I'm not even saying that I'll apply to be a carer. | | [JP] まだ介護者の 志願もしてない Never Let Me Go (2010) |
By the time Ruth and Tommy actually did separate, my carer training had already begun. | | [JP] その後 ルースとトミーは別れた 私の介護者としての訓練が 始まっていた Never Let Me Go (2010) |
His carer said he'd be waiting outside. | | [JP] 介護者が "外で待ってる" って Never Let Me Go (2010) |
Many carers find themselves just going through the motions, waiting for the day that they can stop and become donors. | | [JP] 介護者は 患者の行動が理解できる ドナーが死に 提供者になるまで Never Let Me Go (2010) |
I heard. One of the carers who worked there. | | [JP] そこの介護者から Never Let Me Go (2010) |
Cancer survivors are often grateful to their caregivers. | | [JP] 癌を克服した人達が 介護者に 感謝することは よくあるわ Ruddy Cheeks (2012) |
For me, the real test of being a carer is when a donor completes earlier than expected. | | [JP] 私にとって 介護者としての仕事は ドナーの手術が 早く終了した時 Never Let Me Go (2010) |
You're Hannah's carer, aren't you? | | [JP] ハンナさんの介護者は あなた? Never Let Me Go (2010) |
Carers and donors have achieved so much. | | [JP] 介護者と臓器提供者は 達成感も ひとしお Never Let Me Go (2010) |
During our stay there, we were told that some of us would be permitted to volunteer as carers. | | [JP] そこでの滞在に 介護者の志願が 許可されボランティアに Never Let Me Go (2010) |
We're caregivers here at the Serenity Falls Institution, not murderers. | | [JP] 私たちはセレニティ・ホールズの 介護者であって 殺人者じゃない Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (2016) |
I want to be a carer. | | [JP] 介護者になりたい Never Let Me Go (2010) |
No more recovery centers. No more carers. | | [JP] 回復センターも 介護者もウンザリ Never Let Me Go (2010) |
I always knew you'd be a good carer. | | [JP] いい介護者ね Never Let Me Go (2010) |
But for the most part, being a carer has suited me fine. | | [JP] でも介護者も 悪くなかった Never Let Me Go (2010) |
Well, I know I wouldn't have been a very good carer, but in a way I actually think I'm quite a good donor. | | [JP] 良い介護者じゃないけど ボクは良いドナーさ Never Let Me Go (2010) |
Well, you know that Rod and Chrissie have been thinking of applying to be carers, so they've been learning how to drive. | | [JP] 知ってるでしょ 彼ら 介護者を選ぼうと 運転を練習してる Never Let Me Go (2010) |