- End of thread one. Thread two. | | [JP] スレッド2. Source Code (2011) |
And also, everybody should put their charm bracelets on now. | | [JP] 全員 "お守りブレスレッド" 着用 R.I.P.D. (2013) |
Thredson's loose. | | [JP] スレッドソンが居ないんだね The Name Game (2013) |
It's Oliver Thredson. Are you in? Dr. Arden? | | [JP] オリバー・スレッドソンです いらっしゃいますか? Dr. The Name Game (2013) |
It was Thredson. | | [JP] スレッドソンなのよ Unholy Night (2012) |
The tiresome Dr. Thredson. | | [JP] 面倒な Dr. スレッドソンです Tricks and Treats (2012) |
Kathy and Dale Slaasted. | | [JP] キャシーとデール・スラスレッドよ Nebraska (2013) |
Just need the first thread. | | [JP] ただ最初のスレッドが必要です Point of Origin (2014) |
Memory thread one. | | [JP] メモリ・スレッド1. Source Code (2011) |
Dr. Thredson, you are but a guest in our institution. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソン あなたはこの施設では 客じゃないの Tricks and Treats (2012) |
Including the elderly couple who lived in the house formerly owned by Oliver Thredson. | | [JP] オリバー・スレッドソンが 以前住んでいた家に住む 老夫婦も含まれます Madness Ends (2013) |
Dr. Thredson... you are my last hope. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソン あなたが最後の希望です Nor'easter (2012) |
Dr. Thredson! | | [JP] スレッドソン先生! I Am Anne Frank: Part 2 (2012) |
Dr. Thredson? | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンですか? I Am Anne Frank: Part 2 (2012) |
Mr. Walker, Dr. Oliver Thredson. | | [JP] Mr. ウォーカー Dr. オリバー・スレッドソンだ Tricks and Treats (2012) |
Dr. Thredson. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソン Tricks and Treats (2012) |
You guys need to talk to Dr. Thredson. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンと話すべきだ I Am Anne Frank: Part 2 (2012) |
Thredson-- they caught him? | | [JP] スレッドソンは捕まったの? Spilt Milk (2013) |
Dr. Thredson, he... he said some things that are starting to make sense. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンが言った事が 理に適っている様に思えて I Am Anne Frank: Part 1 (2012) |
Marcus Redman, you failed this city. | | [JP] マーカスレッドマン お前はこの都市を裏切った Honor Thy Father (2012) |
I'm Dr. Thredson, psychiatrist here. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソン ここの精神科医です Tricks and Treats (2012) |
You get one shot before your bracelet shuts it down. | | [JP] キミのブレスレッドが遮断する前に 少しは通話できるほどね。 The Magical Place (2014) |
- I'm talking about my tracking bracelet. - I got that. | | [JP] ・・・追跡ブレスレッドの話です。 The Bridge (2013) |
Stand by for thread one of alpha memory pattern. | | [JP] アルファ・メモリ・パターンの スレッドに備えよ. Source Code (2011) |
What's your endgame, Thredson? | | [JP] 結局どうしたい スレッドソン? Spilt Milk (2013) |
Dr. Thredson is on the cutting edge of psychiatric medicine. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンは 精神医学の最先端にいるの The Name Game (2013) |
Dr. Thredson is concerned for you and for your unborn child. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンはあなたと 赤ちゃんを心配しているのよ The Name Game (2013) |
But it occurs to me that if you want to implement multi-threading, you'd do better to use atomic variables. | | [JP] 君が望むならそれは発見できる マルチスレッドを実行する 原子変数を使えば君はもっとうまくやれる 2 Pi R (2013) |
So, these are 2, 000 thread-count- | | [JP] それは2000スレッドカウントの... Gone Girl (2014) |
Hey, Thredson, from what I hear, this is the closest you'll get to a girlfriend this quarter. | | [JP] おいスレッドソン 聞いたぞ これが今期のお前の ガールフレンド候補だってな The Origins of Monstrosity (2012) |
Oliver Thredson is Bloody Face. | | [JP] オリバー・スレッドソンが ブラッディ・フェイスなの Dark Cousin (2012) |
It was Thredson. | | [JP] スレッドソンだったの Dark Cousin (2012) |
I'm Dr. Oliver Thredson. | | [JP] Dr. オリバー・スレッドソンです Tricks and Treats (2012) |
Interesting you haven't mentioned Dr. Thredson once since you came in here. | | [JP] 面白いわ ここに来てから Dr. スレッドソンには The Coat Hanger (2012) |
You know, Dr. Thredson, let me remind you, your job here is to write a recommendation to the court regarding the sanity of one patient. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソン 確認しましょう あなたの仕事は 裁判所に勧告を書く事 Tricks and Treats (2012) |
- Where's Thredson? | | [JP] - スレッドソンはどこだ? I Am Anne Frank: Part 2 (2012) |
She claims that Dr. Thredson attacked her. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンに襲われたと 言い張ってるわ Dark Cousin (2012) |
Dr. Thredson took away. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンが持ち去った Dark Cousin (2012) |
Commander Thread, welcome to District 12. | | [JP] スレッド司令官 ようこそ 第12区へ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) |
It's Thredson. | | [JP] スレッドソンだ The Coat Hanger (2012) |
Dr. Thredson isn't here either. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンも居ません Dark Cousin (2012) |
- Dr. Thredson? | | [JP] - Dr. スレッドソン? I Am Anne Frank: Part 2 (2012) |
Find Dr. Thredson, send him here. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンをこちらに I Am Anne Frank: Part 2 (2012) |
Oliver Thredson was, to all appearances, a kindly figure, fatherly in his manner. | | [JP] 自然よりも残忍な何かを もたらした オリバー・スレッドソンは 外見上は 優しい物腰で Madness Ends (2013) |
- Is this a Red Flag exercise? | | [JP] - レッドフラグ演習だな? - スレッド1を終了する. Source Code (2011) |
Thredson residence. | | [JP] スレッドソンです The Origins of Monstrosity (2012) |
Hold on, look. Someone just posted to this thread. | | [JP] 待って 今誰かが スレッドに書き込んだ CMND:Crash (2015) |
I need Thredson to talk. | | [JP] どのみちスレッドソンには 話してもらうよ The Coat Hanger (2012) |
Dr. Thredson seems like he's on the up-and-up. | | [JP] Dr. スレッドソンは 真面目そうに見えます Nor'easter (2012) |