Symptoms began slowly and gradually worsened. | | [JP] 症状は徐々に悪化し― Buffet Froid (2013) |
remember shorter on those quarter notes. | | [JP] サックス、覚えてくれ 徐々に大きく広がるように Eagle Eye (2008) |
Try to taper off, otherwise the headaches are just the beginning. | | [JP] 徐々に減らすの 頭痛は 初期症状に過ぎないのよ Limitless (2011) |
And we're becoming more and more convinced of his guilt. | | [JP] 僕らは徐々に彼の罪を確信するようになっています On the Line (2013) |
And gradually-- day by day weekbyweekyou do. | | [JP] そして徐々に 日が経つにつれ... 週が経つにつれ 忘れていった Trance (2013) |
It would take us from incremental change of a fundamentally flawed system, to a complete transformation, where not just some, or even the majority, but everyone could truly have the opportunity to thrive. | | [JP] 根本的に欠陥がある体制が徐々に変わっていたのが、 完全に一変します。 一部の人だけ、大部分の人だけでなく、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
I don't feel like myself. I feel like I have been gradually becoming different for a while. | | [JP] 自分と思えない 徐々に替わるようだ Rôti (2013) |
Then all my other systems gradually shutdown in an effort to save energy. | | [JP] 徐々にシャット・ダウンされていく エネルギーを節約すると Simon Says (2014) |
If it seems gradual, even if it really is happening quickly, we're capable of just sitting there and not responding. | | [JP] もし、危険が徐々に、たとえ本当は 早く起こっていたとしても 私たちは底にただ座って、 無反応でやり過ごせます An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
He wants to destroy me inch by inch. | | [JP] 僕を徐々に破滅させる気だ The Reichenbach Fall (2012) |
Gradually. | | [JP] 徐々にね Internal Affairs (2008) |
They just slowly beat us down. | | [JP] 徐々に痛めつけられていった Free to Play (2014) |
There is less and less snow and ice. | | [JP] 雪と氷が徐々に減ってきてるんだよ Snowpiercer (2013) |
My little sister is slowly dying. | | [JP] 妹は徐々に 死へと向かっています Excision (2012) |
It became clearer and clearer that you were not staying for me, but for yourself. | | [JP] 徐々にはっきりしてきた 君が留まったのは 僕のためじゃない 君自身のためだ Details (2013) |
Now, here I am, you know. | | [JP] 俺の人生は徐々に 酷くなり― After You've Gone (2014) |
Yet even as the conflict winds down, the US military remains in a high state of readiness, eager to answer the call. | | [JP] 戦争が徐々に終結に向かっている時ではあったが アメリカ軍は電話に出るのも熱心なくらいの 高い緊張状態を維持していた Behind Enemy Lines (2001) |
Something just snapped and after that it was just a long slow slide. | | [JP] 何かが弾けて グループは徐々に... . すさんでいった Jersey Boys (2014) |
And every time I heal, I die a little more. | | [JP] 治療すれば 徐々に死期が近づく Red Menace (2014) |
So we'll work on your anxiety and paranoia gradually. | | [JP] 徐々に 不安と妄想症に取り組む The Perfect Mark (2013) |
Gas we used on the guards knocked him out, too, but it's wearing off now. | | [JP] ガスは警備員に使った 彼をまた殴り倒した でも 徐々によくなる The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) |
His strength fades. | | [JP] 徐々に弱っている The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) |
Everyone here should now be gone. | | [JP] "姿が徐々に見えてきました・・・" Battle Los Angeles (2011) |
It's coming back. Slowly... | | [JP] 思い出してる・・徐々に Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) |
then a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field and gradually get larger until I'd see it was Tommy. | | [JP] 小さな絵が 地平線から草原を超え トミーに見えるまで 徐々に大きくなり Never Let Me Go (2010) |
This was determined by the circumstances around me. | | [JP] 子供でいる事を 徐々に許さなくなっていったんだ Fantastipo (2005) |
She'd had major surgery, she was recovering slowly, but she was recovering. | | [JP] 彼女は大手術を受けて 徐々に回復してた 回復してたのよ 死ぬはずじゃなかった Lesser Evils (2012) |
But there are fewer and fewer of those because I have dementia. | | [JP] しかし 私は認知症で そういう時間は徐々に減って どんどん悪化している Possibility Two (2013) |
Um... I just slowly became aware that I might not be dreaming. | | [JP] 夢とは違うと 徐々に気付いた Buffet Froid (2013) |
I'm making progress, softening him up a bit. | | [JP] 徐々に 軟化してきてる Matsya Nyaya (2012) |
We have begun to identify so-called Goldilocks planets. | | [JP] 惑星ゴルディロックスについて 徐々に明らかになって来ており Battleship (2012) |
They're taking notice. | | [JP] 徐々に そうなっています Second Guess (2013) |
Slowly the days turned sour... and the watchful nights closed in. | | [JP] 徐々に陽は陰り 不安な夜が迫っていた The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) |
What happens is, the drugs will kick in, we drift off to sleep... we wake up in a year, you'll be painting' again. | | [JP] 徐々に薬が効いて俺達は眠りにつく 1年後に目覚めて 君はまた絵描きに戻るのさ Idiocracy (2006) |
They were closing in on us when the rest of you were jumping. | | [JP] 補足され徐々に迫ってきました・・・ ギャラクティカのジャンプ後にです 33 (2004) |
-as we need him to in order... | | [JP] - 我々が徐々に彼を必要として・・・ The Imitation Game (2014) |
Her stepmother and stepsisters ever misused her. | | [JP] 継母と義姉たちは、徐々に... Cinderella (2015) |
Ease into it. | | [JP] 徐々に You Win or You Die (2011) |
We went out a bunch of times, but she just-- just kind of faded away. | | [JP] 私達は沢山出かけた だが 彼女は -- 徐々に消え去った Wingman (2014) |
Can you zoom in on that? | | [JP] 画像を徐々に拡大して? The Interview (2014) |
I mean, global weather patterns are producing more and more powerful storms. | | [JP] 地球全体の気圧配置は 徐々に より勢力の大きな嵐を生み出している Snow Angels (2013) |
She says it will wear off she lets it. | | [JP] 徐々に戻ると言った このままでも Deadly Departed (2007) |
You need to... | | [JP] 徐々にやる事が... You Win or You Die (2011) |
Snow becomes more fragile, it doesn't take much to get rid of everything. | | [JP] 雪は徐々に脆くなっている すべてを一掃するのも それほど手はかからないだろう Snowpiercer (2013) |
Gradually, the weight lowers into the bowl. | | [JP] 徐々に ボールが下がってくる The Blind Banker (2010) |
It's terrifying, the thought of slowly losing yourself. | | [JP] 家族のことさえ、 徐々に忘れていっているというのは末恐ろしいよ 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2014) |
It descends, but its dying rays still illuminate our world. | | [JP] 徐々に日は落ちていく 落ちてはいくが まだ太陽が出ているから The Magic Hour (2008) |
Rescue efforts tapered off after multiple searches in the neighbourhood turned up nothing. | | [JP] 捜索活動は 徐々に 減らされてきましたが Dark Circles (2013) |
...details emerging now about the massive explosion that ripped through Langley | | [JP] "詳細が徐々に明らかに" "ラングレーの大爆発は" The Choice (2012) |
Your brain's on meltdown. A couple of days doing nothing... and you�ll start to come back. | | [JP] 脳の過労だ 何もせずに 数日過ごせば徐々に良くなる Blitz (2011) |