My sentinels can tell the difference. | | [JP] センチネルは 違いを見分ける事ができ X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) |
Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf? | | [JP] さて― アニメーガスとウェアウルフとを どうやって見分けるか 分かるものはいるか? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) |
Or you're just as likely to take out half the Metropolitan Police Force, unless you can tell me how you can tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. | | [JP] それとも警視庁の半数を使って 違いを見分ける方法を言えるか 善人と悪人の差を London Has Fallen (2016) |
The buffeting in the current causes so many post-mortem injuries, it's impossible to tell them from the ones they got, when they were alive. | | [JP] 打撃によって 多くの死後損傷ができるが、 打撃というもの自体は、 それが生きている間に受けたものか 死後受けたものかを見分けるのは不可能だ。 Sakizuke (2014) |
How do we sort out the liars? | | [JP] それが嘘かまことか どう見分ける? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) |
Ker-rah, I can spot the extraordinary pretending to be a nobody in my midst just like that. | | [JP] ケーラ、私は特別な人が 普通の人を装っても すぐに、見分けることが 出来るわ。 Worlds Finest (2016) |
You wonder how they recognize themselves after. | | [JP] どのように自分たちを見分けるかと Under the Knife (2015) |
We gave you the ability to identify things from the other universe. | | [JP] 君に 向こうから来たモノを 見分ける能力を授けた Olivia (2010) |
That, my friend, was a solid-gold tell. | | [JP] それが ウソかどうかを見分ける カギになるんだよ Cheap Burgundy (2012) |
I don't even know what that is anymore. | | [JP] 見分けるなんて もう出来もしない The Last Fight (2014) |
"That's good", "that's not good", in this the Chinese are experts. | | [JP] 良いもの 悪いもの 中国人は見分ける名人だ 3 Hearts (2014) |
- Papa would've loved you. He could feel the face of a hog and tell by the bone structure its genetic makeup. | | [JP] パパは豚の顔つきを読み取り、 骨格の状態から遺伝子構造を見分けることができた。 Naka-Choko (2014) |
Teri Purcell is the one who put a ban on them in the hotel. | | [JP] ホテル出入り禁止にしたのよ どうやって見分けるの? Dirty Laundry (2013) |
She could identify him. | | [JP] 彼女は レッド・ジョンを見分けることが 出来ただろう Red Rover, Red Rover (2012) |
I heard you were working on a test... to tell the difference between Cylons and humans. | | [JP] あなたがテストに 取り組まれていると聞きました... サイロンと人間の違いを見分ける Flesh and Bone (2004) |
And I make sure to know the difference between my obligations and somebody else's. | | [JP] そして自分の義理と 他人の義理を ちゃんと見分けるために Other Lives (2015) |
His rich father shoved him in a boarding school and devoted himself to more important things. | | [JP] 金持ち父親は 彼を孤児院に入れた 瞬時に重要なことを 見分ける Who Am I (2014) |
I was told that I demonstrated an early ability to recognize spatial patterns, whatever that means. | | [JP] どんな意味か知らないけど 空間的な状況を即座に見分けることが 出来ると 昔 言われた The Discovery (2017) |
Kind of man who could spot patterns in the chatter between suspicious parties. | | [JP] 疑惑のある人物との会話から あるパターンを見分けることができた Art in the Blood (2014) |
But be smart or I'll make it impossible for anyone to tell where you end and Mark begins. | | [JP] 賢くね じゃないとできなくするわよ 何処であなたが終わるか マークが始まるか見分ける Dead Reckoning (2013) |
He claimed to be experienced at picking out psychopaths who were trying to "pass." | | [JP] 普通の人間として世間を歩いてる精神病質者を 見分ける経験を積んでると言っていた A Landmark Story (2013) |
- But how do we know which one's the real danton black? | | [JP] どうやって見分ける? Fastest Man Alive (2014) |
I can tell when someone is starting a new relationship. | | [JP] 人間関係を見分けるのは お手のものよ Orange Blossom Ice Cream (2014) |
Tough to tell from the photo. | | [JP] 写真で見分けるのは 難しいけど Dead Clade Walking (2014) |
She should be learning to distinguish whose heart is sincere and who instead tells lies. | | [JP] 誰が誠実で、誰が嘘つきか 見分ける術(すべ)も Tale of Tales (2015) |
It's not easy to see, but if you put that hand under a U.V. light, you would clearly see a small but stylized picture of a pink cat stamped on that hand. | | [JP] 見分けるのは 難しいけど その手を紫外線の下に置いてみると はっきり見えるはずだ 小さいけど Red, White and Blue (2013) |
Well, how can we tell which one's our driver? | | [JP] どの運転手が犯人だと どうやって見分けるの? Brown Eyed Girls (2014) |
I never know if I'm driving around a good guy or a bad guy, you know? | | [JP] このあたりを廻ってますが 襲われた事はない いい人か、悪い奴か 見分ける方法を知ってますか? C.O.D. (2012) |
Aside from what they're wearing, it's impossible to tell them from the regular folk. | | [JP] 着ているもの以外で 彼らを見分けるのは 不可能だ Torn Apart (2014) |
How will I recognize you? | | [JP] どうやってお前を見分ける? Cellular (2004) |
We're pretty good at monitoring radicalized citizens, but, now, anyone with a need or greed might be playing on their team, who knows. | | [JP] 急進派の動きには 注意してるが 金で雇われた奴を どう見分ける? Tribes (2008) |
When I watch you tell a lie, it helps me determine whether you're telling the truth. | | [JP] ウソをつく時のあなたを見ると あなたが真実を言ってるかどうか 見分けるのに役に立つ Red Rover, Red Rover (2012) |
I never knew one of these horses from another until my wife passed. | | [JP] 馬を見分ける事も出来なかった 家内が亡くなる迄は The Clearing (2012) |
An elegant solution for keeping track of reality. | | [JP] 現実と夢を見分けるものだからって Inception (2010) |
I recognize the fighting style of Count Dooku. | | [JP] まだドゥーク伯爵の格闘スタイルを見分けるよ Cloak of Darkness (2008) |
It's now your duty to sit down and try and separate the facts from the fancy. | | [JP] 後はウソと真実を 見分けるのが仕事だ 12 Angry Men (1957) |
They show astonishing intelligence in knowing when a human being is helpless. | | [JP] 無力の人間を正確に見分ける 1984 (1984) |
And no matter how careful you are, sometimes you just can't tell the difference. | | [JP] 問題は あなたが どれくらい注意深いか 時々 まったく見分けることは できないが The Darkness Beneath (2014) |
- That's not entirely true. | | [JP] - ならどうやって見分けるの... Yes Man (2008) |
Explain to me how all these guys are friendlies. | | [JP] 敵と味方はどうやって見分けるんだ 13 Hours (2016) |
Nothing on the guy's cell identifies his boss. | | [JP] 奴の組織では ボスを見分ける証拠がない 4C (2014) |
I taught him everything he knows... how to run a casino floor, how to run a business, how to really run a business, but most importantly, how to spot a thief. | | [JP] カジノの経営方法 事業 事業の経営方法だぞ 最も重要なのは 泥棒を見分ける方法だ Heist (2015) |
The thing about growing up that way... you get good at spotting lies. | | [JP] そんな風に成長する事について - あなたは嘘を 見分けるのが上手になる Beta (2014) |