You know, I've filled out a lot of reports. | | [JP] 判ると思うが 報告書は数多く書いた Bad Moon Rising (2012) |
If you don't sell many like this, you should remember... | | [JP] 数多く販売されていないのであれば あなたが登録してないことはないでしょう Sound of Noise (2010) |
We used to ride bulls, herd cattle, [ violin music plays ] sip beer, and breathe in that clean Nebraska air. | | [JP] 牛に乗って、 数多くの牛に 一口、ビールを飲み Down the Mississippi (2015) |
It has been my pleasure to welcome many a visiting dignitary, but never one as charming nor certainly as... exotic as you. | | [JP] これまでに色々な方を お迎えしました 名士の方々も数多く ですが貴女の様な魅力的な方 "遥か彼方" から来られた方 どちらも初めてです Unholy Alliance (2011) |
"it has sometimes been difficult to choose which of his many | | [JP] 時には数多くの事件から どれを選んで書けばいいのか The Abominable Bride (2016) |
He's conducted hundreds of interviews with top ranking government and military witnesses. | | [JP] 政府や群の上層部の目撃者に数多くの Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
I'm sure you've had to face their threat a number of times before yourself too. | | [JP] ハンジさんだって その脅威を数多く体験してるはずなのに Special Operations Squad: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 2 (2013) |
Well, she's a vet, and we're gonna be giving a lot of injections. | | [JP] 誂え向きで 彼女は獣医です 注射を数多く しなければなりません Goodnight, Sweet Grimm (2013) |
Sarah, I have done plenty of fighting. Trust me. | | [JP] サラ 俺は数多くの戦いをしてきたけど Knight Rider (2008) |
Because there's lots of units of exchange in circulation there's lots of money changing hands. | | [JP] 数多くの売買単位が流通しているので Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
A man who is credited with saving the fleet on numerous occasions. | | [JP] 数多くの機会で艦隊を 救い信頼されている人物 Colonial Day (2005) |
The more gigs I could do where it wasn't just about me fucking or being naked, the more I could cross-pollinate and start to get into what was gonna be my reality one day, being dressed. | | [JP] 数多くやれば 裸やセックスだけでなく キャリアを拡大出来る ある時実現するわ After Porn Ends 2 (2017) |
In my lifetime, I have unearth... many ancient mysteries. | | [JP] 一生をかけて 私は明らかにしてきた... 数多くの古代の 神秘を The Mummy (2017) |
The more people, the more complicated. | | [JP] あ 人数多くて 複雑になったほうがいい The Mamiya Brothers (2006) |
A thousand thieves, rapists, murderers. | | [JP] 犯罪者達に全て任された 数多くの窃盗犯、強姦犯、殺し屋しかいない Orientación (2007) |
I've done a lot in my day, but I do have a rule about kids. | | [JP] 数多く自分の時代を過ごしたが 子供については 本当に心掛けたルールがある Sinners and Saints (2013) |
In the 1, 000 years that we have been together, my brother has committed numerous unspeakable acts, but, then again, so has Rebekah. | | [JP] 千年という歳月を共に 費やした中で 弟は数多くの言葉を絶する 行為を犯した しかし考えれば レベッカもそうだ Bloodletting (2013) |
I've made many mistakes, Peter. | | [JP] 私は数多くのミスを犯した Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) |
But I believe these words reflect the spirit | | [JP] 我々には、数多くの宗教がありますが 2012 (2009) |
Like so many of my generation who had to flee, | | [JP] 逃げ出すのを余儀なくされた 数多くの人たちと同様 Woman in Gold (2015) |
You yourself have designed dozens of operations like this. | | [JP] エージェントクールソン。 あなた自身もこんな作戦を数多く立案しました。 The Hub (2013) |
She assures him you're quite respected and your book sits alongside the Bible on many bookshelves. | | [JP] 君は 尊敬に足る人物であり 君の本は聖書の脇に 数多く並んでいると The Awakening (2011) |
You know, in my time I've seen people broken by the world. | | [JP] 壊れてゆく人間を 数多く見てきた Savoureux (2013) |
I've been alive for a thousand years, and, I can assure you, many people have died for far less. | | [JP] 私は生きてきたのだ 千年もの間 君に保証する 数多くの者が死んだ 遂げられず Fruit of the Poisoned Tree (2013) |
You know, so far in this game, there have been a number of fouls called by this particular ref, and that's not... | | [JP] これまでこのゲームでは "ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ" 数多くのファウルがこの審判によって "ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ" 取られましたが これでは・・ Dog Dean Afternoon (2013) |
They're one of the many casualties of my father's absence. | | [JP] 父親不在の数多くの 犠牲者の一つだよ The Way Way Back (2013) |
She left behind her grimoires, a legacy of books filled with spells. | | [JP] 彼女は自身の魔術書や 数多くの呪文書を遺産に残した Sinners and Saints (2013) |
So many men have tried to kill me, | | [JP] 数多くの男が私を殺そうとした The Queen's Justice (2017) |
Well it's hundred of miles to Burma... through mountains and jungle. | | [JP] ビルマまでは何百マイルもある その間、数多くの 山々やジャングルがある The Railway Man (2013) |
These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world. | | [JP] 驚いたことに、これらの概念は、 世界中の数多くの研究室で証明されているにもかかわらず、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
Many an army has broken against our walls. | | [JP] 数多くの軍が我が城壁の前で敗北した The Bear and the Maiden Fair (2013) |
Arcadian, I've fought countless times yet I've never met an adversary that could offer me what we Spartans call a beautiful death. | | [JP] アルカディア兵 私は数多く戦った 美しい死に方が出来る 敵に出会った事は無い 300 (2006) |
The much-criticized Cincinnati Accord has brought a cease-fire to Bosnia, and it appears to be holding, prompting NATO forces to begin a withdrawal, which should be complete by New Year's Day, close to the US president's "Home by the holidays " pledge. | | [JP] 数多くの議論を重ねたシンシナティ協定により ボスニアに停戦がもたらされた それはNATO軍に対し元日までの完全な撤退を促すものであり アメリカの大統領が「クリスマスは家で」と Behind Enemy Lines (2001) |
It seems there are a number of sites with data relating to a former Olympic gymnast | | [JP] データを扱う サイトは数多く存在してる 元オリンピック体操選手に関して Provenance (2014) |
Now, "many" signifies a great many. | | [JP] "多く"というのは数多くだ 12 Years a Slave (2013) |
I work in the doctor's office, I've seen the bodies. | | [JP] 診療所で働いてるから 死体を数多く見てきた Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012) |