We got the entire avionics package figured out. | | [JP] 殆どのアビオニクス・パッケージは 解明できました Avionics 航空機に搭載した飛行のための電子機器 火器制御、ナビゲーション Flesh and Bone (2004) |
It's almost healed. | | [JP] 殆ど治ってる There Is No Normal Anymore (2009) |
They were tested resting, seated, and most of them got bored. | | [JP] テストされて、休憩して、座って 殆どが厭きた。 Temple Grandin (2010) |
I lost my ship -- almost my entire crew. | | [JP] 船を失い、クルーの殆ども死んだ United (2005) |
Do you know that she had an almost identical quote in her thesis? | | [JP] 彼女が30年前の論文で殆ど同じ引用文を 使っていたことは The Sunshine State (2008) |
As a young man, driven by the misery I saw and by my fear for our survival, | | [JP] 人生の殆どを費やしてきました。 私がまだ若かった頃、悲惨な状況を目にして、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
I mean, you can barely see 'em now. | | [JP] て言うか もう殆ど分からない The Vest (2011) |
Thanks. Chet did most of it. | | [JP] ありがとう でもチェットが殆どしたのよ Flipped (2010) |
Michel already edited the fundamentals and got rid of a lot of stuff. | | [JP] ミッシェルが殆ど編集してくれた。 随分とカットされたよ。 Live for Life (1967) |
Thanks. Chet did most of it. | | [JP] ありがとう でもチェットさんが殆どやったわ Flipped (2010) |
So when they blew up, they left very little forensic evidence. | | [JP] 爆発後は証拠が殆ど残らない Hearts and Minds (2010) |
Well, most sons don't have the advantage of reading the unauthorized biography. | | [JP] 殆どの子供は父親の日記を 読むチャンスは無いし Legacy (2012) |
Maybe that means they're almost finished. | | [JP] - 殆ど終わったってことかもね Observer Effect (2005) |
I spent most of my life dodging the Royal Fleet. | | [JP] 王国艦隊に人生の殆どを費やした Blackwater (2012) |
Things are crazy in the city with work and I'm barely home. | | [JP] あの騒ぎで街は大変だし 私も仕事で殆ど家に居られない Pound of Flesh (2010) |
Yes, it is. Nothing good. | | [JP] 大騒ぎです いい話なんか殆ど舞い Tikhiy Don II (1958) |
They burned most everything in the Riverlands - our fields, our granaries, our homes. | | [JP] 彼らはリバーランドの 殆ど全てを焼き尽くした われ等の、畑 われ等の穀物 そして、家も A Golden Crown (2011) |
almost 30% of all the CO2 that goes up each year into the atmosphere comes from forest burning. | | [JP] 毎年、大気へ放出される二酸化炭素 の殆ど30%は 森林を燃やす事からもたらされます An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
My grandfather had already said more to Juli in one hour than he'd said to me in the whole time he'd been living with us. | | [JP] おじいちゃんが一時間以上もジュリと 僕と一緒に住んでて 殆ど喋らないのに Flipped (2010) |
For most of our existence, we used relatively simple tools. | | [JP] 人類生存の殆どの期間、比較的 簡単な道具を使いました An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
Basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children. | | [JP] その殆どが、悲しみ、苦しみ 子供を殺してしまったり Pilot (2005) |
Lots of us can be tough, plenty tough enough, and do it for a long stretch, too. | | [JP] 殆どは強くなる 充分に強くなる 精一杯頑張るんだ Winter's Bone (2010) |
Chet was right. A lot of them were less. | | [JP] チェットは正解 殆どが良くならない Flipped (2010) |
Most of us are not so strong. | | [JP] 我々の殆どは それほど強くない Baelor (2011) |
Many of them are too afraid to go into the Healing Centers. | | [JP] 連中は警戒してます センターには殆ど来ない Welcome to the War (2010) |
You never said much about what happened that night. Well, because nothing happened. | | [JP] その話は殆ど聞いて無いな The Callback (2012) |
Most of the crew I'd served with even longer. They were more than colleagues. | | [JP] 殆どのクルーも同じぐらいの長さだ 仲間以上の存在だった Babel One (2005) |
Most choose the knife. | | [JP] 殆どはナイフを選ぶ The Kingsroad (2011) |
Look, all I'm saying is that guy who used to spend all night at the office and barely live in his apartment? | | [JP] ねえ 私が云いたいのは 以前は家に殆ど居なかったわよね? Jersey Girl (2004) |
Seen things few men have seen. | | [JP] 殆ど誰も見ていない世界だ Season of the Witch (2011) |
Take away the collar, father, you fit the Fifth Column profile pretty good. | | [JP] 神父様は襟カラーを 外されたら如何ですか 言動はフィフス カラムの 犯罪者プロファイルに殆ど一致 Unholy Alliance (2011) |
I read almost everybody confided in him. | | [JP] 殆どのクルーは彼に心を開いてたらしいわ These Are the Voyages... (2005) |
Fewer still will believe. | | [JP] 殆どが信じないぞ Season of the Witch (2011) |
You almost had me last night with that old David Copperfield smoke and mirrors trick. | | [JP] 昨夜 殆ど観たぜ デビッド・カッパーフィールドの映画 After the Sunset (2004) |
In the end they all look the same. And the world barely blinks. | | [JP] 戦後はどこも同じ景色になる それでも世界は殆ど無視だ 5 Days of War (2011) |
As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me. | | [JP] 事実、おじいちゃんは、殆ど 僕と喋らなかった Flipped (2010) |
For most of our history... they were considered a myth, stories we told our children. | | [JP] 殆どの歴史は 伝説とみなしていた 物語を子供達に聞かせていた The Aenar (2005) |
Most people will probably be satisfied with the secrets of this drawer... after reading this diary. | | [JP] 多分殆どの人間は、 この単なる日記帳を読むことで、 この引き出しの秘密に満足する Confrontation (2006) |
According to the inventory, we're low on everything. | | [JP] 在庫が殆ど無い Soylent Green (1973) |
You got so many up there, I almost didn't have room. | | [JP] 凄い数だ 殆ど貼る場所が無かった Up in the Air (2009) |
Fortunately, most of the cities are concentrated on this small continent here. | | [JP] 幸い 殆どの都市は ココに集中しています Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) |
Yes, it is. Nothing good. | | [JP] 大騒ぎです いい話なんか殆ど舞い Tikhiy Don (1957) |
I spent my whole life here, right here in Candyland... surrounded by black faces. | | [JP] 俺の人生の殆どは キャンディランドだ 黒人に囲まれてな Django Unchained (2012) |
Pleace. - And we hardly know each other. | | [JP] - 我々は殆どお互いを知らない Up in the Air (2009) |
Most of it's in the poorer nations of the world. | | [JP] 人口急増の殆どは貧しい国々で 起こっています An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
You have many slaves, Xerxes, but few warriors. | | [JP] たくさんの奴隷を連れているな クセルクセス しかし 戦士は殆どいない 300 (2006) |
Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired. | | [JP] 誰であれ殆どのお金を持ち込めば 6ヶ月後には採用される The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) |
We have a window, but it is shrinking fast. | | [JP] もう殆ど時間が無い Serpent's Tooth (2011) |
I barely remember him. | | [JP] 殆ど記憶にない 10, 000 BC (2008) |
It's over. I'm almost out of this stuff. | | [JP] もう殆ど残ってない There's No Place Like Home: Part 2 (2008) |