- Before someone stomps on them and they're all gone. | | [JP] - 誰かが踏みつける前よ 全部無くなるわ A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
How long before it starts to lose interest in us? | | [JP] 我々に興味が無くなるまで どのぐらいかかるかな The Forge (2004) |
Okay, I lose them, I've got nothing to fight for. | | [JP] 彼女と子供を失えば 闘う理由は無くなる Heretic's Fork (2010) |
We delete all the copies of the video neutralize the threat. | | [JP] コピーした物も 全て削除する... 脅威は無くなる、だろ? The Sword's Edge (2012) |
You'll never want to leave. | | [JP] 「きっと帰りたく無くなる」 Birth Pangs (2011) |
See, 'cause if you can't make this work in the next few minutes, I won't need you anymore. | | [JP] 数分でなんとかしないと お前は必要無くなる Day 7: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2009) |
Their increased aggression is matched by their decreased inhibitions. | | [JP] 攻撃性が増す分、自制心が無くなる Divergence (2005) |
You can't afford to put an unsolved | | [JP] 他の事件に 時間が無くなるわ Get Gellar (2011) |
Then finally once you've sucked up that entire bottle of wine, you can go all gooey-eyed and say how nice it is to spend quality time together, then scooch over and put your arm around my shoulder. | | [JP] ワインが無くなる頃には 甘えた瞳になって 2人で共に過ごすことが どんだけ良いか熱弁して We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) |
And if not... soon, there'll be nothing left to protect. | | [JP] もし 失敗すれば─ 我々に防御策は無くなる Olivia (2010) |
I'm going to marry him, and my financial problems will be solved. | | [JP] 彼と結婚すれば 金の心配も無くなるわ Mirror Mirror (2012) |
Total or partial disappearance of the sense of taste. | | [JP] 全部または一部の味覚が無くなる症状ですな The Wing or The Thigh? (1976) |
We do that, they'd have no choice but to retaliate. | | [JP] それも良いが 連中は反撃するしか無くなる It's Only the Beginning (2009) |
Your mom doesn't stop being your mom because you're 18. | | [JP] 「18歳になったら お母様もママじゃ無くなるわね」 It's Only the Beginning (2009) |
There are traitors among us, but soon they won't be a problem. | | [JP] 裏切り者が居るのです でも彼等は脅威では無くなる Red Rain (2011) |
Wouldn't let me out until I finished every one of 'em. Taught me one helluva lesson. | | [JP] 葉巻が無くなるまで出られなかった ワシに酷い教訓を教えたかったらしい Brewster's Millions (1985) |
Just buy us some more time, alright? Come on! | | [JP] ああ、早くしないと時間が無くなる 行くぞ! Inception (2010) |
No more ice. | | [JP] 氷が無くなる The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) |
If Anna can Bliss humans, they will stand no chance against her. | | [JP] アンナが人間に "ブリス" を それが出来れば 人間は敵では無くなる Devil in a Blue Dress (2011) |
If we don't reset it now, everything is lost. | | [JP] いまそれを再起動しなければ すべてが無くなる Pandorum (2009) |
In case one of us brings in our projections we don't want them knowing the details of the maze. | | [JP] 万が一、誰かの意思の投影が現れた時 迷路の意味が無くなる Inception (2010) |
I mean, if Bellick's locked up, what's good the money going to be to us? | | [JP] もし、 べレックが逮捕され場合、 あの金も意味が無くなる Fin del camino (2007) |
You and I both know that once you have me, there's nothing to stop you from killing everybody else on this island. | | [JP] お互い分かってると思うが 私が捕まれば 君たちのこの島での皆殺しを 止めるすべが無くなる The Shape of Things to Come (2008) |
Without White, he'd have no reason to live. | | [JP] シロが死ねば 生きとる意味が無くなる Tekkonkinkreet (2006) |
All the practicing in the world ain't gonna do you good if you kill too much time and you lose the mood. | | [JP] 何でもスマートにやるんだ 時間がかかりすぎると ムードが無くなるからな Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003) |
If your only parent sent you away, you might not want to talk to them either. | | [JP] 唯一の肉親に追っ払われたら 話したくも無くなるさ Knight Rider (2008) |
Well, everybody is all weirded out tonight? | | [JP] 今夜はみんな消えて無くなるのか? Halloween II (1981) |
He said he requested to cancel the test in "Purgatory." | | [JP] あいつ パーガトリーで 今日のテスト 無くなるように お願いしたから大丈夫なんだって Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love (2005) |
We make the wrong move here, Erica, your son will have no one to come home to. | | [JP] エリカ ここで判断を誤ると 息子さんが帰る所も無くなる Welcome to the War (2010) |
- You're gonna start to lose vision in your left eye. | | [JP] 左目の視力が無くなる Star Trek (2009) |
You're running out of time. | | [JP] 時間が無くなるぞ These Are the Voyages... (2005) |
They're gonna... They're gonna get all your crackers. | | [JP] 自分のお菓子無くなるよ We Bought a Zoo (2011) |
They will lead us into a new life where the Yagahl will know hunger no more. | | [JP] 戦士とその妻は我らを新しい生活へ 導くだろう そしたら ヤガール族から飢えは無くなる 10, 000 BC (2008) |
You can't disclose your illness or they'll pull your security clearance. | | [JP] 病気の事が知られれば 機密情報に触れられ無くなる Grace (2011) |
We're going home. Janek, if you don't stop it... there won't be any home to go back to. | | [JP] ジャネック 貴方が止めなきゃ 帰る所は無くなる Prometheus (2012) |
I thought... if I could fix it, I wouldn't be so alone. | | [JP] もし直せたら─ 孤独じゃ無くなるのに... Hugo (2011) |
Once you give it to her, Ryan... there's no going back. | | [JP] それを彼女に投与すれば... 後戻りは出来無くなるぞ Pound of Flesh (2010) |
But if you put the terminal box in here then we won't have any room for processing. | | [JP] しかし、ここに ターミナル・ボックスを入れれば... ...処理するための場所が無くなる Brainstorm (1983) |
How can she be sure thcycle of violence won't coinue after juma's been taken out? | | [JP] ジュマを排除すれば 暴力沙汰が無くなるというのか? Day 7: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2009) |
It might be a little less boring if she could actually sing it on key. | | [JP] 退屈じゃ無くなる 外さずに歌ってくれればね The Movie Star (2012) |
We would make sure that she had no choice but to go back to Saudi Arabia and get fat and wear a burkha for the rest of her miserable life. | | [JP] 彼女の選択肢を奪う事も サウジに帰国するしか無くなる 太るだけで Representative Brody (2011) |
He goes silent like he fell off the face of the earth. | | [JP] 音沙汰が無くなる この世から居なくなったみたいに Marine One (2011) |
You think that's gonna take the pressure off? | | [JP] プレッシャーが無くなると思う? Murder House (2011) |
If they catch you here, there'll be nothing I can do. | | [JP] 君が艦内で捕まれば 助ける術は無くなる Pound of Flesh (2010) |
We don't dig today, we're not paid. | | [JP] ネスターの家は明日には無くなる 今日中に片付けないと、喰いっぱぐれる Tremors (1990) |
Will this ever go away? | | [JP] これが無くなるのか? A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
Within the decade there will be no more snows of kilimanjaro. | | [JP] 10年の内に、キリマンジェロに雪は 無くなるでしょう An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
I can't let you touch it. That would defeat the purpose. | | [JP] 触っちゃ駄目だ、トーテムの意味が無くなる Inception (2010) |
There's no place for my dad when you're here, Mike. | | [JP] パパの居場所が無くなるから The Weekend (2011) |
And there are now two major studies showing that within the next 50 to 70 years, in summertime it will be completely gone. | | [JP] 二つの主要な研究は 50年から70年の間に 氷冠は、夏、完全に無くなる事を 示しています An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |