Because in Moscow I met some wonderful men. | | [JP] モスクワで会った 男といればよかった Nostalgia (1983) |
Of course, the soldiers won't by themselves. We'll lead them. | | [JP] 明後日コルニロフは モスクワにやって来る Tikhiy Don (1957) |
Shall I ask to call Moscow? | | [JP] モスクワに電話を Nostalgia (1983) |
Maybe not, but this gentleman has come from Moscow. | | [JP] 彼は モスクワから来たの Nostalgia (1983) |
Greetings from Vladimir Nikolayevich Mashkov, foreman from Moscow, and Gedevan Alexidse from Batumi, who were the first to set foot on these villainous sands in the back alley of the Universe. | | [JP] モスクワの ウラジーミル・マシコフと バトゥーミの ゲデバン・アレクシジは この不快な砂の惑星に きた最初の人類だ Kin-dza-dza! (1986) |
From Moscow, for a leave. | | [JP] 休暇でモスクワからです Tikhiy Don (1957) |
He left long ago. | | [JP] モスクワを去った War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966) |
I have some business here, too, and I've brought my girls with me. | | [JP] 所用でモスクワに 参りましてな War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966) |
French diplomats arrived in Moscow, coming from Karachi, the Russian delegation said "Karacho". | | [JP] フランスの外交官は、カラチからモスクワに到着します。 ロシア代表団は、"カラチを"と述べました。 Live for Life (1967) |
This light reminds me of the autumn in Moscow in Neskuchny Garden. | | [JP] モスクワの秋の午後みたい 光の感じが似てるの Nostalgia (1983) |
Same to you. Say hello to Moscow for me. | | [JP] ええ モスクワによろしく Nostalgia (1983) |
My mother has some old connections here... | | [JP] モスクワにいられなく なったものですから・・・ The Mirror (1975) |