It's making me whole again. | | [JP] だんだんと身体が戻ってきた Hellraiser (1987) |
...another 20 at Romney Marsh. He's getting stronger all the time. | | [JP] ...彼はいつでもだんだん強くなる。 Solomon Kane (2009) |
I'll read myself to sleep. | | [JP] 読書しながら だんだん眠くなろう The Mamiya Brothers (2006) |
It's starting to become a bit tedious here. | | [JP] ここで過ごすのも だんだん退屈になってきたからね Where in the World is Carmine O'Brien? (2011) |
Now I begin to understand! | | [JP] だんだん分かってくる Wings of Desire (1987) |
It keeps getting better. Nice state of affairs! | | [JP] だんだん良くなってきたわ 気分も良いわ 8 Women (2002) |
Get up under there. It's all good for you. | | [JP] だんだん下に持っていって― Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003) |
It didn't start off so bad. | | [JP] まだそんなに悪くなかったし でもだんだん Black Swan (2009) |
Now feel yourselves getting sleepier and sleepier, and let the darkness drift further and further away. | | [JP] だんだん眠くなる 闇が次第に 遠ざかってゆく... Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) |
Now his wife is getting sore. | | [JP] 女房はだんだん イラついてくる Chinatown (1974) |
The trout goes upstream step by step! | | [JP] カタツムリがだんだん 低木を通っているんだ! RRRrrrr!!! (2004) |
Gradually, as my chorus takes shape, | | [JP] だんだんとコーラスが形になると The Chorus (2004) |
Here is this well planned, well orchestrated attempt, to squelch human potential and still, our brilliance shines through. | | [JP] 2週間くらいインフルエンザにかかっていたような気分でしたが、 だんだん分かって来ました。 人間の可能性を押し潰そうとする、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
I guess I'm getting kind of used to you. | | [JP] だんだん あんたに慣れてきたよ Detour (1945) |
I've found, over the years, that nothing clears up a difficult case so much as stating it to another person. | | [JP] だんだんわかってきたんだ 捜査の事を別の人物に 話すことほど 難事件を解決するものは ない Child Predator (2012) |
He was getting in shape, working out. | | [JP] 彼 運動して だんだん スタイルも良くなってた Not One Red Cent (2012) |
Your hands are strained! | | [JP] だんだん手が緊張して きたわよ The Mirror (1975) |
I mean, the girl... girl just started flippin' out on him. | | [JP] 彼女 だんだん・・・ 興奮してしまって War of the Roses (2012) |
Your abbreviations are becoming borderline indecipherable. | | [JP] あなたの略語って だんだん解読不可能に なってきてる The Rat Race (2012) |
It gets shakier by the minute. | | [JP] だんだん不安になってきた The Magic Hour (2008) |
But... during the course of the flight, more and more granules will get sucked into the filter, clogging it and starving the engine of fuel mid-flight, regardless of the extra weight of Hank Gerrard's body. | | [JP] しかし 飛行中に だんだん細かい粒がフィルターに 吸い込まれて 詰まってしまい ハンク・ジェラルドの死体のせいで Flight Risk (2012) |
What becomes more and more important... is to be known. | | [JP] "むしろだんだん 大切になってくるのは..." "知られているという事" The Bridges of Madison County (1995) |
Better. I know how to catch them. | | [JP] だんだんね 犯人の追い込み方は わかってる His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts (2012) |
I'm starting to resent you. | | [JP] だんだん あんたに腹が立ってきた Black Cherry (2012) |
It's getting heavier. | | [JP] だんだん酷くなってる The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) |
- She's getting so hard to control... | | [JP] - だんだん言うことを聞かなく... Splice (2009) |
I tried to be pleasant... but my head began to hurt from his banality. | | [JP] "相づちを打ってたが..." "だんだん頭痛がしてきた" Se7en (1995) |
Since the beginning of our plan, time has just been ticking away, and I've begun to feel uneasy. | | [JP] ♪♪~ <作戦を開始してから ただ 時間だけが過ぎていき→ わたしは だんだんと 焦り始めていました> Episode #1.1 (2007) |
This is classic stuff. It grows on you. | | [JP] だんだん好きになるはずだ My First Mister (2001) |
Sounds like a thriller! | | [JP] だんだん本格的になってきましたね The Gentle Twelve (1991) |
J Cub, I'm beginning to think you are an ASSHOLE! | | [JP] だんだん腹が立ってきたぜ Bear Devil (2012) |
I'm really starting to like this guy. | | [JP] だんだん彼のこと好きになってきたわ Bear Trap: Part Two (2012) |
You done got so comfortable with yourself you done built up a reputation. | | [JP] だんだん調子が出てきたら使うんだ Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003) |
- They're getting ambitious. | | [JP] - 彼ら だんだん大胆になってきてる Not One Red Cent (2012) |
Then you make your move. You slide around on her. | | [JP] だんだん動かしていく・・・ Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003) |
And quiet... and peaceful. | | [JP] そして だんだん静かになって 安らかになってくる Red, White and Blue (2013) |
I've been moving towards it my hole life. | | [JP] 俺はだんだん近づいちまって 127 Hours (2010) |
'Nine away from the consecutive game hitting record. ' Hi, Mr Marlowe. Kiss your five bucks goodbye, Georgie. | | [JP] 記録まであと9試合だ 5ドルは頂きだ 記録を破るぞ あと9試合 だんだん難しくなるぜ Farewell, My Lovely (1975) |
I'm starting to remember more and more who I am and who I was and the weapons I made. | | [JP] だんだん思い出してきた 自分が誰とか RED 2 (2013) |
And you're beginning to think that maybe my word is dubious. | | [JP] 君は だんだん僕の言葉が 疑わしくなってきてるんだろ Scarlet Ribbons (2011) |
They're growing on me. | | [JP] だんだん好きになってきたよ Not One Red Cent (2012) |
That desire grows stronger. | | [JP] だんだんその欲求が強くなってくる Negotiator: Mashita Masayoshi (2005) |
So the thing starts speeding up, so I jump off the moving train. | | [JP] だんだん速度が上って 列車から飛び降りたよ Confessions (2013) |
[ uneasy musical buildup ] | | [JP] [ 音楽がだんだん大きくなる ] Life in a Day (2011) |
She looks much worse than when we were at the cottage. | | [JP] だんだん 悪くなってるね Finding Neverland (2004) |
Look at your hands. | | [JP] 緊張が指先に 伝わっていくのよ 見てなさい 指がだんだん硬くなるわ The Mirror (1975) |
- Stuart, you're beginning to annoy me. | | [JP] - ステュー だんだんイラついて来たぜ Phone Booth (2002) |
Each one is getting softer... and heavier. | | [JP] ひとつひとつが だんだん穏やかになって どんどん重たくなってくる Red, White and Blue (2013) |
He had a tin leg made, but then a witch enchanted his axe, and he kept on cutting off the other parts of his body until he was all made of tin. | | [JP] ブリキの義足になっただけ でも魔女がオノに呪いをかけたので 反対の足も切ってしまい、だんだん全身がブリキに Return to Oz (1985) |
They`ll warm up to you. Don`t worry. | | [JP] だんだん分かってくれるよ。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) |