Fortunately, I don't think that level of self-sacrifice will be necessary. | | [JP] 幸いにして 君まで犠牲になる必要は 無いさ All in the Family (2014) |
A sacrifice I will make happily, knowing that my son may follow his own dreams, whatever they are. | | [JP] 息子が夢を追いかける為の 犠牲になるつもりだ どんな夢だろうとね The King of Columbus Circle (2015) |
I cannot save you both. One of you must sacrifice. | | [JP] 両方は救えない どっちかが犠牲になるんだ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) |
Not one would sacrifice himself. | | [JP] Not one would sacrifice himself 一人も 自己犠牲になる人が いない The Debt (2010) |
- He's sacrificing himself. | | [JP] - 犠牲になるつもりだ The Nuclear Man (2015) |
Because he suffered most and... we both knew who was really expendable. | | [JP] 彼が最も苦しんだので... まず犠牲になる者を 知っていたのでね Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015) |
You're done being his victim. | | [JP] 奴の犠牲になるのはお終いだ Buried (2013) |
So you'll commit suicide? | | [JP] 皆が笑うからって 自分が犠牲になるのか? 3 Idiots (2009) |
LOOK, AN INNOCENT CIVILIAN WILL BE KILLED IF YOU DO NOT LISTEN TO ME. | | [JP] ね、言う事を聞かないと 罪のない市民が犠牲になるのよ Haywire (2011) |
Barbie, I've seen you sacrifice yourself for total strangers. | | [JP] バービー あなたが見知らぬ 人の為に犠牲になるのを見たわ Let the Games Begin (2013) |
It's my sacrifice, right? | | [JP] 私だって犠牲になる White House Down (2013) |
- then lot of other kids are gonna be slaugtered tonight. | | [JP] 今夜は多くの若者が犠牲になる - ヤツは死んだ Halloween II (1981) |
You know as well as I do who the first casualty of that war would be. | | [JP] 戦争に慣れば誰が最初に犠牲になるかわかるわね The Gift (2015) |
If you let yourself fall victim to a belief bias of any kind, that's when you start forcing the pieces together. | | [JP] いかなる種類の先入観の 犠牲になるのは − あなたが "断片のみ" を 自分に強制し始める時です The Atticus Institute (2015) |
Wesa ready to do our-san part. | | [JP] 犠牲になる覚悟ができている Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999) |
If you join them, you and your entire family will be shunned. | | [JP] きっとお前や家族が 犠牲になるだろう Cloud Atlas (2012) |
Somebody has to pay the price. | | [JP] 誰かが犠牲になる Sing Me a Song (2016) |
How much civilian blood do you think will be shed? | | [JP] どれだけの市民が 犠牲になると思う? Hitman (2007) |
- Cattle are prey animals. | | [JP] - 蓄牛は犠牲になる動物. Temple Grandin (2010) |
I believe that you are willing to sacrifice your life. | | [JP] あんたは犠牲になるつもりだろうが Day 7: 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (2009) |
- It should've been you! | | [JP] - あなたが犠牲になるべきだった! - ミツバチに罪はない Mr. Holmes (2015) |
And what she needs is for you to become a baby again, for her to be able to carry you and protect you. | | [JP] 親ですもの ある程度 子供の犠牲になるのは The Mirror (1975) |
- would be collateral damage. | | [JP] - 犠牲になるわ The Drone Queen (2014) |
Any attack on the array will trigger a massive explosion that could kill thousands of colonists. | | [JP] アレイへの攻撃は大爆発をもたらす そして何千もの入植者が犠牲になる Terra Prime (2005) |
Unless there are any pet monkeys hereabouts, the only ones infected will be human beings. | | [JP] サルがいないわけだから 犠牲になるのは人間だけだ The Crazies (1973) |
There is a possibility, with this diversion, many Gungans will be killed. | | [JP] 問題は この作戦で グンガンが犠牲になることだ Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999) |
And your family and your friends will sacrifice right along with you. | | [JP] 君らの家族や友人が 犠牲になることもあるだろう Pilot (2014) |
Until you sacrifice yourselves to make the world a better place. | | [JP] その犠牲になるのよ。 ママ。 The Purge (2013) |
So-so who's going under the bus to make it nice with the Germans? | | [JP] じゃあドイツの情報局とうまくやるために 誰が犠牲になるの? Super Powers (2015) |
You first. | | [JP] 犠牲になる All Happy Families Are Alike (2015) |
Believe me, I spent the last week trying to figure out how to get that sixth card, and every scenario ends with a gun to someone's head, and that is not acceptable. | | [JP] 先週、いろんな方法を 考えてみたが、どれにしても誰かが 犠牲になる、それは許さない。 Quiet Riot (2008) |
In what messed up world does he have to die and you get to live? | | [JP] どうして犠牲になるのよ The Things We Left Behind (2014) |
And I can't stand seeing your career, your reputation destroyed because you fell for the wrong guy. | | [JP] 評判を落として欲しく無い ダメ男の犠牲になるな The Song (2013) |
- He's going to sacrifice himself. | | [JP] 自分が犠牲になるつもりだ! Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) |
Joshua's already confirmed that there's only gonna be v trackers on those shuttles. | | [JP] 罪の無い人達が 犠牲になる恐れが ジョシュアが確認してる Hearts and Minds (2010) |
Every game needs its pawns. | | [JP] 勝負事には犠牲になる 兵隊が要るんだ Time's Up (2012) |
Even if it costs you yours? What happens then? | | [JP] だが貴方の役割が 犠牲になる可能性も Laid Bare (2011) |
I fear you will become its casualty, as well. | | [JP] アンタもまた 犠牲になるかも知れん Machete Kills (2013) |
You mean if they take another woman. | | [JP] また誰かが犠牲になるってこと? The Cure (2008) |
When you made the sacrifice to step into that machine, you were not the only one who ceased to exist. | | [JP] 犠牲になる覚悟で あのマシンに入った時 存在が消えるのは 君だけじゃなかった The End of All Things (2012) |
Fond as I am of you, John, don't make me remind you just how expendable you are. | | [JP] あなたと同じ位好きだけど どんな風に犠牲になるか 思い出させないで Dead Reckoning (2013) |
You needn't be a martyr. Take the pillow. | | [JP] 君が犠牲になる必要は無い どうぞ眠って Silver Wings of Time (2014) |
You will be sacrificed for our cause. | | [JP] 我々の為に犠牲になるのだ The Last Witch Hunter (2015) |
If your revolution requires blood, take mine. | | [JP] 君の革命に 血が必要なら 私が犠牲になる Deus Ex Machina (2014) |
No longer will we, the people, suffer for the few. | | [JP] 我々は 一部の者の 犠牲になる必要はありません Taxi Driver (1976) |
Making sacrifices. Very important. | | [JP] 犠牲になるのも重要だ。 Fifty-One (2012) |
Then who will Gellar's next victim be? | | [JP] - わからない 誰が犠牲になる? Get Gellar (2011) |
It's gonna cost us something. | | [JP] 何かが犠牲になるわ Knots Untie (2016) |
Yes, and it's a sacrifice she is happy to make. | | [JP] その通り、彼女は犠牲になる 覚悟はある Eragon (2006) |
Go feed off someone else's loss. | | [JP] また誰かが犠牲になる Non Est Asylum (2014) |