Because if they could not take the fire from us, it means he could not be burn the body even prime minister die. | | [CN] 在公元400年左右笈多王朝统治时就有了 Ages of Gold (2007) |
But the thing to remember is he's a protestor. | | [CN] 笈多科学家最先使用了数字零 Ages of Gold (2007) |
They become his first disciples and he tries his ideas out on them. | | [CN] 只提到了钱德拉 经过对笈多金币的分析,我们了解到 Ages of Gold (2007) |
I'll never hand them over to a scum like you! | | [CN] 我怎么样也不会把秘笈交给你这种 武林败类的 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
They possess the second manual which describes the cure! | | [CN] 因为下半部秘笈在他们手里 上面才有解毒之法 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
She sucks women's energy to increase her power. | | [CN] 她得到一本叫本玉女心經的邪門秘笈 採陰補陽的功力極高 Sex and Zen II (1996) |
Nobody knows quite why it's happened, but we think the trains are still running, so we'll see what happens. | | [CN] 当然这种想法只是神话,并非真实的历史 但是笈多王朝在这里的统治时期 Ages of Gold (2007) |
Here's the other manual | | [CN] 这个就是下半部秘笈 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
- Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, right. | | [CN] 笈多王朝统治时期这个城市复兴之前 Ages of Gold (2007) |
But actually they were after the ultimate Secrets held by Yu. | | [CN] 但真正的原因却是因为刘家荘有一本绝世武功秘笈 Out Live (2000) |
"and my ribs looked like a collapsed old shed. | | [CN] 是去寻找来自笈多世界的遗迹 Ages of Gold (2007) |
And the Buddha had come here to do what Indian holy men did, practising almost unbelievable austerities. | | [CN] 让我们能够一窥笈多帝国的巅峰时期 疆域从印度河流域到孟加拉湾 Ages of Gold (2007) |
Rationalists, sceptics, atheists. | | [CN] 但是在公元五世纪 笈多国王 Ages of Gold (2007) |
I've learnt everything. | | [CN] 他那本青天秘笈就在我这 我已经全学会了 Hail the Judge (1994) |
This cave, actually, is lovely, because you can know that the Buddha was in this cave. SETH: As you go into the cave, it's a little, sort of, lower in height in the beginning and then it gets deeper. | | [CN] 在野蛮人入侵和罗马帝国没落的笈多时代 Ages of Gold (2007) |
It's the Super Strike Palm of the Rosy book | | [CN] 是玫瑰秘笈里面的轰天雷 92 Legendary La Rose Noire (1992) |
Whoa, Nelly! | | [CN] "秘笈大公开" Toy Story 2 (1999) |
Even though I have the manual they captured my daughter | | [CN] 我虽然得到了秘笈 我的女儿却落在他们手畔 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
And there were those who said there were immutable laws of the cosmos and all change was illusory. | | [CN] 为了使阿约提亚成为罗摩之城 笈多王朝还把他们的王权 Ages of Gold (2007) |
Hand over the manuals | | [CN] 快点把阴极九玄真功的秘笈交出来 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
My source of power! | | [CN] 我的秘笈 Toy Story 2 (1999) |
By the morning, the Buddha had crystallised in his mind what he called the four noble truths. | | [CN] 笈多的艺术家为所有宗教创做了令人惊叹的雕塑 有些在任何艺术领域都无与伦比 Ages of Gold (2007) |
20 years ago, Master Li found 2 manuals on Jiu Xuan Force | | [CN] 十年前李家堡堡主从海外 得到两卷阴极九玄真功的秘笈 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
I've never shown these extraordinary texts. | | [CN] 你有福了 我的秘笈从来没让人欣赏过 The Miracle Fighters (1982) |
He wrote this sacred scroll. | | [CN] 这个包青天写了一本"青天秘笈" Hail the Judge (1994) |
In the hills above Rajgir, there's a little cave where the Buddha lived through the monsoon seasons. | | [CN] 不过笈多的科学家 也在研究可见的宇宙,如阿雅巴塔所阐明的 Ages of Gold (2007) |
But here's one man who sits under a tree, thinking, and changes the world. | | [CN] 像金币有手持罗摩金弓的 笈多国王一样 Ages of Gold (2007) |
He wanders, no possessions, on foot, begging, through the small world of the Iron Age kingdoms of the Ganges Plain. | | [CN] 笈多国王让他们的宫廷成为了 高文化,戏剧和文学的中心 那个时代有些最非凡的成就 Ages of Gold (2007) |
This is the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. It's priceless. | | [CN] 这本《如来神掌秘笈》是无价之宝 Kung Fu Hustle (2004) |
Principal of the Academy has given us the Lethal Heart technique | | [CN] 这本是空空大师交给我的秘笈 My Kung Fu Sweetheart (2006) |
You've learnt everything from the manual? | | [CN] 你已经练成了秘笈上面的真功? Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
When he reached the little Rubicon, clearly through the murky night... .. , appeared a mighty image of his country in distress... , ..grief in her face her white hair streaming from her tower-crowned head. | | [CN] 当他来到卢比肯河时, 透过黑暗的夜晚 ...笈笈可危的祖国, 罗马女神 清楚的显现在他眼前... ...她脸上充满了忧伤... Gods and Generals (2003) |
And on this spot, now marked by the great stupa, he gives what becomes known as the First Sermon. | | [CN] 这位钱德拉应该是旃陀罗笈多・维克拉姆二世 「钱德拉」柱子上写道, 「他英俊的面容如同满月 Ages of Gold (2007) |
There's a clue under the skirt! | | [CN] 裙底有秘笈 -裙底有秘笈呀! Love for All Seasons (2003) |
Here's the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. | | [CN] 我这里有本秘笈 Kung Fu Hustle (2004) |
Have you finished practised your secret collection? | | [CN] 你的壮阳秘笈练成了没有? Bu wen sao (1992) |
Did he learn from the manual? | | [CN] 难道他真的练成了秘笈上的 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
He killed my wife and snatched the second manual | | [CN] 暗杀我妻子,抢回秘笈的下半部 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
As I tried to reclaim the manual | | [CN] 我击败了他,正想抢回秘笈的时候 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
Down here at Crazy Gene's Used Airplanes, people think we're out of our minds... since we slashed the prices on our used C-123s. | | [CN] 籼笈正系于此疯狂吉恩用旧了的飞机身上... 在我们为这老旧的C—123运输机的价钱侃侃而谈时 也总有人会认为我们精神不正常萨 Air America (1990) |
when great empires were founded in India on these universal principles of peace and non-violence. | | [CN] 但在印度 一个伟大武士王朝,笈多王朝 击败了入侵的匈奴人 Ages of Gold (2007) |
I used to sit on this favorite chair and study. | | [CN] 你师兄我以前 都是坐在这张椅子上读秘笈 The Miracle Fighters (1982) |
- Yeah, 45 years. -45 years. | | [CN] 很明显,在笈多时代 Ages of Gold (2007) |
You do the rituals for the dead and you touch the dead, - you are very low caste. - Low caste. | | [CN] 一位伟大的笈多国王发现了这座传说中城市 Ages of Gold (2007) |
Uncle Chu, how do you make money? | | [CN] 朱伯伯,可不可以談談 你的發達秘笈? Mr. Cinema (2007) |
I know you want the other manual | | [CN] 我知道你很想得到下半部秘笈 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
So this is the place where the Buddha is believed to have sat and attained... Not believed, this is the place where he sat and attained enlightenment. | | [CN] 在笈多王朝旃陀罗笈多二世时期的情况 Ages of Gold (2007) |
This is the make-up technique written in our Rose Book | | [CN] 等你见识一下 我们玫瑰秘笈里面的易容术啦 92 Legendary La Rose Noire (1992) |
I left with the first manual | | [CN] 我拿了秘笈的上半的先走 Long Road to Gallantry (1984) |
For all the Buddhists from all over the world, this is the most sacred place for worship and veneration. | | [CN] 也就在罗马帝国的没落时期 这是一扇笈多时代的窗口 让我们了解了从未想像到的事情 Ages of Gold (2007) |