clitocybe | (n) a genus of agarics with white to pale yellow spore deposits and fleshy stalks centrally attached to the cap and closely attached gills, Syn. genus Clitocybe |
clitocybe clavipes | (n) an agaric with a flat cap that is greyish or yellowish brown with pallid gills and a stalk that bulges toward the base |
clitocybe dealbata | (n) a small poisonous agaric; has a dry white cap with crowded gills and a short stalk |
clitocybe inornata | (n) a fungus with a cap that is creamy grey when young and turns brown with age and a whitish stalk that stains yellow when handled |
clitocybe irina | (n) an edible agaric with large silky white caps and thick stalks, Syn. Tricholoma irinum, Lepista irina |
clitocybe robusta | (n) a large white agaric; edible but not palatable, Syn. Clytocybe alba |
clitocybe subconnexa | (n) an edible white agaric that fruits in dense clusters; the gills are narrow and crowded and the stalk is fleshy and unpolished |