴めるさ Crossroads (1986)
Now that we know all of the Emperor's doctrines, each day, after lunch, we do spiritual and physical exercises, in order to forget them.[CN] 288) }每天午膳後 288) }我們的精神與體力練習,只為忘記那些教條 Private Vices, Public Pleasures (1976)
You guys can learn it next time when you come back.[JP] 次に来るときまで 練習しておいてくれ The Blues Brothers (1980)
Now it's time for practice[CN] 而家到你地自己練習一次 Huan chang (1985)
Then physical exercise: karate, knife fighting, shooting exercise and after that leisure time.[JP] それから実践さ。 空手、ナイフ戦、 射撃練習 そして、その後に余暇さ。 Live for Life (1967)
Inserting the clip applier.[CN] 練習插入施釘器 Holidaze (2009)
We can build the "shaky-tadpole" only after much practice.[CN] 等我們練習夠了以後再做"搖搖小蝌蚪" Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
What about a platform, Linus?[JP] 演説の練習 You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown (1972)
I train with my mom:[JP] 私はママと練習する。 Witch (1997)
Hey, how's the practising going?[JP] 練習の調子は? Léon: The Professional (1994)
Let's practise now. It's the best way to learn.[JP] じゃ 練習をしてみよう Léon: The Professional (1994)
You might want to squeeze off a few rounds while you have the chance. Just work the bugs out of the system.[JP] 射撃の練習だ これに慣れるいい機会だしな The Last Starfighter (1984)
No, you can't![CN] 要是不練習的話 我可以回去了嗎? Nodame Cantabile: The Movie I (2009)
Well, we met at choir practice about four years ago.[JP] 4年前の聖歌隊の練習で 出会ったの Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
- Do you have any name in mind for the group?[CN] - 之前練習的機會太多了 - 對於我們的組織,你有什麼想好的名字嗎? Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
Always practicing, Cleric.[CN] 總是在練習, 教士 Equilibrium (2002)
She started to practice masturbation... and, uh, she was amazed at - at some of the things that happened to her... and her orgasm became much more intense.[CN] 她開始練習自慰... 然後 呃 她感到非常震驚... 對這一系列感覺... WR: Mysteries of the Organism (1971)
I hope to practise harder[CN] 只要有機會給我練習就好了 Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
Did you practise writing it yourself?[CN] 一你有沒有練習簽過? The Winslow Boy (1999)
Right. Uh, you mean she didn't take lessons at her own club? She took them someplace else?[CN] 你是說她不在俱樂部練習 在別的地方? Death Lends a Hand (1971)
See how nicely Daddy's doing.[CN] 288) }你也看到爸爸很努力在練習 Run, Waiter, Run! (1981)
While the officers are fighting, who is going to train the old men?[JP] 将校達は全員前線だもの 爺さん達に歩行練習させる 指揮官がいないじゃないか Tikhiy Don (1957)
- The practice field's on Long Island?[JP] - 練習場はロング・アイランドなのか? - そうさ Brewster's Millions (1985)
Please don't tell them that I told you the surprise. I said I wouldn't.[JP] みんな 練習してるよ Finding Neverland (2004)
-It'd take me a year to get good.[JP] 何年 練習を? Groundhog Day (1993)
She trained with Benson.[JP] 彼女はベンソンと練習してる。 Witch (1997)
Every night, I make them practice a simple tune of my own, [JP] 毎晩 私の簡単な曲を練習させる The Chorus (2004)
Do exercise four, five and six.[CN] 練習四,五和六 To Sir, with Love (1967)
so our home would be even more beautiful.[CN] 吉娜正練習嗎? Cremator (1969)
Get him out ofhere, please. Lay him down somewhere.[JP] 練習のジャマです どこか隅の方へ Purple Noon (1960)
As though you were the star and not the understudy.[JP] 練習生というよりもうスターだ Opera (1987)
I like to stay in shape.[JP] 練習は必要だ Léon: The Professional (1994)
Due to the shortage of time, we'll get right down to work.[JP] さっそく練習を始めよう A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
You promised me you'd come here to practice![CN] nbsp; 說每天都練習鋼琴 才答應你來的 你違反約定了 Nodame Cantabile: The Movie I (2009)
- A little sick of practising.[JP] 練習に飽きたわ Léon: The Professional (1994)
Making her say her alphabet over and over... from sunup to sundown, even during meals[CN] 要她一直練習 每天從早到晚都在語言練習 My Fair Lady (1964)
Keep practicing.[CN] 繼續練習 Hercules (2014)
All the youngsters were eager to practice their new skill.[JP] すべての若者が切望していた 彼らの新しいスキルを練習する。 Pom Poko (1994)
Get the biggest aluminum tree you can find, Charlie Brown, maybe painted pink.[JP] 他の人は練習だ ー番大きいので ピンク色のがいいわ A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
Practise what?[CN] 練習什么? The Queen of Spain's Beard (1983)
I have to train.[JP] 練習がある Breaking Away (1979)
You've got to have discipline.[JP] きっちり練習して A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
What?[CN] "試試練習一下吧" JLG/JLG: Self-Portrait in December (1994)
pal.[JP] 野球の練習なら いつでもつき合うわ You're in Love, Charlie Brown (1967)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
練習[れんしゅう, renshuu] Uebung [Add to Longdo]


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