I don't know. From the looks of it, they want to sell me a Brooks Brothers franchise. All right, bye-bye. | | [JP] いや ブルックス・ブラザーズの スーツでも売られるのかな The Social Network (2010) |
Looks appetizing. | | [JP] ルックスおいしそうな。 Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) |
That yes, it was handsome, he/she worked in a supermarket. | | [JP] 貧乏だったが ルックスがよかったのさ Scarlet Street (1945) |
Donny G is an artist who happens to look like a supermodel. | | [JP] ダニーはアーチストだぞ! モデル並のルックスだぜ! Phone Booth (2002) |
It looks like a heart attack. | | [JP] それルックスは、心臓発作に合います。 Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) |
Modelling, to me, isn't just about being good-looking, or having a lot of fun and being really, really good-looking. | | [JP] 俺にとってモデルってのは ルックスの良さや 多くのファンに囲まれたり カッコいい生活だけじゃないんだ Zoolander (2001) |
My family came here with nothing. Just loads of charm, talent and great looks. | | [JP] この国でゼロから始めたんだ あったのは才能とルックスだけ Designated Target (2007) |
So, do you spend a lot of time working on these looks, thinking about them? | | [JP] それであなたは ルックスのことを考えるのに かなりの時間を費やしてるの? Zoolander (2001) |
Looks good. | | [JP] ルックスいいね。 Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) |
Not that! What are you talking about? I was talking about his looks! | | [JP] 違う ルックスのこと言ったの We Can Get Married If I Make It to the Koshien!? (2007) |
Turns out the only talent I have is getting people to like me. | | [JP] 結局 僕の武器は ルックスだけ She Spat at Me (2007) |
Look, if you would asked me, "What does she look like?" | | [JP] おい、もしお前が、 「彼女どんなルックス? 」って聞いて、 When Harry Met Sally... (1989) |