They were on their way to pick up a Spanish journalist from the BIAP – the Baghdad International Airport. | | [JP] スペイン人のジャーナリストを BIAPから・・・ バグダッド国際空港のことだ Route Irish (2010) |
So this guy's Walter Bishop's son. | | [JP] イラク バグダッド 彼がウォルター・ビショップの息子か Pilot (2008) |
Fuck me, in Baghdad, against me – I'd have been fucked! You've been there, you'd have done the same. | | [JP] バグダッドで 俺に刃向かってきた Route Irish (2010) |
He died in Baghdad last year! | | [JP] 去年、バグダッドで死んだ。 Just Business (2008) |
Don't go tryingto call baghdad. Those phonesonly call each other. | | [JP] バグダッドにかけたりするな この電話は他にはつながらない The Constant (2008) |
These bastards will run rings round them. | | [JP] 警察がバグダッドで 何ができる? Route Irish (2010) |
The skills he learned as a soldier were used to protect engineers, bringing water and electricity to the long-suffering people of Baghdad, to protect doctors, surgeons, experts in child nutrition, | | [JP] 彼はエンジニアたちを警護して 水や電子機器を バグダッドの人々に届け Route Irish (2010) |
In Baghdad, who can say? | | [JP] 家族と暮らしてるかも バグダッドだぞ Route Irish (2010) |
Was that that wophead in Baghdad, is it? | | [JP] バグダッドにいた奴か? - そのネルソンだ Route Irish (2010) |
The first of September was a bloody day in Baghdad. | | [JP] その日バグダッドは 混乱していて Route Irish (2010) |
And not just for what happened in Baghdad. | | [JP] バグダッドでの件以外でも Pilot (2011) |
Or Baghdad... or Mars. | | [JP] バグダッドや火星みたいに One Eight Seven (1997) |