Your ultimate time limit is the other player. | | [JP] あなたの究極の制限時間は 他の競技者です 13 Sins (2014) |
Very Berry Sorbet, and... | | [JP] 究極のベリー・シャーベットに それから... Enough Said (2013) |
This is terrible. | | [JP] "スクランブル・スーツ"を着ることにより 究極の一般人になれるのです サイアクだ A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
But this is way beyond hypnotism, this is about radically shifting neuronal patterning. | | [JP] 催眠術を越えた 究極的な 神経操作なの Playtime (2012) |
However, there's one important point I would like to emphasize. | | [JP] 殺人マニアはその究極的症状 Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971) |
Alright boy. Time for the ultimate dare. | | [JP] よし、息子よ 究極の挑戦の時間だ The Simpsons Movie (2007) |
This is what a plane's supposed to be. | | [JP] -71まさに究極のジェット機 Space Cowboys (2000) |
You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son she provided the ultimate protection. | | [JP] お優しい母親が自分を犠牲にして 一人息子に究極の守りを授けた Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) |
And our problem... the final problem. | | [JP] 僕たちの究極の問題 The Reichenbach Fall (2012) |
But what's the ultimate in narcissism? | | [JP] 究極のナルシズムは何? Blood Brothers (2013) |
Tonight, you will receive the ultimate mixture of cutlery tonight in the steel knockout. | | [JP] 今夜 ご紹介するのは 究極のナイフセット― Peekaboo (2009) |
...the ultimate gift. | | [JP] 究極の贈り物を得た To Love Is to Bury (2008) |
Τhey want him to pay the ultimate price. | | [JP] 彼らは天皇に究極の 代償を払わせたいのだ Emperor (2012) |
Welcome to Uri's Extreme. | | [JP] 究極ツアーだって Chernobyl Diaries (2012) |
The Ultimate Asslock-- also known as the Apple of Anguish. | | [JP] 究極の "ケツ締め" は "苦悩のリンゴ" と呼ばれてます Rubber Man (2011) |
The fabric of reality is pulled aside like a veil for me to see through. | | [JP] 究極理論に引っ張られ ベールを透かして見るように The Physician (2013) |
- She died in the cabin, right? - Yeah. Where'd you take her to clean her up? | | [JP] 究極のタブーはもう存在しないと 知ってしまったんだ... Insomnia (2002) |
It has been said that this box contains the ultimate secret. | | [JP] この箱には 究極の秘密があると言われてる Spooky Little Girl (2011) |
to tread the unknown corridors in order to find ultimately, the final solution. | | [JP] 迷宮の扉を開き 究極の答を見つけ出すのだ Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) |
My ultimate con, my final trick was gonna be actually turning into the guy that she fell in love with. | | [JP] 究極の詐欺 勝負の決め手は 実際にそうだった 彼女が恋した男に変わった The Perfect Mark (2013) |
The Jedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon. | | [JP] 究極兵器の設計図を 隠さねばなりません Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002) |
It was a city of supreme beings with technologies and paranormal abilities. | | [JP] アカトラは科学技術と 超能力を持った... 究極の町だった。 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) |
I'm going to use my incredibly toned pecs and buttocks | | [JP] 俺は、この究極の 胸筋と尻筋を使って Free Birds (2013) |
Its secrets still secret, and, if we are honest, it is the lure of the labyrinth that draws us to our chosen field. | | [JP] 究極の謎は謎のまま 迷宮のパズルは未だ解けない この迷宮の魅力に我々は取り憑かれ この研究を行っている 先駆者達によって得られた脳科学研究の成果に 我々の生命とエネルギーを注ぎこんで Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) |
Are you really implying that you have some sort of ultimate formula? | | [JP] 本当に究極の数式を 手に入れたと? Limitless (2011) |
The Cenobites gave me an experience beyond the limits. | | [JP] だがセノバイトはそれらを遙かに超える 究極の快楽をオレにもたらしたのだ Hellraiser (1987) |
In a scenario like this, I don't suppose it is bad form to just... flip a coin. | | [JP] このような 究極の選択をする時は― Cat's in the Bag... (2008) |
Profoundly naive. | | [JP] 究極の状態で TRON: Legacy (2010) |
But fail to comply within the hour... and Barbie pays the ultimate price for his crime. | | [JP] しかし一時間以内に 応じない場合は バービーは罪に対して 究極の償いをする事になる Curtains (2013) |
All right, kids! Welcome to Uri's Extreme Travel. Let's do it. | | [JP] 究極ツアー会社にようこそ Chernobyl Diaries (2012) |
Have you heard of extreme tourism? | | [JP] じゃあ究極ツアーは? Chernobyl Diaries (2012) |
Beyond Jamie Lee Curtis, forget Linda Blair, I mean, this is the ultimate. | | [JP] ジェイミー・リー・カーティスを凌ぎ 彼女は究極だ Scream 4 (2011) |
I fear that whatever his organization's ultimate goals may be, | | [JP] 彼の組織が何であれ不安だ 究極の目標はあるかもしれない Nothing to Hide (2013) |
But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. | | [JP] でも 究極のドラゴンは 誰も見たことがない How to Train Your Dragon (2010) |
You'd even surprise yourself. | | [JP] 究極の自由だ Pandorum (2009) |
A sentient being's optimal chance at maximizing their utility is a long and prosperous life. | | [JP] 生物の究極目標 それは長寿と繁栄 Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) |
That's what we're here to learn! | | [JP] 意識的に調和することは、究極的には愛の技術 科学、そして、賞賛であると本当に思います。 それをここで学ぶのです。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
It's the ultimate cosmic joke. | | [JP] 究極の宇宙的ジョークよ The Coat Hanger (2012) |
Based on a large vessel, I should create the ultimate dreadful existence. | | [JP] Jダオさ家券が 究極の恐鮪の疹庄き創ソだ'プ Sadako 3D (2012) |
This dump is the epicenter of -- of the ultimate chess match between good and evil. | | [JP] このゴミは善と悪の 究極のチェスマッチの 震源地なのだ Slumber Party (2013) |
We were in the ultimate clique. | | [JP] 僕らは究極の集団にいた Kick-Ass 2 (2013) |
And you wanted to know! | | [JP] それにあなたは究極の答えを知りたがっていた Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) |
Let's take a tour of the ultimate storm-chasing vehicle, the Titus. | | [JP] 究極の竜巻追跡車 タイタス号のツアーをしましょう Into the Storm (2014) |
I will make it my personal mission to see that you pay the ultimate price for your crimes. | | [JP] 究極の償いをさせる Day 7: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2009) |
True, but it bears repeating that the humans are not the ultimate target -- the Volm are, and their troop ships are heading toward your planet. | | [JP] 何度も言うが 究極の目標はヴォルムだ 船団がこの星に来る On Thin Ice (2013) |
Former FSA elite's techniques to make money | | [JP] 「金融庁 元エリートが教える 究極の錬金術」。 Second Virgin (2010) |
Even when you've evolved into the ultimate indestructible killing machine, you're not above self-examination and improvement. | | [JP] 破壊不能な究極の 殺戮マシンに進化しても, 自己評価と啓発を 怠らないことよ. Heavy Metal (2008) |
We have such sights to show you... | | [JP] 究極の快楽を教えてやろう Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) |
And Loki's ultimate tool of mischief was this, the mask which he created and tossed down to earth thousands of years ago to create mayhem among the mortals. | | [JP] ロキの究極のイタズラ道具はこれ このマスク 数千年前にこれを作り 人間を混乱させるために地上に落とした Son of the Mask (2005) |
So reluctant to admit it! | | [JP] 認めたらどうだ 究極の快楽が欲しいと Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) |