I'm running errands for you now? | | [JP] 《PowerBook》か、ACアダプターか? Code Name: The Cleaner (2007) |
ACP, CO1. Choppers are out of munitions! | | [JP] ACP C01 全機 全火器 残弾なし Shin Godzilla (2016) |
ACARS data relayed that the left engine continued to turn throughout the flight. | | [JP] ACARSのデータによると 左エンジンは 飛行中機能し続けました Sully (2016) |
Third squadron in reconnaissance. Report on effectiveness, over. | | [JP] ニンジャACP 威力偵察 第3波展開中 Shin Godzilla (2016) |
Then the ACARS data is wrong. | | [JP] ACARSのデータが間違ってる Sully (2016) |
Hello Zero, this is Emerald Seventy-Nine, JTAC requests immediate close air support. | | [JP] ハローゼロ こちらエメラルド79 7JTAC 至急航空機による応援を要請する 応答せよ Kilo Two Bravo (2014) |
I got one SEAL down. I need cabs back immediately. | | [JP] 撃たれた 至急CASEVAC信号を American Sniper (2014) |
man, if you seen this shit... predator eta two minutes. | | [JP] 偵察機が1分以内に用意できます −最寄のAWACに電話をつなげ Transformers (2007) |
If, as the prosecutor implies, the relationship were of a sexual nature, my clients would have simply opted for a civil union. | | [JP] 検事がほのめかすとおり 性的な関係に すぎなければ─ PACSを選んだでしょう Eastern Boys (2013) |
Negative Kilo Five Bravo, comms via JTAC to apache to Chinook. | | [JP] できない キロ5ブラボー 交信はJTAC経由でおこなう Kilo Two Bravo (2014) |
He has the ACARS data. | | [JP] ACARSのデータを持ってる Sully (2016) |
FAC 1 off, then on. | | [JP] FAC1をオフ その後オン Sully (2016) |