Goldstein! | | [JP] ゴールドスタイン! 1984 (1984) |
I was a willing subject of Goldstein's influence. | | [JP] 私はゴールドスタインに従い 1984 (1984) |
If Goldstein himself fell into the hands of the Thought Police, he could not give them a list of his agents. | | [JP] ゴールドスタイン自身も スパイ名簿を 思想警察に提出できぬ 1984 (1984) |
How does Samuels' view of fate differ from that of Costaine's? | | [JP] サミュエルとコスタインの運命の展開は どう異なりますか? Halloween (1978) |
You gonna stop us? Stein? | | [JP] スタイン! The Blues Brothers (1980) |
Costaine wrote that fate-- was somehow related only to religion or where Samuels felt that ... well, fate was like a natural element, like earth, air, fire, and water. | | [JP] コスタインはその運命を書きました サミュエルは宗教を感じた所だけが 関係付けられ、運命は自然の 要素の様だと言っています Halloween (1978) |
My name is Jacob Stein, American Federation of Musicians Union, Local 200. | | [JP] 私はジェイコブ・スタイン 全米音楽組合の地区担当だ The Blues Brothers (1980) |
I am guilty on all counts. I stand here, a victim of the influence of Emmanuel... | | [JP] 私はすべての罪を認める ゴールドスタインに毒されていた 1984 (1984) |
I confess to spreading the rumour on orders from Goldstein that the war is not really with Eurasia, but with Eastasia. | | [JP] 私はゴールドスタインの 命令を受け 国民をあざむく噂を撒いた 1984 (1984) |
I read and memorised Goldstein's book. | | [JP] ゴールドスタインの本を読み 1984 (1984) |
I was personally contacted by the arch-traitor Goldstein and ordered to assassinate Inner Party officials. | | [JP] 反逆者ゴールドスタインに 直接接触 数名の党幹部の暗殺を命令 1984 (1984) |