genus monarda | (n) wild bergamot, horsemint, beebalm |
monarda | (n) any of various aromatic herbs of the genus Monarda, Syn. wild bergamot |
plains lemon monarda | (n) annual of southern United States, Syn. Monarda pectinata |
basil balm | (n) perennial herb of North America (New York to Illinois and mountains of Alaska) having aromatic leaves and clusters of yellowish-pink balls, Syn. Monarda clinopodia |
bee balm | (n) perennial herb of North America, Syn. Monarda fistulosa, beebalm |
bee balm | (n) perennial aromatic herb of eastern North America having variously colored tubular flowers in dense showy heads, Syn. Monarda didyma, bergamot mint, oswego tea, beebalm |
horsemint | (n) tall erect perennial or annual having lanceolate leaves and heads of purple-spotted creamy flowers; many subspecies grown from eastern to southwestern United States and in Mexico, Syn. Monarda punctata |
lemon mint | (n) an annual horsemint of central and western United States and northern Mexico, Syn. horsemint, Monarda citriodora |