Then they will cut the skin from her feet... and stand her on a crown of daggers, until every drop of her precious blood is drained from her body. | | [JP] それから 彼らは彼女の足から皮膚を切る... 短剣と王冠に彼女を立てる 彼女の尊い血の一滴まで 身体から排出される Dragonfyre (2013) |
A noble effort. | | [JP] 尊い努力だ Breaker of Chains (2014) |
_ | | [JP] 一日の自由は鎖の一生より尊い Oathkeeper (2014) |
None more noble than the other... | | [JP] 犠牲以上に 尊いものはない End Times (2012) |
They also thanked for the beautiful presents you sent. | | [JP] さらに、送られた尊い贈り物にも 彼らは感謝しています Conquest 1453 (2012) |
- No, Harry Your blood's much more precious than mine | | [JP] 君の血は わしの血より尊い Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) |
Violent clashes broke out outside the stadium, clashes which caused the death of a police officer. | | [JP] スタジアムの外で 激しい衝突が発生 その衝突で 警官1名が その尊い命を失いました A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards (2012) |
If any death ever had meaning, it was his. | | [JP] 死が尊いものならば 彼の事だ Cherokee Rose (2011) |
In joy I must love you, in joy that will blind me, in joy that announces my end! | | [JP] 尊い武勲を幾つも集めた... 世間知らずよ! 笑いつつ 私は貴方を愛さねばならない Siegfried (1980) |
At 15, you study the Talmud. | | [JP] -Nasi が編纂したとされるユダヤ教の口伝律法で, Talmud を構成する》; ミシュナの一節; 尊いラビ (rabbi) の教え. The Debt (2010) |
It's not the things that are precious, it's the idea behind them. | | [JP] 尊い訳ではなく そう思ってるだけの事だ Second Listen (2013) |
And Janella felt so bad about what Jerry did she made the ultimate sacrifice. | | [JP] ジャネラも 罪の意識を感じて 尊い命を犠牲にした Mine (2008) |
Translation is sacred. | | [JP] 翻訳は尊い Okja (2017) |
Lord Eddard's integrity cost him his head. | | [JP] エダード殿は自らの尊い犠牲まで支払った Garden of Bones (2012) |
No noble fights with bondsmen | | [JP] 尊い神は自由の無い輩とは戦いません Die Walküre (1990) |
He now esteems it earth's most precious prize greater than woman's grace | | [JP] 彼はこの黄金こそ 世界の最高の宝 女の優美より尊いと思ったのでした Das Rheingold (1980) |
Venerable. | | [JP] 尊いもの Earthlings Welcome Here (2008) |
Exactly! | | [JP] - どんな職業も尊い Serial (Bad) Weddings (2014) |
Life is precious. | | [JP] 人生は尊い。 Mukozuke (2014) |
His virtues are dear. Your command shall never turn me against him! | | [JP] 彼の尊い美徳 父上の彼に手向かえと いう命令に私は従えません Die Walküre (1990) |
"The height of nobility," "a man of your stature," | | [JP] "尊い身長" "その身長で" Battle of the Bastards (2016) |
That's his choice, and a noble one. | | [JP] 彼の選択だ、尊い選択だ 2012 (2009) |
A lot of lives were lost today. | | [JP] 多くの尊い命が失われた Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
Maybe there's something more important than immortality. | | [JP] _BAR__BAR__BAR__BAR_ 不死より尊い"何か"の発見 _BAR__BAR__BAR__BAR_ Attraction (2017) |
Sometimes it's more noble to tell a small lie than deliver a painful truth. | | [JP] 時に小さな嘘は、痛ましい真実を伝えるより尊い Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009) |
We were noble gold miners because we could see the light in the darkness. | | [JP] 我々は尊い金鉱夫だったんだ 闇の中でも目が利くのでね Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) |
How noble. | | [JP] その義は尊い Asylum (2015) |
I have come to believe that all life is precious. | | [JP] 信じるようになった すべての命は尊いと Here's Not Here (2015) |
He is willing to die. And for that sacrifice he has my eternal gratitude, and the gratitude of the people of Sangala. | | [JP] 彼の尊い死を私は一生感謝する Day 7: 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (2009) |
Well, it's not as if I could put an innocent life at risk. | | [JP] 尊い命を危険に晒すわけじゃあるまいし Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004) |
I have come to believe that all life is precious. | | [JP] 信じてるんだ すべての命が尊いとね Here's Not Here (2015) |
But the good you do will far outweigh the bad. | | [JP] けれどもキミの行いは、悪よりも遥かに尊い。 Pilot (2014) |
And remember that your lives are more important than a piece of art. | | [JP] 忘れないで欲しい 命は美術品よりも尊い The Monuments Men (2014) |
You have to believe your life is precious, that all life is precious. | | [JP] { a1pos(105, 268) } 自分の命 すべての命が 尊いと信じること Here's Not Here (2015) |
You and your heroic soldiers are worth more than anything for us. | | [JP] あなたと、あなたの勇敢な兵たちが、 我々にとってどれほど尊いか、 計り知れません Conquest 1453 (2012) |
She will be memorialized at FBI Headquarters and Field Offices so that her ultimate sacrifice will always be remembered. | | [JP] 彼女はFBI本部と各支部で追悼されるだろう、 彼女の尊い犠牲は 永遠に忘れられることはない。 Mukozuke (2014) |
Don't forget you can battle with anyone but you make peace only with honorable men. | | [JP] 忘れるな、戦いは誰とでもできるが、 和平は、尊い人々とのみ結ばれる Conquest 1453 (2012) |
But it's also precious... | | [JP] そして尊い Things You Can't Outrun (2014) |
That's nobility. | | [JP] それが 尊いんだ Ring Around the Rosie (2011) |
Do you hold nothing else precious? | | [JP] それ以外の何物も尊いと思わないか? Die Walküre (1990) |
All life is precious. | | [JP] すべての命が尊い Heads Up (2015) |