Which vitamin do you prefer? | | [CN] 你喜欢吃什么维生素? The 10th Victim (1965) |
You give me too many vitamins. You have to stop it. They stink! | | [CN] 你给我吃太多维生素了 你必须停止 它们很讨厌! The Corruption (1986) |
- Daddy, you need your vitamin C. | | [CN] - 爸爸 您需要补充维生素C Clueless (1995) |
You can just taste the vitamin A and D in here. | | [CN] 你可以吃到维生素A和D。 WarGames (1983) |
Vitamin B cocktail, followed by an amp of glucose... and a drop of adrenaline. | | [CN] 复合维生素B 加上一针葡萄糖 肾上腺素 Bringing Out the Dead (1999) |
Gimme back my vitamins! | | [CN] 把维生素还给我! Shock Corridor (1963) |
He took my vitamins! | | [CN] 把维生素还给我! Shock Corridor (1963) |
Eat oranges, you get a lot of vitamin C. Daddy, no! | | [CN] 吃橙子 富含维生素C 爸爸 不要! Clueless (1995) |
Where's the vitamin C? | | [CN] 哪来的维生素C? My Boyfriend's Back (1993) |
You should use a vitamin cap or cheese cap or something. | | [CN] 你应该使用维生素帽 或奶酪帽什么的。 Gridlock'd (1997) |
- Huh? | | [CN] 你忘了拿维生素... Father of the Bride Part II (1995) |
And that's from a group e-vite, bitch! | | [CN] 这从 一组E -维生素E,婊子! God Visits (2003) |
- Yeah. I'm mega dosing vitamin B. It keeps insects away naturally. | | [CN] 我服了很多的维生素B 昆虫会自然离开我的 Arachnid (2001) |
Fuck it, we would have injected vitamin C if only they'd made it illegal. | | [CN] 如果维生素不合法,我们照用不误 Trainspotting (1996) |
Uh, of course, it's not like beefsteak, but it's awfully rich in vitamins. | | [CN] 啊 当然虽然不是牛扒 但却富含维生素 The Lady Vanishes (1938) |
... with a course of vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs. Silence! | | [CN] 在进行维生素和消炎治疗 安静! Under the Sheets (1976) |
I need to give you a shot of vitamins first. | | [CN] 我需要给你首先注射维生素 The Lawnmower Man (1992) |
No, no, no. No, th-that one - that one there. | | [CN] 不是, 那边那个 维生素 Shock Corridor (1963) |
vitamin C. | | [CN] 维生素C 而且... Sleepover at Peggy's (2003) |
(whistle blows) | | [CN] 我不知道这是不是缺乏维生素, 或者吃的不好, She's So Lovely (1997) |
This is not vitamin pills she needs. | | [CN] 但你需要的不是维生素 The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968) |
Listen, if I put you on a special diet and vitamin regime, will you stay on it ? | | [CN] 如果我给你特别餐单和维生素 你会依吩咐进食吗? The Patriot (1998) |
Take some Vitamin | | [CN] 这是维生素片哦 Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (2004) |
All right, which one of you guys got my vitamin E? | | [CN] 对了,你们谁拿了我的维生素E The Burning (1981) |
But think twice Couldn't make sure that she would eat it | | [CN] 但是无法肯定树里小姐会需要维生素 Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (2004) |
But she can't forget to take the vitamins. | | [CN] 但她别忘了吃维生素 Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll (1974) |
- A few bones, vitamin supplements. | | [CN] - 一些骨头,补充维生素 Cat People (1982) |
Paracetamol, mouthwash, vitamins, mineral water, Lucozade, pornography. | | [CN] 扑热息痛,漱口水,维生素 矿泉水,葡萄糖,黄书 Trainspotting (1996) |
Vitamin E? | | [CN] 维生素E? The Burning (1981) |
Wait, I have some vitamins. | | [CN] 等等 我有维生素 Little Darlings (1980) |
Milk has vitamin "D" and calcium. | | [CN] 乳具有维生素"D"和钙。 Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (1997) |
After boarding, except chocolate, Jyuri also ate vitamin | | [CN] 说到乘上飞机后 树里小姐所吃的东西除了巧克力之外 还有维生素片 Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (2004) |
THEY'RE MY FRIEND JO'S VITAMINS | | [CN] 那是我朋友Jo怀孕吃的维生素 Dancing at the Blue Iguana (2000) |
Are you out of vitamins? | | [CN] 这不是缺维生素吧 Strangers on a Train (1951) |
One is the chocolate just now The other is the vitamin Ms. Tenko gave to Ms. Jyuri | | [CN] 刚才可疑的巧克力和天子小姐的维生素片 Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (2004) |
I'm not gonna take my vitamins. | | [CN] 我不会把我的维生素。 Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (1997) |
It's hypoallergenic and vitamin enriched. | | [CN] 这种化妆品含有丰富的维生素。 - 真的? Cypher (2002) |
Vitamin C. Need all we can get. | | [CN] 维生素C, 可以补充我们所需营养 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) |
- l can't afford fancy vitamins. | | [CN] 我负担不起你的维生素 The Patriot (1998) |
You have your essential vitamins and nutrients... for the entire day. | | [CN] 你有你的人体必需的维生素 和营养... 在整整一天。 Reality Bites (1994) |
-lt looks like vitamin E to me. | | [CN] -我怎么觉得像维生素E 一样 The Poseidon Adventure (1972) |
First, a vitamin shot. Now, if you'll both roll up your sleeves. | | [CN] 先来打针维生素 请两位卷起袖子 The Final Countdown (1980) |
She also mentioned vitamins. | | [CN] 她还提到了维生素 Crime and Punishment (1983) |
they're vitamins? | | [CN] 这是维生素 The Basketball Diaries (1995) |
-lt is, Mr. Rosen. | | [CN] -其实就是维生素E, 洛森先生 The Poseidon Adventure (1972) |
And there's no vitamins in veal. | | [CN] 而且小牛肉里没有维生素. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) |
Don't give me that decongestant, multivitamin bullshit. | | [CN] - 没有 别让我见到那种充血药,多种维生素的废物 Analyze That (2002) |
Did he say you're getting enough vitamins? | | [CN] 他有没有说你有足够的维生素。 The Good Girl (2002) |
- What am I, an infant? - Drink this. He ate my vitamins! | | [CN] -他吃 了我的维生素! Shock Corridor (1963) |
I prescribe just some vitamins. | | [CN] 我就开点维生素 La ragazzina (1974) |