It's okay, i'm used to running into all sorts of animals on my job. | | [JP] 動物には よく出くわすわ The Italian Job (2003) |
We seem to keep running into each other, Captain. | | [JP] 我々はよく出くわすようだな Babel One (2005) |
You might run into a few unneighborly types. | | [JP] どんな連中に 出くわすかもわからん 30 Days Without an Accident (2013) |
Unless you want to run into him. | | [JP] "彼"に出くわす前に Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) |
Rare to come across such a literal case of someone shooting the messenger. | | [JP] これほど文字通りメッセンジャーを 撃つという事件に 出くわすのは 珍しいな Internal Audit (2013) |
It's pretty strange that we keep running into each other. | | [JP] 何回も出くわすなんて 妙ね La La Land (2016) |
However, as the terrain and other obstacles could delay their detection, we may encounter Titans inside the formation. | | [JP] しかし 地形や障害物により発見が遅れ 陣営内で巨人に出くわす場合もある Female Titan: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 1 (2013) |
Imagine you walk down the street... and you bump into three blokes carrying carpeting knives. | | [JP] 想像してくれ 道を歩いてると―― カーペットナイフを持った 三人組に出くわす Blitz (2011) |
The odds are astronomical. | | [JP] 魔法使いに偶然出くわすかね? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) |
Well, I'd really like to meet Lisa sometime... beside the brief encounter in her underwear. | | [JP] 私もリサには会いたいわ またそのうちに でも下着姿の彼女に出くわすのは... Heretic's Fork (2010) |
Brother Sam would say it's not an accident that I've stumbled onto a killer who seems to have his own kind of faith. | | [JP] サムに言わせれば 偶然ではない 狂った宗教を 信仰する殺人鬼に 出くわす事もだ A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
There are times in your life when you find yourself... in very awkward situations. | | [JP] 人生って時には とっても気まずい状況に 出くわす事もある つまり ジョー あの顔を見てくれ Mean Girls 2 (2011) |
Life can be cruel sometimes. | | [JP] 人生は時に残酷な場面に出くわす Everyone Has a Cobblepot (2015) |
I'm sure I'll be running into him shortly. | | [JP] きっとじきに出くわすでしょう Extraction (2015) |
You saw it last night. There's bad people out here. | | [JP] 悪人に出くわす前に Conquer (2015) |
I'm just not entirely comfortable with the idea that we might encounter the most hideous beast nobody's ever seen. | | [JP] 誰も見たことがない 隠れた獣に 出くわすかもしれないなんて まったく気が休まらないよ Twelve Days of Krampus (2013) |
She's more likely to use guile or subterfuge or guile than physical violence to achieve the gangs' ends... but keep your eyes on her if she crosses your path. | | [JP] ずる賢こっく 肉体的暴力より 怜悧狡猾に振る舞うタイプね 出くわす事があれば 目を離さない事ね Wasting Time (2012) |
If anybody knows who these guys are, it'll be somebody in there. | | [JP] "あそこで聞けば 知っている奴に出くわすだろう" Natural Born Wesen (2013) |
There's too much chance of running into that guy who's after us. | | [JP] 私達をつけてきた男と 出くわす確率がかなり高いの My Bloody Valentine (2012) |
I promise, I won't touch anything or bump into any of your NCCSI guys, I swear. | | [JP] 約束するわ 何も触れない もしくはNCCSIの いずれかの人に出くわす 誓うわ Provenance (2014) |
This is not something anybody can wrap their head around until they have no choice but to get on board. | | [JP] 出くわすのとは わけが違う Tribunal (2015) |
We don't know what we're dealing with. | | [JP] 何に出くわすか わからんからな Indifference (2013) |
My life is filled with guys like Harlo Landerson. | | [JP] 僕は こういう男に しょっちゅう出くわす Odd Thomas (2013) |
It's not every day I come across a man, albeit one suffering from such grotesque deformity who is so clearly talented, observant, and resourceful and in possession of the most gifted pair of hands | | [JP] 私が君みたいな男に 出くわすのは毎日ではない。 グロテスクな奇形で 苦しんでるにもかかわらず... ...とても優秀で、観察力があり 臨機応変で... Victor Frankenstein (2015) |
-Keep our boys armed and ready, and the Germans will think twice about trying to get the drop on us. | | [JP] −我が戦士達を武装するんだ... ドイツ人は我々に出くわすのは まずいと思うようになるだろう。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) |
You got more chance of winning the powerball than running into him. | | [JP] 迷信か? 奴に出くわすより 賭けに勝つ確率が高いぞ The Dark Knight (2008) |
You're gonna find a little friend on the first landing. | | [JP] 友達と最初の 一歩で出くわす Spy (2015) |
Maybe we'll run into Andrew Leaddis. | | [JP] アンドリュー・リーディスに 出くわすかもな Shutter Island (2010) |