mitchell | (n) English aeronautical engineer (1895-1937), Syn. R. J. Mitchell, Reginald Joseph Mitchell |
mitchell | (n) United States aviator and general who was an early advocate of military air power (1879-1936), Syn. Billy Mitchell, William Mitchell |
mitchell | (n) United States astronomer who studied sunspots and nebulae (1818-1889), Syn. Maria Mitchell |
mitchell | (n) United States writer noted for her novel about the South during the American Civil War (1900-1949), Syn. Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell |
mitchell | (n) United States labor leader; president of the United Mine Workers of America from 1898 to 1908 (1870-1919), Syn. John Mitchell |
mitchell | (n) United States dancer who formed the first Black classical ballet company (born in 1934), Syn. Arthur Mitchell |
mitchella | (n) creeping evergreen herbs of North America, Syn. genus Mitchella |
mitchum | (n) United States film actor (1917-1997), Syn. Robert Mitchum |
melba | (n) Australian operatic soprano (1861-1931), Syn. Helen Porter Mitchell, Dame Nellie Melba |
native orange | (n) small Australian tree bearing edible dark purple fruit, Syn. Capparis mitchellii |
partridgeberry | (n) creeping woody plant of eastern North America with shiny evergreen leaves and scarlet berries, Syn. boxberry, twinberry, Mitchella repens |
speckled rattlesnake | (n) markings vary but usually harmonize with background; of southwestern Arizona and Baja California, Syn. Crotalus mitchellii |