muishond | (n) southern African weasel |
snake muishond | (n) small slender burrowing muishond with white top of the head, Syn. Poecilogale albinucha |
striped muishond | (n) ferret-sized muishond often tamed, Syn. Ictonyx striata |
muishond | n. A southern African weasel. [ WordNet 1.5 ] |
muishond | (n) southern African weasel |
snake muishond | (n) small slender burrowing muishond with white top of the head, Syn. Poecilogale albinucha |
striped muishond | (n) ferret-sized muishond often tamed, Syn. Ictonyx striata |
muishond | n. A southern African weasel. [ WordNet 1.5 ] |