We acknowledge the defendant's presence near the site. | | [JP] (蒲生) 被告人が現場近くに いたということは認めましょう しかし それだけでは不十分です 検察官は Hero (2007) |
Get that plant off my desk. (elevator bell dings) hi. | | [JP] 検察官はきっと理解してくれる そんな手には乗らないわ Bones (2005) |
If you just admit that, then the prosecutor can take that into account when filing charges. | | [JP] あなたが認めれば検察官は 書類送検の際 そのことを考慮しますよ El Carnicero en el Coche (2013) |
Prosecution, rebuttal? | | [JP] 検察官は いかがですか Hero (2007) |
Or maybe you can describe the person who shot you and take comfort in the knowledge they won't be back to finish the job. | | [JP] おまえを撃った犯人の人相を話して 検察官が仕事を終わらせるのに 十分な供述をしてくれればな Solve for X (2013) |
As a prosecutor, Ms. Watkins would know the extent of the city's surveillance network. | | [JP] 検察官としてのワトキンスさんは知っている 街の詳細も 監視ネットワークも Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
won't ask for more than manslaughter in the first; | | [JP] 検察官は まず故殺以上の罪は問わないだろう Dead Man's Switch (2013) |
Teresa Lisbon, this is district attorney Don Wolcott. | | [JP] リズボン捜査官 こちらは州検察官のドン・ウルコット Not One Red Cent (2012) |
You've been called here to answer Miss Sorrel's questions, not to give us a display of your intellectual prowess. | | [JP] 検察官の質問に答えるのが あなたの役目です 自分の知的能力を 誇示しなくて結構 The Reichenbach Fall (2012) |
Hans Friedrickson, the lawyer that threatened her. | | [JP] ハンス・フレデリクソン 彼女を脅した検察官 Firewall (2012) |
I'm not saying it's right, but I'll tell you it's a fact, the DA will look at you differently. | | [JP] それが正しいとは言わないが これだけは言える 検察官は別の見方をするだろう Buried (2013) |
The district attorney will not pursue a case against Graham without a confession. | | [JP] グラハムの自供が無ければ 検察官は 彼の罪を追及しないだろう Poison Pen (2013) |
District attorney, however, has little interest. | | [JP] しかしながら 検察官は ほとんど興味が無い Solve for X (2013) |
I was talking to the D.A. | | [JP] 今朝 検察官と話をしたよ Lesser Evils (2012) |
You talk first, the DA will take first-degree murder off the table. | | [JP] 君が最初に話せば 州検察官は 第1級殺人を罪状から除くと言っている My Bloody Valentine (2012) |
DA's keeping you busy? | | [JP] 検察官の仕事は 忙しい? While You Were Sleeping (2012) |
For a prosecutor, a single night in lockup could be life-threatening. | | [JP] 検察官の為に 留置所で一夜か 命にかかわるかもしれない Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
Your Honor, he is the defendant's alibi witness. | | [JP] 検察官が申請すべき 証人ではありません Hero (2007) |
This will undoubtedly find its way to the state prosecutor in Moscow. | | [JP] これは必ずモスクワの 検察官の耳にも届く Hitman (2007) |
Leverage on Judge Faden and a DA brave enough to prosecute. | | [JP] 判事を動かすこと そして 勇敢な検察官 Batman Begins (2005) |
You stand in front of a guy, you, you tell your story and he determines if you're gonna be a useful and credible witness. | | [JP] 特別検察官の前で 証言をして、それから、 特別検察官は、 信用できる目撃者であるかを決める。 Photo Finish (2007) |
You see, in my experience guys who go to jail blame either the prosecutor, or their defense attorney, but not both, and not the judge. | | [JP] 私の経験では 刑務所に行く男が責めるのは 検察官か被告弁護人 どちらかで 両方じゃない Deadly Departed (2007) |
Listen, the D.A.'S decided to try this case herself, | | [JP] 検察官が訴訟内容を決めた Eggtown (2008) |
What's a former prosecutor planning to do with a kilogram of cocaine? | | [JP] 元検察官は計画してた コカイン1キロで? Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
You have always taken such a lively, even prosecutorial interest in my household accounts. | | [JP] いつも検察官のように 目を光らせているのね Lincoln (2012) |
Defendant, do you admit to these charges against you? | | [JP] (裁判長) では 被告人 今 検察官が読み上げた控訴事実に間違いありませんか? Hero (2007) |
It's up to the prosecution to prove he's guilty. | | [JP] 検察官に 有罪を立証する 義務がある Hero (2007) |
Neeley, the prosecutor? | | [JP] ニーリーって検察官の? Deadly Departed (2007) |
I guess the former prosecutor doesn't trust the system, then. | | [JP] 元検察官は 組織を信頼しない Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
The defendant walked, and the prosecutor who let Cameron get hung out to dry? | | [JP] 被告に付き添う検察官 誰がキャメロンにこだわってるの? Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
Former prosecutor with the District Attorney's office. | | [JP] 地方検事の事務所の元検察官だ Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
The evidence is insufficient. | | [JP] (蒲生) 検察官の立証は不十分です Hero (2007) |
Immediately following the verdict, the DA announced charges against Virtanen CFO Mark Lawson. | | [JP] 評決に続き 州検察官は ビルタネンの財務責任者 マーク・ロースンに対して 罪状を発表しました Risk (2012) |
The prosecution bears the burden to prove... beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of a crime. | | [JP] 立証責任は検察官にある もし 被告人を有罪にしたければ 検察官は0.1%の疑問も 抱かぬような Hero (2007) |
Is it true that the prosecutor is going ahead with the case against her? | | [JP] 検察官がカムに会っている というのは本当か? 銀行やクレジットカード会社に The Cheat in the Retreat (2013) |
But I got to say, impersonating a prosecutor? | | [JP] いつから 検察官になりすますように? Firewall (2012) |
There isn't a prosecutor in the state who'll go after Senator Roark. | | [JP] ロアーク議員の後を追う 検察官なんていない Sin City (2005) |
Look, man, I'm just saying, why don't you talk to the D.A. | | [JP] 俺が言いたいのはな 検察官に話してくれってこと Solve for X (2013) |
I backed out of drinks with the DA for this. | | [JP] このために検察官との飲み会から 抜けて来たんだぞ While You Were Sleeping (2012) |
A prosecutor married to a defense attorney? | | [JP] 検察官が弁護士と結婚? Reasonable Doubt (2013) |
What about a special prosecutor? | | [JP] 特別検察官って? Photo Finish (2007) |
Your Honor, I spoke with the district attorney. | | [JP] 裁判長、州検察官と協議した結果 The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) |
I was on that table. I almost died on that table. You would think that I would remember every fucking detail. | | [JP] 州検察官と取引して 免責をもらってる Are You...? (2012) |
A couple of the Panamanians might have gotten cold feet. | | [JP] パナマの特別検察官は、不安になってた。 Vamonos (2007) |
Unless the prosecutor wishes to ignore the basic rule of law. | | [JP] 検察官 まさか お忘れではないでしょうね 推定無罪の原則を Hero (2007) |
Once the special prosecutor clears you, you'll be on your way. | | [JP] 特別検察官が 許可を出したら、 出発する。 Photo Finish (2007) |
We suggested it to the D.D.A., and he agreed. | | [JP] 私たちがそう検察に提案したの 検察官も賛成したわ The Red Barn (2013) |
This is district attorney Don Wolcott. | | [JP] - こちらは州検察官のドン・ウルコット - どうも Red in Tooth and Claw (2013) |
I have with me assistant district attorney | | [JP] 副州検察官と一緒にな Salvation (2013) |
New county prosecutor. | | [JP] 新任の郡検察官だ The Lone Ranger (2013) |