Y-you're in high finance. | | [JP] 多額の金融取引の仕事をしてるでしょう 銀行家だ Cherry Picked (2012) |
My research revealed that before the great crash in 1929, elite bankers pulled their money out of the stock market. | | [JP] 大恐慌が起こりました。 調査したところ、エリート銀行家は 1929年の大暴落の前に、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
A Microbiologist, an Investment Banker, the mother of a professional Athlete. | | [JP] 微生物学者や 銀行家 プロスポーツ選手の母親 The Cure (2008) |
But most importantly, from this point on, the entire U.S. money supply would be created out of debt by bankers buying U.S. government bonds, and issuing them for reserves for Bank Notes. | | [CN] 但最重要的是,整個美國的貨幣供應 將由銀行家購買美國政府的債券創造出來 並且根據儲備的Bank Notes來發行貨幣 The Money Masters (1996) |
The twenties come to a crashing climax... and still, Leonard Zelig is nowhere to be found. | | [CN] 二十年代正朝著一個 至高的頂點逼近【指隨後的大蕭條】, 股市大幅下挫,一天成交16, 410, 030股, 但收盤時經紀人齊聚歡呼鼓勁; 銀行家表示樂觀,會繼續施以援手 而倫納德·澤 Zelig (1983) |
and secondly, to remove so much money from the system that most Americans would be so desperately poor that they either wouldn't care or would be too weak to oppose the bankers. | | [CN] 其次,從這個系統中移出大量的錢 使大部分的美國人一貧如洗 以至於他們不關心或者太弱而不能反對銀行家 The Money Masters (1996) |
After I left Donald, I had a late meeting at the Palladian Hotel with a Swiss banker named Jonas Bitz. | | [JP] ドナルドの家を出た後 パレディアン・ホテルで ヨナス・ビッツというスイスの銀行家と 夜の会議をしていました Internal Audit (2013) |
But before Tesla could finish the project, its financier, banker JP Morgan, who had a monopoly on the copper used for electrical lines, recognized how Tesla's invention could transmit electricity without wires. | | [JP] しかしテスラが研究を完成させる前に、 融資をしていた銀行家のJPモルガンは手を引きました。 モルガンは、電線に使われる銅を独占していたのですが、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
Among the bankers who consolidated their wealth this way, were the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans. | | [JP] 下落した株や、破綻した少銀行を 破格の安値で買い占めました。 このようにして、富を集めた銀行家には ロスチャイルド家、ロックフェラー家、モルガン家が含まれていました。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
The banker we targeted in last month's mission. | | [JP] 先月の作戦で標的となった銀行家 Game On (2013) |
Still, the central bankers were out and as a result America thrived as it expanded westward. | | [CN] 盡管中央銀行家離開了 而美國因為向西擴張而蓬勃發展 The Money Masters (1996) |
The bankers lavishly supported the Republican candidate, William McKinley, who favoured the gold standard. | | [CN] 銀行家們很支持共和黨候選人,威廉麥金利 他是一個主張金本位的人 The Money Masters (1996) |
The ABA Secretary, James Buel, authored a letter to the members which blatantly called on the banks to subvert not only Congress, but the press: | | [CN] 美國銀行協會的秘書James Buel寫信給其成員 公然呼吁銀行家 擺平國會和報紙: The Money Masters (1996) |
As with the Bank of North America, the government put up most of the cash to get this private bank going, then the bankers loaned that money to each other to buy the remaining stock in the bank. | | [CN] 政府把現金存入北美銀行使它得以運轉 然后銀行家相互借這些錢 購買銀行的剩余股票 The Money Masters (1996) |
At the meeting of the American Bankers Association that year, they urged their membership to do everything in their power to put down the notion of a return to Greenbacks. | | [CN] 在美國銀行家協會會議那年, 他們敦促其成員盡其一切力量 平息回到林肯綠幣的主張 The Money Masters (1996) |
Most of the founding fathers realized the potential dangers of banking, and feared bankers' accumulation of wealth and power. | | [CN] 大部分建國者認識到銀行可怕的能力, 並且擔心銀行家積累的財富和權力 The Money Masters (1996) |
Morgan was clearly the most powerful banker in America and a suspected agent for the Rothschilds. | | [CN] 摩根顯然是美國最有影響的銀行家 並被懷疑是羅斯柴爾德家族的代理人 The Money Masters (1996) |
With no further threat to their control, the bankers loosened up on loans and the post-Civil War depression was finally ended. | | [CN] 由於沒有更進一步控制的計劃 銀行家們放鬆了貸款 南北戰爭后的衰退結束了 The Money Masters (1996) |
Despite the European central bankers' deliberate attacks on Greenbacks, they continued to circulate in the United States, until a few years ago. | | [CN] 盡管歐洲中央銀行家蓄意打擊林肯綠幣 直到幾年前,它仍在美國流通 The Money Masters (1996) |
Why was silver bad for the bankers and gold good? Simple. | | [CN] 對銀行家來說白銀比黃金差嗎? The Money Masters (1996) |
The banker made an estimate and paid it out immediately. | | [CN] 銀行家估了個價,立刻就付錢了 Pearls of the Deep (1965) |
The report is interesting because it compares the deliberate money contraction by the National Bankers after the Civil War, to the Fall of the Roman Empire. | | [CN] 這個報告的有趣之處在於它比較了 南北戰爭后國家銀行家們有意收縮貨幣 和羅馬帝國的衰落 The Money Masters (1996) |
For David Brillembourg... the particularly egomaniacal banker who commissioned it. | | [JP] デイヴィッド ブリエンバーグだ 我欲に満ちた銀行家 Tower of David (2013) |
It's been documented the central bankers even funded both sides of WW II as well as some of the corporations associated with Hitler's atrocities against the Jews. | | [JP] 中央銀行家たちが第2次世界大戦で、両方の陣営に資金を提供し またユダヤ人に対するヒトラーの残虐な行為に関連する企業に Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
I thought you told me that Bowman was a banker. | | [JP] ボーマンが銀行家だと 言ってたと思ったが The Transformation (2009) |
Finally they reverted to the old central banker's formula - finance a war, to create debt and dependency. | | [CN] 最終他們回到舊的中央銀行家的程式——資助戰爭 制造債務和通貨膨脹 The Money Masters (1996) |
Bankers have money, and money buys influence over politicians. | | [CN] 銀行家有錢 錢是可以買到超過政治家的影響的 The Money Masters (1996) |
For a banker, he doesn't seem to trust banks. | | [JP] 銀行家にしては 銀行を信用してないようです Risk (2012) |
If the bankers were successful at dividing America and giving the pieces back to Great Britain and France | | [CN] 如果銀行家成功的分裂了美國 並給英國和法國統治 The Money Masters (1996) |
McGeer said it showed that Booth was a mercenary working for the international bankers. | | [CN] McGeer說Booth隻是一個被雇來 為國際銀行家工作的人 The Money Masters (1996) |
So, the people from the government were meeting with the bankers here? | | [JP] 役人達は 銀行家とここで 会議をしてたのか? The One Percent Solution (2014) |
There had to be 10, 000 Swiss bankers in Geneva, and Rugrat gets the one dumb enough to get himself arrested on U.S. soil. | | [JP] 10, 000必要だった スイスの銀行家 いたずら小僧は 米国内で自分を逮捕させた The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) |
The bankers quietly decided to move to track two, the Democratic alternative. | | [CN] 銀行家們悄悄地決定了第二個程序,民主選舉 The Money Masters (1996) |
Say I'm watching all these bankers get rich on the deal. | | [JP] 銀行家が私腹を肥やすのを見た Game On (2013) |
Uh, farmer, electrician, banker, and EMT. | | [JP] 農民、電気技師、銀行家に 救急救命士 Welcome to Murphytown (2016) |
"There are bankers in this country who are enemies of the public welfare," | | [CN] 一個參議院說"在這個國家銀行家是公共福利的敵人" The Money Masters (1996) |
Actually, Roosevelt did very little to interfere in the growing monopolization of American industry by the bankers and their surrogates. | | [CN] 事實上羅斯福很少干預銀行家和 他們的代理人對美國工業壟斷的持續增長 The Money Masters (1996) |
I was struggling with the realisation that the failure and suffering of so many is actually a success and fulfillment for a few, the elite central bankers, who fooled the world into letting them create money. | | [JP] 多くの人々の挫折や苦しみが、少数の人にとっては 成功や満足となることに気付いて苦しみました。 エリートの中央銀行家が世界を騙して お金を作る許可を得たのです。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
Within months after the first shots here at Fort Sumter, the central bankers loaned Napoleon III of France | | [CN] 薩姆特堡第一槍打響后的幾個月裡 中央銀行家借給法國的拿破侖三世 The Money Masters (1996) |
Warren Zimm, big-time investment banker. | | [JP] ウォーレン・ジム 一流の投資銀行家 Provenance (2014) |
Their report clearly blamed the monetary contraction on the National Bankers. | | [CN] 他們的報告把貨幣緊縮歸咎於國家銀行家們 The Money Masters (1996) |
Big enough that we never have to grovel to another asshole banker again. | | [JP] くそ銀行家に二度と バカにされないほどの大きさだ Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015) |
The Aldrich Bill was quickly identified as the "banker's bill" | | [CN] 奧爾德裡奇法案很快被認出是為銀行家的法案 The Money Masters (1996) |
In the years leading up to the collapse, the biggest banks, including Bank of America, City Group and Chase, controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans, were bundling and trading bad loans, that they knew would eventually fail | | [JP] 同じ銀行家が、利益を得ました。 破綻前の数年間 バンクオブアメリカ、シティーグループ、チェースなどの Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
These three European banking families, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and the Schiffs were interconnected by marriage down through the years, just as were their American banking counterparts, the Morgans, Rockefellers and Aldrichs. | | [CN] 歐洲三大銀行家族,羅斯柴爾德,沃伯格,希夫 多年來通過婚姻互相關聯 就像他們的美國同行 The Money Masters (1996) |
The public was aware of this thanks to political cartoonists like Thomas Nast who referred to the bankers as the "Money Trust." | | [CN] 大眾認識到這一點要感謝政治漫畫家 像托馬斯納斯特這樣 把銀行家稱為 "貨幣托拉斯"的人 The Money Masters (1996) |
He's a Banker. | | [JP] 彼は銀行家よ Learning to Drive (2014) |
- Banker. | | [JP] - 銀行家 Passengers (2016) |
Allegations that international bankers were responsible for Lincoln's assassination surfaced in Canada 70 years later, in 1934. | | [CN] 在加拿大,國際銀行家在70年后的1934年 被指控對林肯的遇刺負責 The Money Masters (1996) |
That's impossible, Emma, I should go to Paris to a banker whom I trust, it would take a few days. | | [CN] 這不可能,艾瑪,我要去巴黎 找個我信任的銀行家 這需要些時間 Madame Bovary (1969) |