If we can see nothing, then neither can American patrol planes. | | [CN] 如果我们看不到什么 就表示美国侦察机 也看不到我们 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) |
Dur scouts report no enemy carriers. They've started their homeward leg. | | [CN] 侦察机没有发现敌方航空母舰, 他们已经返航 Midway (1976) |
A delay in launching scout 4. | | [CN] 四号侦察机起飞晚了, Midway (1976) |
You're forgetting, scout number 4 was a haIf-hour late taking off. | | [CN] 您忘了, 四号侦察机起飞晚了三十分钟 Midway (1976) |
The good news is the Yorktown search planes have spotted the fourth Jap carrier. | | [CN] 好消息是,约克顿号的侦察机 已经发现了鬼子的第四艘航母 Part III (1988) |
Dperation K, the reconnaissance flight to pearl Harbor, has been cancelled. | | [CN] 派侦察机去珍珠港的K行动被取消了 Midway (1976) |
An air search involving 22 PBYs, each plane flying 700 miles out, covering an 8-degree sector. | | [CN] 共出动二十二架侦察机 每架单程飞行距离为七百哩, 覆盖幅度为八度 Midway (1976) |
Report from Scouting 5. Adams located the 4th enemy fIattop. | | [CN] 五号侦察机发来消息, 亚当斯发现第四艘航空母舰 Midway (1976) |
Ajax aircraft reporting. | | [CN] 阿贾克斯号侦察机报告 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956) |
Good, we can crush Midway then! | | [CN] 这样就好 直接向中途岛出发 侦察机发来的报告 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960) |
I jumped in a ditch today at the sight of an unarmed reconnaissance plane. | | [CN] 我今天被一架 没有武装的侦察机 吓的半死! Battle of the Bulge (1965) |
If you'd taken the pains to have looked carefully you would have observed it was an unarmed reconnaissance plane. | | [CN] 你若仔细的看清楚那飞机 你会发现是 没有武装的侦察机! Battle of the Bulge (1965) |
But if it's Nagumo's attack force with its carriers, and its scouts find us before we find them ... | | [CN] 可是, 如果那是南云的配有 航空母舰的海战舰队的话 如果他们的侦察机发现我们, 在我们发现他们之前... Midway (1976) |
Today. Dur PBY should tell us today. | | [CN] 我们的侦察机应该在今天证实这 Midway (1976) |
Very good. | | [CN] 很好,我们的侦察机 在该区域的行动结束前 Midway (1976) |
We've heard nothing from scout 4 since it sighted the one enemy carrier. | | [CN] 从四号侦察机发现航空母舰后 再也没有它的消息 Midway (1976) |
And then his scout planes will be out. | | [CN] 他会派侦察机来, Midway (1976) |
CinCPAC must think the PBY sighted only Kondo's invasion force. | | [CN] 他们认为, 侦察机只看到了 近藤的进攻舰队 Midway (1976) |
To the exception of the hydroplanes Sunderland, that was few, e of the Anson, all the others aircraft were palliative. | | [CN] 除了非常少数的桑德兰水上飞机, 其他所有的飞机, 除了"安森" (侦察机)外都是些临时凑合的东西 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974) |
At altitude, a single plane, not responding! | | [CN] 51011。 一架高空侦察机 对我们的质问未作回答 Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972) |
But after 2 hours, our scouts have reported nothing. | | [CN] 可是我们的侦察机两个小时都没有发报了 Midway (1976) |
Let's get this settled once and for all. | | [CN] 立即派E -2侦察机前 去那里证实 The Final Countdown (1980) |
Broken cloud cover up to 2, 000 feet to conceal us from enemy scout planes, and above unlimited visibility straight into Midway for our flyers. | | [CN] -个七百米厚的云层遮盖, 使敌人的侦察机看不到我们 而我们的飞行员在云层上 可以 -直看到中途岛 Midway (1976) |
Sir, the PBY reported only 2 carriers. | | [CN] 侦察机只发现两艘航空母舰 Midway (1976) |
The enemy fleet's been spotted. | | [CN] 敌人的舰队出现了 侦察机那里来了情报 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960) |
In case our scouts sight any enemy ships. | | [CN] 如果我们的侦察机发现了敌方的舰队 Midway (1976) |
An American PBY, Sir. A reconnaissance seaplane! | | [CN] -架美军侦察机! Midway (1976) |
FriendIies, Sir. Dur search planes returning. | | [CN] 那是我方侦察机, 正在返航 Midway (1976) |
Any reports from our patrol planes? | | [CN] 侦察机还没有什么消息吗 还没有 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960) |
Radio scout 4 to ascertain ship types and maintain contact. | | [CN] 让四号侦察机确定敌舰型号, 并且与我们保持联系 Midway (1976) |
What are you doing in a reconnaissance plane? | | [CN] 你在侦察机里做什么? Battle of the Bulge (1965) |
Hasn't the Soryu scout reported, Sir? | | [CN] "曾柳"号侦察机没有消息吗? Midway (1976) |
Sir, another message from scout 4. | | [CN] 将军, 四号侦察机又发来 -个报告 Midway (1976) |
"Scout plane reports enemy ships severely damaged. | | [CN] "侦察机报告,发现敌方舰艇若干 Part III (1988) |
And so, while the generals lectured, the diplomats rushed grain and much-needed raw materials to Germany, turned a blind eye to the incursions of German reconnaissance planes over Soviet territory and even slowed down their building of frontier defences | | [CN] 因此, 当将军们作演讲时, 外交官们忙着将谷物和 殛需的原材料运往德国, 对于德国侦察机对苏联 领空的侵犯视而不见 Barbarossa: June-December 1941 (1973) |
To cover the area, we will launch scout planes from Akagi and Kaga, and our cruiser escorts will launch 5 seapIanes. | | [CN] 为了覆盖侦察区域, 我们出动 "赤木"号和"加贺"号上的侦察机 从巡洋舰上出动五架水上飞机 Midway (1976) |
- E.T.A. to Nimitz, 12 minutes, sir. | | [CN] -侦察机12分钟后到达"尼米兹 The Final Countdown (1980) |
Message from TONE patrol plane! | | [CN] 根据侦察机发来的无线电报 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960) |
Soryu should send out its scout plane. | | [CN] 让"曾柳"号派出它的侦察机侦查 Midway (1976) |
- Now, listen, Colonel, as you know, we're short on patrol planes. | | [CN] 听着,上校,如你所知 我们的侦察机不够 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) |
Their last position was radioed by scout 4 several hours ago. | | [CN] 四号侦察机的位置报告是好几个小时以前的 Midway (1976) |
- Genda, why hasn't the Soryu's scout plane reported? | | [CN] -为什么"曾柳"号侦察机没有消息? Midway (1976) |
Nothing more. No word from our scouts since that "Many planes" flash. | | [CN] 自从侦察机报告后敌机就什么消息也没有了 Midway (1976) |
Why don't we get some eyes out there? | | [CN] 为什么您不派侦察机去呢, 长官? Midway (1976) |
Which scout radioed the contact? | | [CN] 哪架侦察机报告的? Midway (1976) |
What's left of bombing six, scouting six, and the rest of the guys from the Yorktown. | | [CN] 包括第六轰炸机队、第六侦察机队 和从约克顿号转来的弟兄 Part III (1988) |
That's the Iast of our scouts, Sir. | | [CN] 这是我们最后 -架侦察机, 长官 Midway (1976) |
A fierce aerial attack launched by Japan on South Vietnam last Saturday. | | [CN] 路透社报导: 当日军侦察机在上星期六 大举向南越发动猛烈攻击 A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon (1989) |
One of the SORYU patrol planes has returned. | | [CN] 刚才有一架侦察机回来 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960) |
Meanwhile, as Nagumo continues to rearm for the second strike, a scout plane slighting report is delivered - | | [CN] 七时二十八分 与此同时,南云正忙着给战机 换装炸弹 却突然收到了侦察机传回的 敌舰目击报告 Part III (1988) |