behindernd; hinderlich { adj } | hinderlicher | am hinderlichsten | hindering | more hindering | most hindering [Add to Longdo] |
hemmend; behindernd { adj } | inhibitory [Add to Longdo] |
hindern; behindern; hemmen; stören | hindernd; behindernd; hemmend; störend | hindert | hinderte | to hamper | hampering | hampers | hampered [Add to Longdo] |
behindernd; hinderlich { adj } | hinderlicher | am hinderlichsten | hindering | more hindering | most hindering [Add to Longdo] |
hemmend; behindernd { adj } | inhibitory [Add to Longdo] |
hindern; behindern; hemmen; stören | hindernd; behindernd; hemmend; störend | hindert | hinderte | to hamper | hampering | hampers | hampered [Add to Longdo] |