13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 韵味
หรือค้นหา: -韵味-, *韵味*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
韵味[yùn wèi, ㄩㄣˋ ㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] implicit charm in rhyme or sound; hinted appeal; interest #14,755 [Add to Longdo]

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Do you honestly think that's Course. [CN] 而她现在不只是个大女孩 她身上每一寸都散发成熟韵味" Close Encounters (2017)
It's a very catchy melody. [CN] 贤慧的好老婆 相当深含韵味的旋律 Thermae Romae II (2014)
-I think sailboats are, like, way more cooler, you know, like more classic. [CN] - 我想我更喜欢帆船 感觉更酷,更有韵味 Adventureland (2009)
Her sweet and feminine voice enchanted all her fans,  [CN] 以甜美婉约而富有东方女性韵味的独特唱腔红透半边天,赢得"小调歌后"的美誉 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)
I just learned how to do a really interesting passion fruit daiquiri. [CN] 我刚学会怎么调 I just learned how to do 一杯很有韵味的百香果得其利 a really interesting passion fruit daiquiri. Despegue (2015)
- I think we have much more character now. [CN] 我们比以前更加有韵味 Adore (2013)
You savor this tender body and enjoy it to the hilt. [CN] You savor this tender body and enjoy it to the hilt. 你让这个脆弱的身体充满韵味 请彻底的快乐享受吧 Pokkiri (2007)
The Dreamettes were little girls. You're women now. [CN] 梦幻三人组太稚气 你们现在是有韵味的女人 Dreamgirls (2006)
If you listened to Mrs. Goldman... we're like the whole of female art history. [CN] 仔细听Goudman夫妇 他们可喜欢这 充满艺术韵味的东东 The Life Before Her Eyes (2007)
Did the priest give a poetic benediction? [CN] 神父的祭文有韵味吗? Braveheart (1995)
We ask this and all things in Thy precious and alliterative name. [CN] 在你那精致而又韵味十足的名义下 我们提出此请求 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
"The Straits of Magellan, lovely little touch. [CN] 南端的麦哲伦海峡,别有韵味 Copying Beethoven (2006)

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