They do a dangerous job. They know it. | | [JP] 危険を伴う仕事をしてますから Flight (2012) |
Thumbing rides may save your busfare, but it's dangerous. | | [JP] ヒッチハイクで バス代は浮くが 危険を伴う Detour (1945) |
Any jailbreak's a risky proposition. | | [JP] 脱獄には危険を伴う Cloud Atlas (2012) |
Accompanied by intense auditory and visual sensations... that would involve me. | | [JP] - 白昼夢? - 極めて強い聴覚と視覚を伴うものです 私にはありました Bound (2005) |
Leadership has its costs. You, above all, should know that. | | [JP] リーダシップには犠牲が伴う 知るべきだ Terminator Salvation (2009) |
Yes, all the intention and responsibility is heaved on firstborn children. | | [JP] その代わり 責任を伴う Oeuf (2013) |
But each comes with their own dangerous consequences. | | [JP] それには必ず 身体的危険が伴う The Plateau (2010) |
That can be dangerous. | | [JP] 危険が伴うから Unholy Night (2012) |
That's perfect for tears. | | [JP] 涙を伴うものだ Mr. Sandman (2013) |
But they have to be cautious. This stuff is risky! | | [JP] この件は危険が伴うのだ! Kabul Express (2006) |
Sometimes we must inspire others with a personal sacrifice. | | [JP] 時に 民衆を鼓舞するには 犠牲を伴うが End Times (2012) |
There are risks associated with innovation. | | [JP] 技術の革新には リスクが伴うんだ Lesser Evils (2012) |
The defendant then kicked the victim to the ground... leading to the victim sustaining severe cerebral contusions... which eventually proved fatal. | | [JP] (久利生) 口論の末 こぶしで殴るなどの暴行を加えたあと 同人を蹴り倒し 同人に対し 頭蓋骨陥没を伴う 頭部打撲傷などの傷害を負わせ Hero (2007) |
You risk losing the shop and your collateral. | | [JP] 店と担保を失うリスクを伴う Good Vibrations (2012) |
There are no rules with severe trauma of this kind. | | [JP] there are no rules with severe trauma 激しいトラウマに伴う規則が全くない of this kind この種類について Unknown (2011) |
Patient exhibits paranoia, delusional fantasies, hyperactivity, tendency towards violent outbursts. | | [JP] 過剰な妄想に伴う暴力性の増加 Corporal Punishment (2007) |
We wanna create jobs in his district. It's on the Delaware River. I thought we might be able to put a bill together. | | [JP] 経済成長を伴う 議案をまとめられる Chapter 6 (2013) |
Talking to people is extremely perilous. | | [JP] - 話すことは危険も伴う The Best Offer (2013) |
IN ORDER THAT WE CAN ADDRESS THINGS LIKE HAZARD BUMPS. | | [JP] 危険を伴うだけに それなりのものを要求させてください Haywire (2011) |
We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth. | | [JP] 我々を攻めるなら 相応のトラブルや 危険が伴うことを 教えてやればいい This Sorrowful Life (2013) |
Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous. | | [JP] それは強力で― いたずらに扱えば危険が伴う Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) |
I have to tell you the story that goes with it. | | [JP] それに伴う話をしなくちゃね Fugue in Red (2011) |
numerous ships with spinning rings of light. | | [JP] 回転する光の輪を伴うたくさんの宇宙船という Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
Oh. This business with Martin is a hell of a thing. | | [JP] oh this business with martin マーチンに伴うビジネスのthis is a hell of a thing how did he find you ? Unknown (2011) |
And i would always advise against that. | | [JP] だが危険も伴う The Dreamscape (2008) |
To be chosen to join its ranks is the highest of honors and the greatest of responsibilities. | | [JP] そこに加わる事は 最高の栄誉だ そして大きな責任も伴う Green Lantern (2011) |
Investing in a musical can be risky, but when a show hits, there's literally no limit to the return. | | [JP] ミュージカルへの投資には危険が伴う だけどヒットすれば 見返りは途轍もなく大きい Understudy (2012) |
Yeah, breakthroughs come from risk, and so do people in prison! | | [JP] ああ 革新はリスクを伴うんだよ それで みんな囚人になる! Splice (2009) |
Well, all good stories deserve embellishment. | | [JP] よい話には脚色が伴うものだ The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) |
That it comes with the highest of costs. | | [JP] 自由は最大の代償を伴う 300 (2006) |
Why does self-righteousness always go hand-in-hand... with resistance movements? | | [JP] なぜ レジスタンスは 常に独善主義を伴うの? The East (2013) |
So why does this idea make their Bible-clutching fingers twitch with excitement, hmm? | | [JP] 何故このような思想が 聖書信者を 強く引きつけるのか 興奮を伴うほどの ものなのか... Get Gellar (2011) |
I'd accept full responsibility for all my actions, but let's face it, you gave me hormones. | | [JP] 行動に伴う責任は 負うつもりですが ホルモンを授けたのは 神様ですよ Excision (2012) |
After losing Ethan, it's a risk. | | [JP] イーサンを失った今 危険を伴うわ The Other Woman (2008) |
To be chosen to join its ranks is the highest of honors and the greatest of responsibilities. | | [JP] 選ばれる事は 最高の栄誉であり... 大きな責任を伴う Green Lantern (2011) |
99% chance you won't get out safely. | | [JP] 犠牲を伴うのは避けられんぞ Cat City (1986) |
This game was designed to hurt. | | [JP] このゲームは痛みを伴う Sherlock Holmes (2009) |
The place to which we journey tonight is extremely dangerous | | [JP] 今夜の旅は非常な危険が伴う Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) |
And we are treacherous. | | [JP] 大いなる危険が伴うのですから Gladiator (2000) |
Blurred vision, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, unfortunately, are all documented long-term side effects of serious cocaine abuse. | | [JP] 視界不良や妄想 幻聴は すべて― 重度のコカイン乱用に 伴う症状なんでね Tastes Like a Ho-Ho (2007) |
For every action, there is a reaction. | | [JP] "作用には反作用が伴う" The Choice (2012) |
Chemotherapy's an option, but it's very risky. | | [JP] 化学療法も考えられるが 大きな危険を伴う My First Mister (2001) |
It's as painful as it is untreatable. | | [JP] 治療不能で 痛みを伴う You Do It to Yourself (2012) |
It is a dangerous job. | | [JP] 危険を伴う仕事だもんね Serpent's Tooth (2011) |
There is a price to be paid when asking for the public's help. | | [JP] 大衆の力を借りれば 代償を伴うことになるわ Litmus (2004) |
Actions have consequences, Nikita. | | [JP] 行動には結果が伴う Consequences (2012) |
In which case, the vomiting would have come first. Neither diagnosis is inconsistent with haemorrhagic fever. | | [JP] 共にウィルス性出血熱で起こり 激しい嘔吐を伴う Chimera (2007) |
It's gonna be dangerous, so we all need to play our parts perfectly. | | [JP] 作戦には大きな危険が伴う 各自の役割を完璧に Pound of Flesh (2010) |
Listen, I need you to remember that there are consequences for the choices we make. | | [JP] でも忘れないで 自分の行動には 責任が伴うって事 Concordia (2011) |
So the fever that brought on the dreams | | [JP] 夢に伴う発熱ですが Complications (2008) |