aalii | (n) a small Hawaiian tree with hard dark wood |
boletellus russellii | (n) a fungus with a long coarsely shaggy reticulate stalk and a rimose areolate cap surface |
bombyliidae | (n) bee flies, Syn. family Bombyliidae |
caeciliidae | (n) coextensive with the order Gymnophiona: legless amphibians, Syn. family Caeciliadae, Caeciliadae, family Caeciliidae |
calostoma ravenelii | (n) a gasteromycete with a leathery stalk and a fruiting body with a thin gelatinous spore case and elliptical spores |
liliidae | (n) one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae, Syn. subclass Liliidae |
liliid monocot family | (n) family of monocotyledonous plants of the subclass Liliidae; mostly herbs usually with petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils |
liliid monocot genus | (n) genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils |
magnoliidae | (n) a group of families of trees and shrubs and herbs having well-developed perianths and apocarpous ovaries and generally regarded as the most primitive extant flowering plants; contains 36 families including Magnoliaceae and Ranunculaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder, Syn. ranalian complex, subclass Magnoliidae |
magnoliid dicot family | (n) family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms |
magnoliid dicot genus | (n) genus of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms |
nephthytis afzelii | (n) tropical rhizomatous plant cultivated as an ornamental for its large sagittate leaves |
phallus ravenelii | (n) this stinkhorn has a cap with a granulose surface at the apex and smells like decaying flesh |
poeciliidae | (n) topminnows, Syn. family Poeciliidae |
simuliidae | (n) blackflies and sand flies, Syn. family Simuliidae |
timaliidae | (n) babblers, Syn. family Timaliidae |
algarroba | (n) mesquite of Gulf Coast and Caribbean Islands from Mexico to Venezuela, Syn. Prosopis juliflora, Prosopis juliiflora |
baby's tears | (n) prostrate or creeping Corsican herb with moss-like small round short-stemmed leaves, Syn. baby tears, Soleirolia soleirolii, Helxine soleirolia |
bunya bunya | (n) Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law, Syn. bunya bunya tree, Araucaria bidwillii |
crown of thorns | (n) somewhat climbing bushy spurge of Madagascar having long woody spiny stems with few leaves and flowers with scarlet bracts, Syn. Christ thorn, Christ plant, Euphorbia milii |
et al. | (adv) and others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a number of people), Syn. et aliae, et alii, et al, et alia |
fen orchid | (n) small terrestrial orchid of eastern North America and Europe having two nearly basal leaves and dull yellow-green racemose flowers, Syn. Liparis loeselii, fen orchis |
fifty-three | (adj) being three more than fifty, Syn. liii, 53 |
fifty-two | (adj) being two more than fifty, Syn. 52, lii |
forty-three | (adj) being three more than forty, Syn. xliii, 43 |
forty-two | (adj) being two more than forty, Syn. 42, xlii |
fountain grass | (n) tall perennial ornamental grass with long nodding flower plumes of tropical Africa and Asia, Syn. Pennisetum setaceum, Pennisetum ruppelii |
mountain lily | (n) showy white-flowered perennial of New Zealand, Syn. Ranunculus lyalii, Mount Cook lily |
native orange | (n) small Australian tree bearing edible dark purple fruit, Syn. Capparis mitchellii |
pahautea | (n) evergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawaka, Syn. mountain pine, Libocedrus bidwillii |
parsley haw | (n) southern United States hawthorn with pinnately lobed leaves, Syn. parsley-leaved thorn, Crataegus marshallii, Crataegus apiifolia |
pons | (n) a band of nerve fibers linking the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum with the midbrain, Syn. pons Varolii |
poorwill | (n) goatsucker of western North America, Syn. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii |
rugel's plantain | (n) North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves, Syn. broad-leaved plantain, Plantago rugelii |
sego lily | (n) perennial plant having clusters of one to four showy white bell-shaped flowers atop erect unbranched stems; edible bulbs useful in times of scarcity; eastern Montana and western North Dakota south to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico, Syn. Calochortus nuttallii |
speckled rattlesnake | (n) markings vary but usually harmonize with background; of southwestern Arizona and Baja California, Syn. Crotalus mitchellii |
subalpine larch | (n) medium-sized larch of the Rocky Mountains; closely related to Larix occidentalis, Syn. Larix lyallii |
topminnow | (n) small usually brightly-colored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters; often used in mosquito control, Syn. live-bearer, poeciliid, poeciliid fish |
橋 | [はし, hashi] (n, adj-no) pons (pontes); pons Varolii; pontine; part of the brain stem (links the medulla oblongata and cerebellum with the midbrain) #675 [Add to Longdo] |
ウェッデル海豹 | [ウェッデルあざらし;ウェッデルアザラシ, uedderu azarashi ; uedderuazarashi] (n) (uk) Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) [Add to Longdo] |
オナガドチザメ属 | [オナガドチザメぞく, onagadochizame zoku] (n) Eridacnis (genus of finback catshark in the family Proscylliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
クーリーローチ;クーリー・ローチ | [ku-ri-ro-chi ; ku-ri-. ro-chi] (n) kuhli loach (Pangio kuhlii) [Add to Longdo] |
クラカケザメ科 | [クラカケザメか, kurakakezame ka] (n) Parascylliidae (family of collared carpet sharks containing 8 species and 2 genera) [Add to Longdo] |
クラカケザメ属 | [クラカケザメぞく, kurakakezame zoku] (n) Cirrhoscyllium (genus of collared carpet sharks in the family Parascylliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
クルンジンガーズラス | [kurunjinga-zurasu] (n) Klunzinger's wrasse (Thalassoma rueppellii) [Add to Longdo] |
シュレーゲル青蛙 | [シュレーゲルあおがえる;シュレーゲルアオガエル, shure-geru aogaeru ; shure-geruaogaeru] (n) (uk) Schlegel's green tree frog (Rhacophorus schlegelii) [Add to Longdo] |
ジルティラピア | [jiruteirapia] (n) redbelly tilapia (Tilapia zillii, fish of the family Cichlidae found in Africa and Eurasia) [Add to Longdo] |
タイワンザメ科 | [タイワンザメか, taiwanzame ka] (n) Proscylliidae (family of finback catsharks containing 7 species in 4 genera) [Add to Longdo] |
タイワンザメ属 | [タイワンザメぞく, taiwanzame zoku] (n) Proscyllium (genus of finback catshark in the family Proscylliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
テンジクザメ科 | [テンジクザメか, tenjikuzame ka] (n) Hemiscylliidae (family of tropical Indo-Pacific longtail carpet sharks or bamboo sharks) [Add to Longdo] |
テンジクザメ属 | [テンジクザメぞく, tenjikuzame zoku] (n) Chiloscyllium (genus of carpet sharks or bamboo sharks in the family Hemiscylliidae with long snouts and subterminal nostrils) [Add to Longdo] |
デュメリルオオトカゲ | [deyumeriruootokage] (n) Dumeril's monitor (Varanus dumerilii, species of carnivorous monitor lizard from Southeast Asia) [Add to Longdo] |
トガリドチザメ属 | [トガリドチザメぞく, togaridochizame zoku] (n) Gollum (genus of one species, Gollum attenuatus, in the family Proscylliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
ハクセイハギ | [hakuseihagi] (n) barred filefish (Cantherhines dumerilii) [Add to Longdo] |
バリオレートテンジクザメ属 | [バリオレートテンジクザメぞく, bariore-totenjikuzame zoku] (n) Parascyllium (genus of collared carpet sharks in the family Parascylliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
パナマニアンサージャント;パナミックサージェントメジャー | [panamaniansa-janto ; panamikkusa-jientomeja-] (n) Panamic sergeant major (Abudefduf troschelii); Panama sergeant major; Panamanian sergeant [Add to Longdo] |
マレーガビアル | [mare-gabiaru] (n) false gharial (Tomistoma shlegelii) [Add to Longdo] |
モンツキテンジクザメ属 | [モンツキテンジクザメぞく, montsukitenjikuzame zoku] (n) Hemiscyllium (genus of longtail carpet sharks in the family Hemiscylliidae with short snouts, nostrils at the tip, and elevated eyes and supraorbital ridges) [Add to Longdo] |
ラッセル鎖蛇 | [ラッセルくさりへび;ラッセルクサリヘビ, rasseru kusarihebi ; rasserukusarihebi] (n) (uk) Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) [Add to Longdo] |
延齢草 | [えんれいそう;エンレイソウ, enreisou ; enreisou] (n) (uk) Trillium smallii (species of trillium) [Add to Longdo] |
坂田鮫 | [さかたざめ;サカタザメ, sakatazame ; sakatazame] (n) (uk) yellow guitarfish (Rhinobatos schlegelii) [Add to Longdo] |
鷺苔 | [さぎごけ;サギゴケ, sagigoke ; sagigoke] (n) (uk) (See 紫鷺苔) Miquel's mazus (species of small flowering plant, Mazus miquelii) [Add to Longdo] |
撒爾沙(ateji);撒児沙(ateji) | [さるさ;サルサ, sarusa ; sarusa] (n) (uk) sarsaparilla (Smilax regelii) (lit [Add to Longdo] |
紫鷺苔 | [むらさきさぎごけ;ムラサキサギゴケ, murasakisagigoke ; murasakisagigoke] (n) (uk) Miquel's mazus (species of small flowering plant, Mazus miquelii) [Add to Longdo] |
紫木蓮;紫木蘭 | [しもくれん;シモクレン, shimokuren ; shimokuren] (n) (uk) (See 木蓮・もくれん) alternative name for lily magnolia (Magnolia quinquepeta, Magnolia liliiflora) [Add to Longdo] |
吊虻;釣虻;長吻虻 | [つりあぶ;ツリアブ, tsuriabu ; tsuriabu] (n) (uk) bee fly (any insect of family Bombyliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
土蜂 | [ゆするばち, yusurubachi] (n) (uk) scoliid wasp (any wasp of family Scoliidae) [Add to Longdo] |
脳橋 | [のうきょう, noukyou] (n) (1) (See 橋・きょう) pons (pontes); pons Varolii; (adj-no) (2) pontine [Add to Longdo] |
白点病 | [はくてんびょう, hakutenbyou] (n) ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) infection; white spot (protozoan infection of freshwater fish) [Add to Longdo] |
木蓮;木蘭 | [もくれん;モクレン, mokuren ; mokuren] (n) (uk) lily magnolia (Magnolia quinquepeta, Magnolia liliiflora) [Add to Longdo] |
蚋;蟆子;蟆 | [ぶゆ(蚋;蟆子);ぶよ(蚋;蟆子);ぶと;ブユ, buyu ( buyu ; hiki ko ); buyo ( buyu ; hiki ko ); buto ; buyu] (n) (uk) black fly (any insect of family Simuliidae); gnat [Add to Longdo] |
駱駝虫 | [らくだむし;ラクダムシ, rakudamushi ; rakudamushi] (n) (uk) inocelliid snakefly (any insect of family Inocelliidae) [Add to Longdo] |