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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
弟弟[dì di, ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄧ˙,  ] younger brother #3,931 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
弟弟[きょうだいでし, kyoudaideshi] (n) fellow pupil (apprentice) [Add to Longdo]
弟々子;弟弟[おとうとでし, otoutodeshi] (n) pupil; new disciple [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I prefer being an only child.[CN] 他是你的弟弟呀 { \3cH000000\fs30 }He's your brother. Home (2016)
Meow.[CN] 跟你玩猫捉老鼠真是有趣 亲爱的弟弟 Been fun playing this cat -and -mouse with you, broski. Now You See Me 2 (2016)
That sounds like a nice dream, buddy.[CN] 鹳鸟会送我一个宝贝弟弟 Storks (2016)
Reginald, may I present Frederic Vernon's widow, Lady Susan, and her friend, Mrs. Cross.[CN] 苏珊 呃 这是我弟弟 雷吉纳德寇 Love & Friendship (2016)
The policeman's right, Nate.[CN] 那样鹳鸟就不能给我送宝贝弟弟 Storks (2016)
It's like we're best friends that live together![CN] 我爱你 弟弟 Storks (2016)
But its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me.[CN] 他是由於洛基(雷神的弟弟)所賦予的能力 Captain America: Civil War (2016)
And he had a spy to hand.[CN] 他想监督他的疯弟弟 The Abominable Bride (2016)
As a father, I would work with my worst enemy... to ensure a brighter future for my little one.[CN] 爸爸 我不喜欢这么说 Pop, I hate to say this, 但是我这个奇葩小弟弟可能是对的 but my freaky little brother may be right. Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
I don't want a brother. I don't even have a bed now. I'm sleeping on the floor, like a dog.[CN] 她说他是我弟弟,但我不想要弟弟 The Secret Life of Pets (2016)
Loyalty is a scarce commodity in my line of business.[CN] 可能是我杀了他的弟弟 所以他要找我报仇 Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)
Thanks.[CN] 嗯 如果是我弟弟的话 我也会留下来 The Forest (2016)
Moriarty? Back from the dead?[CN] 而我们可还有更重要的事需要办 弟弟 The Abominable Bride (2016)
- I have to go back![CN] 嗯 这次流放的时间 没有我们想的长 弟弟 但考虑到你强迫症的程度 可能足够了 The Abominable Bride (2016)
He's a good kid. Just, he can't seem to stay out of trouble.[CN] 是啊 我也有个弟弟 The Forest (2016)
- Very good.[CN] 德寇先生是薇侬太太的弟弟 Love & Friendship (2016)
No, Max. It's gonna be all right, Duke.[CN] 他会是你的新弟弟 The Secret Life of Pets (2016)
I don't care what's inside.[CN] - 你好 我弟弟刚刚在瞎扯淡 我可从来没有买过什么情爱商品 Toni Erdmann (2016)
Fuck that motherfucker.[CN] { \fnMicrosoft YaHei }他是Joey Chandler的弟弟,让开,让开 { \fnMicrosoft YaHei }别打了 { \fnMicrosoft YaHei }冷静,冷静 Manchester by the Sea (2016)
Well, then we tell him.[CN] 要是宝贝弟弟没出现你怎么办 Storks (2016)
And what are you doing in New York?[CN] 沒有 这是他的弟弟 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Hello, Scott. Welcome to the school for the gifted.[CN] 弟弟, 史考特 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Eat. He is coming soon.[CN] 这是我弟弟 The Day Will Come (2016)
Thanks.[CN] 他做了什么呢 我的好弟弟 So, what he did, my little womb -mate, 他下载了你所有私人信息 is he downloaded all your private information, Now You See Me 2 (2016)
-Why not a little sister?[CN] 对我来说就像弟弟一般的存在 Showing His True Colors (2015)
Sir, Lady Susan asked if she might have a word with you.[CN] 我想她是恋爱了 对象是你弟弟 Love & Friendship (2016)
He's Greyjoy.[CN] 他可是我的弟弟啊 他是个葛雷乔伊 { \3cH000000\fs30 }He is my brother. Home (2016)
And I never stepped in.[CN] 我小时候 我弟弟经常挑架 The Forest (2016)
- Don't worry about it.[CN] - 我那该死的弟弟出现了 - 别担心 - My goddamn brother happened. Now You See Me 2 (2016)
- Oh, honey, can you...[CN] 老妈 老爸 我决定了我想要一个弟弟 Storks (2016)
The grandson of my younger brother is getting married today.[JP] 今日弟の孫がお嫁さんをもらいます 這是我弟弟的長孫,今天娶媳婦 Cape No. 7 (2008)
I ordered a brother![CN] 哟 鹳鸟 我要的是个弟弟 Storks (2016)
Get HRT, S.O.G., bomb techs over there right now and shut it down.[CN] 妻子是凯萨琳及弟弟乔哈尔 Patriots Day (2016)
Time I sped up. Enough chatter, let's concentrate.[CN] 肯定很痛苦吧 当天才的笨弟弟 The Abominable Bride (2016)
Wherever I find him, whatever back alley or doss-house There will always be a list.[CN] 从那天起 我和我弟弟达成了协议 The Abominable Bride (2016)
He taught us that it's all about blind spots.[CN] 我的弟弟切斯是他们的技术顾问 My brother Chase, who was technical adviser to the losing team. Now You See Me 2 (2016)
Lord Bolton sent for us.[CN] 弟弟 { \3cH000000\fs30 }Little brother. Home (2016)
You wanna feed her her bottle?[CN] 我要的是弟弟 Storks (2016)
Now someone's given you the keys to the school bus, and I'm not gonna let you drive it off a cliff![CN] 你是我弟弟 我很爱你 但是你就像个酒鬼 拒绝承认自己有毛病 Gloves Off (2016)
- Hey, Scott.[CN] - 这是我弟弟,史考特 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Did he tell you that we were partners once?[CN] 那是我们一起学到的 不是吗? 弟弟 We learned that together, didn't we, bro? Now You See Me 2 (2016)
- We just wanna go home.[CN] 不关我弟弟的事 The Day Will Come (2016)
You'll always be my firstborn.[CN] 我迫不及待要见我的弟弟了 { \3cH000000\fs30 }I look forward to meeting my new brother. Home (2016)
That's rather poetic.[CN] 致我弟弟的冰封之心. 终于被爱融化了! Allied (2016)
Let's make this easy. Where do you get one?[CN] 为什么我不能有弟弟 Storks (2016)
In my eyes, you're my little brother.[CN] 实里你比较像是弟弟 Showing His True Colors (2015)
I now rely on you to keep an eye on things, but he must never suspect you are working for me.[CN] 弟弟接了这案子 不出所料 The Abominable Bride (2016)
Hello. Pleased to meet you.[CN] 这是我弟弟雷吉纳德寇 Love & Friendship (2016)
"Sincerely, adult parents Henry and Sarah Gardner comma adults.[CN] "如果这个宝贝弟弟不会忍术 那就是我们的失职" Storks (2016)
"As adults, it is our adult belief[CN] "他很想要一个宝贝弟弟" Storks (2016)


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