I think someone is staging a coup inside the Porchetto family, a takeover when the old man dies. | | [JP] ポルチェットファミリーの中で 誰かがクーデターを企ててると思うんだ おやじさんが 死んだ後の後継者 My Bloody Valentine (2012) |
While you, Vasilisa Dragomir, the last of the Dragomir line... if you are our future, I am less than impressed. | | [JP] ワシリサ・ドラゴミールは ドラゴミール家の 後継者・・・ 未来の女王ねぇ 感動がないわね Vampire Academy (2014) |
MiMi DeLongpre, called a Council and I performed the Seven Wonders and was unanimously proclaimed to be the true born heir of the Supremacy. | | [JP] ミミ・ディロンブレね 会議に呼ばれて 七不思議を披露したら 満場一致で スプリームの後継者と The Replacements (2013) |
I will raise Arius to be my worthy successor! | | [JP] 私には立派な後継者の アリウスがいる! Hercules (2014) |
walter bishop, dubbed by his contemporaries as a successor to albert einstein, worked for the defense advanced research projects agency from the late '70s... until he was committed to the st. clair's mental institution for manslaughter. | | [JP] ウォルター・ビショップ 彼は同時代の同僚から アインシュタインの後継者と The Same Old Story (2008) |
Every young heir to the Pole gets took out by his father. | | [JP] サンタの後継者は 父親と飛ぶ習わしで Arthur Christmas (2011) |
But certainly, I think we can all agree that it'd be a good idea to have a successor. | | [JP] ですが間違いなく、我々皆が よい考えだと同意すると思います 後継者を得るのですから Colonial Day (2005) |
Anna Leigh Leighton, we announce her posthumous selection of the witch she believed to be her trueborn successor, | | [JP] 愛すべき思い出において 彼女が自身の後継者と信じた 選り拭かれた魔女 スプリームを Fearful Pranks Ensue (2013) |
Joffrey Baratheon... is the one true heir to the Iron Throne... by the grace of all the gods, | | [JP] ジョフリー・ブラセンは 天より与えられた 唯一の正統な 王座の後継者である Baelor (2011) |
I'm capable of appointing my successor, my successor being you. | | [JP] 僕は自分の後継者を決められる 後を次ぐのは君だ... Iron Man 2 (2010) |
The real reason I tracked you down and groomed you to be the best you could possibly be, Axel: | | [JP] 実は おまえを探してた 後継者として育て上げるためだ Twin Streaks (1991) |
Using in vitro fertilization and a surrogate uterus to gift humanity with our progeny. | | [JP] 体外受精を行い 人類のよき後継者を その子宮で育む... The Robotic Manipulation (2010) |
He was heir to Casterly Rock and I was sold to some stranger like a horse to be ridden whenever he desired. | | [JP] 彼はキャストリー・ロックの後継者 私は見知らぬ人に 望むがままに乗られる馬のように 売られた Blackwater (2012) |
And that makes me royalty, blessed with all his powers. | | [JP] そして俺は後継者だ Grudge Match (2013) |
I'm Theon Greyjoy, son of Balon, heir to the Iron Islands. | | [JP] 俺はシーオン・グレイジョイだ ベイロンの息子で、鉄諸島の後継者だ The Mountain and the Viper (2014) |
Your aunt, before she died, signed a document naming you as her successor. | | [JP] 君の叔母が死ぬ前に 君を彼女の後継者に 指名する書類に署名した The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) |
Our tradition obliges the people to choose a successor. | | [JP] 我々の伝統により 民は後継者を選ぶ義務がある Pathfinder (2007) |
He gave it all to me. | | [JP] 私が後継者になるの The Wolverine (2013) |
The Priory's sacred charge was to reveal the heir at the dawn of the new millennium. | | [JP] 修道院の神聖な料金... ...新しい千年紀の夜明け_後継者を明らかにすることでした。 The Da Vinci Code (2006) |
Kagame was very specific. I take over Liber8. | | [JP] カガミの指示 私が後継者 Second Thoughts (2013) |
Daddy probably figured Ian showed up at the funeral to take away his heir. | | [JP] パパは イアンが葬儀に現れると考えたんだわ 後継者を奪うために Lady Killer (2013) |
I must find a heir. | | [JP] 「後継者を探そうと」 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) |
You are the heir to the throne of Durin. | | [JP] お前はドゥリンの王位後継者なのだ The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) |
Prodigal son returns home and becomes the heir apparent. | | [JP] 放蕩息子は帰って 後継者になります Honor Thy Father (2012) |
The rightful heir. | | [JP] 正当なる後継者 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) |
Which Fiona not only neglected to do, she actually tried to kill her successor. | | [JP] フィオナは それを無視しただけでなく 自分の後継者を The Seven Wonders (2014) |
I shall do my best to be a worthy successor. | | [JP] 私は最善を尽くすでしょう 立派な後継者であるために Maleficent (2014) |
What is the heir to the Verger Meat Packing dynasty doing at my door? | | [JP] ヴァージャー食肉加工グル―プの後継者が 僕に何の様だ? Naka-Choko (2014) |
Lawson is heir to the entire Virtanen empire. | | [JP] -ローソンは社全体の後継者 The Fix (2011) |
He's made his decision. He's going to announce it. | | [JP] 後継者を決めたんだ Gladiator (2000) |
If, gods forbid, anything should happen to you, Madam President, we have no designated successor. | | [JP] あってはならないことですが、あなたに 万一のことがあれば、大統領閣下 我々には、任命された後継者がおりません Colonial Day (2005) |
You are a true heir of kings! | | [JP] 王の後継者なのだから Born of Hope (2009) |
I will choose a successor to take the throne and care for my daughter. | | [JP] わしは後継者を選ぶ 王位を継ぎ 娘と結ばれるのだ Maleficent (2014) |
Javadi's the heir apparent. | | [JP] ジャヴァディは明らかに後継者だ One Last Thing (2013) |
I invited five children to the factory and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner. | | [JP] 「私は、5人の子供を、工場に招待し... ...最も信頼のおける子供を、 後継者にしようと考えました」 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) |
Oh, my brother is the heir, not me. | | [JP] あら、兄が後継者で相続人よ、 わたしじゃない。 Shiizakana (2014) |
Perhaps our negotiations will be more fruitful with your successor. | | [JP] 交渉はもっと上手くいけるかも、 あなたの後継者と! Ambush (2008) |
Your Highness, as my father's only child, | | [JP] 上様 只一人の後継者として 47 Ronin (2013) |
I want you to stay here and become his successor. | | [JP] 私はあなたがここに滞在したい と彼の後継者になる。 Pom Poko (1994) |
What is the heir to the Verger Meat Packing dynasty doing at my door? | | [JP] ヴァージャー食肉加工グループの後継者が 僕に何の用だ? Shiizakana (2014) |
My brother was a fool, I know, but he was the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms. | | [JP] 兄は愚かでしたが 七つの王国の正統な 後継者でした You Win or You Die (2011) |
The competition wiping out the dealer and her heir apparent or... | | [JP] 競争相手が薬の売人とその後継者らしき人物を 消してるのか それとも・・・ Scarlett Fever (2009) |
Been doing a bit of a headhunting so to speak... trying to figure out who a worthy successor would be. | | [JP] 信じないか? まぁ言わばヘッドハンティングさ 誰を後継者にと考えたら Iron Man 2 (2010) |
The likely shooter is Julio's replacement. | | [JP] 襲った奴は フリオの後継者だろう Just Let Go (2011) |
Says that only produces a disorder. They are dying out there. | | [JP] あなたがドゥリンの後継者だ 人々が向こうで死んでいる The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) |
I am Princess Vasilisa Dragomir. I'm the last of the Dragomir line. | | [JP] 私は姫よ ドラゴミールの後継者なの Vampire Academy (2014) |
Here is the new director-in-chief of the syndicate, also my successor. | | [JP] みなさま こちらが我が組織の新しい副会長 将来の後継者だ Cat City (1986) |
Since the beginning of this coven, it has been every outgoing Supreme's duty to identify her successor. | | [JP] この集会の設立以来 後継者の指名は 引退するスプリームの 職務でした The Seven Wonders (2014) |
I'm supposed to be king, right? | | [JP] 実は、一番年上の後継者がもう一人いる Shrek the Third (2007) |
Since old Jesse Compton had no living heirs when he died ownership reverts back to me. | | [JP] 最後の後継者が死に 俺に所有権が戻った The First Taste (2008) |